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  11. Moriguchi


Moriguchi Localisation : Country Japan, Prefecture Osaka.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Kadoma, Settsu and Suita.


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Moriguchi Demography

Information on the people and the population of Moriguchi.

Moriguchi Population141,849 inhabitants
Moriguchi Population Density11,142.9 /km² (28,860.0 /sq mi)

Moriguchi Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Moriguchi.

Moriguchi Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 34.7358, Longitude: 135.562
34° 44′ 9″ North, 135° 33′ 43″ East
Moriguchi Area1,273 hectares
12.73 km² (4.92 sq mi)
Moriguchi Altitude15 m (49 ft)
Moriguchi ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Moriguchi Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Moriguchi and the biggest cities of Japan.

Tokyo 390 kmYokohama 379 kmOsaka 7 km
Nagoya 132 kmFukuoka 492 kmKawasaki 387 km
Kōbe 35 kmKyōto 36 kmHiroshima 0 km
Chiba 425 kmKitakyushu 442 kmSakai 24 km closest

Moriguchi Map

Locate simply the city of Moriguchi through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Moriguchi Nearby cities and villages

Kadoma 2 kmSettsu 4.6 kmSuita 5.4 km
Daitō 6.2 kmShijōnawate 7.1 kmOsaka 7.2 km
Katano 12.3 kmMinoh 13.1 kmIkoma 13.6 km
Ikeda 14.8 kmAmagasaki 14.8 kmItami 15.4 km

Moriguchi Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Moriguchi has international agreements with its different pairings.

Moriguchi Zone

Time zone of Moriguchi.

Moriguchi Local time
Moriguchi Time zoneUTC +9:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Moriguchi Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Moriguchi.

Moriguchi Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Moriguchi.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
20 March22:01 - 04:05 - 10:0921:36 - 10:3421:06 - 11:03 20:37 - 11:33
21 March21:59 - 04:04 - 10:0921:34 - 10:3521:05 - 11:04 20:35 - 11:34
22 March21:58 - 04:04 - 10:1021:33 - 10:3521:04 - 11:05 20:34 - 11:35
23 March21:57 - 04:04 - 10:1121:32 - 10:3621:02 - 11:06 20:32 - 11:35
24 March21:55 - 04:04 - 10:1221:30 - 10:3721:01 - 11:06 20:31 - 11:36
25 March21:54 - 04:03 - 10:1321:29 - 10:3820:59 - 11:07 20:29 - 11:37
26 March21:53 - 04:03 - 10:1321:27 - 10:3920:58 - 11:08 20:28 - 11:38

Moriguchi Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Moriguchi classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Agora Osaka MoriguchiHotel Agora Osaka Moriguchi

Boasting a 12th-floor French restaurant & bar with city views, massage services and stylish decors, Hotel Agora Osaka Moriguchi (Formerly Moriguchi Royal Pines Hotel) is right next to Moriguchishi Train Station... view more
Hotel Guest House Bears MoriguchiGuest House Bears Moriguchi

Conveniently located a 5-minute walk away from Keihan Main Line Moriguchishi Train Station and the Keihan Department Store, Guest House Bears Moriguchi offers free Wi-Fi at both public areas and guest rooms... view more
¥JP 5800
Hotel Kishibe Station HotelKishibe Station Hotel

Kishibe Station Hotel is situated right next to Kishibe Railway Station, just a 10-minute train ride from Shin-Osaka Train Station. The spacious rooms include a private bathroom and free internet... view more
¥JP 5780
Hotel Hotel Keihan KyobashiHotel Keihan Kyobashi

Offering modern rooms with a flat-screen TV, Hotel Keihan Kyobashi is directly connected to Keihan Kyobashi train station. It houses 4 dining options and a shopping mall. Free Wi-Fi is available at the entire property... view more
¥JP 7990
Hotel Toyoko Inn Shin-Osaka-eki Higashi-guchiToyoko Inn Shin-Osaka-eki Higashi-guchi

Featuring chargeable massages, a launderette and rooms with free Wi-Fi, Toyoko Inn is a less than 10-minute walk from JR Shin-Osaka Station. It offers free-use lobby computers and a printer... view more
¥JP 5480
More Hotels »

Moriguchi Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Moriguchi and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Takahama Nuclear Power Plant 87.7 kmŌi Nuclear Power Plant 90 kmMihama Nuclear Power Plant 113.8 km

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