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Omaezaki Localisation : Country Japan, Prefecture Shizuoka.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Kikugawa, Makinohara and Kakegawa.


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Omaezaki Administration

Omaezaki Post code437-1692

Omaezaki Demography

Information on the people and the population of Omaezaki.

Omaezaki Population30,562 inhabitants
Omaezaki Population Density466.2 /km² (1,207.4 /sq mi)

Omaezaki Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Omaezaki.

Omaezaki Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 34.6381, Longitude: 138.128
34° 38′ 17″ North, 138° 7′ 41″ East
Omaezaki Area6,556 hectares
65.56 km² (25.31 sq mi)
Omaezaki Altitude16 m (52 ft)
Omaezaki ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Omaezaki Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Omaezaki and the biggest cities of Japan.

Tokyo 184 kmYokohama 163 kmOsaka 241 km
Nagoya 121 kmFukuoka 722 kmKawasaki 173 km
Kōbe 270 kmKyōto 220 kmHiroshima 0 km
Chiba 210 km closestKitakyushu 673 kmSakai 242 km

Omaezaki Map

Locate simply the city of Omaezaki through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Omaezaki Nearby cities and villages

Kikugawa 13.9 kmMakinohara 14.4 kmKakegawa 18.8 km

Omaezaki Zone

Time zone of Omaezaki.

Omaezaki Local time
Omaezaki Time zoneUTC +9:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Omaezaki Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Omaezaki.

Omaezaki Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Omaezaki.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
29 March21:38 - 03:52 - 10:0521:13 - 10:3120:43 - 11:00 20:13 - 11:31
30 March21:37 - 04:51 - 11:0621:12 - 11:3120:42 - 12:01 20:11 - 12:31
31 March22:35 - 04:51 - 11:0722:10 - 11:3221:40 - 12:02 21:10 - 12:32
1 April22:34 - 04:51 - 11:0822:09 - 11:3321:39 - 12:03 21:08 - 12:33
2 April22:33 - 04:51 - 11:0922:07 - 11:3421:37 - 12:04 21:07 - 12:34
3 April22:31 - 04:50 - 11:0922:06 - 11:3521:36 - 12:05 21:05 - 12:35
4 April22:30 - 04:50 - 11:1022:04 - 11:3621:34 - 12:06 21:04 - 12:36

Omaezaki Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Omaezaki classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Kuretake-INN OmaezakiKuretake-INN Omaezaki

Located 1 km from the sea promenade in Omaezaki, Kuretake-INN Omaezaki offers modern-style rooms. The property features free bicycle rental, outdoor bath and sauna, 24-hour desk and free parking on site... view more
¥JP 5000
Hotel Hotel Route-Inn OmaezakiHotel Route-Inn Omaezaki

Hotel Route-Inn Omaezaki offers a relaxing public bath and rooms with a video-on-demand system on the flat-screen TV. Guests can request in-room massages and enjoy fresh baked bread at the free breakfast buffet... view more
¥JP 5700
Hotel Business Hotel OjiroBusiness Hotel Ojiro

A 1-minute walk from the seashore, Business Hotel Ojiro offers free Wi-Fi throughout, a launderette and a restaurant specialising in Japanese seafood dishes. It’s a 30-minute drive from Shizuoka Airport... view more
¥JP 3675
Hotel KaigandooriKaigandoori

Overlooking Susuki Kaigan Beach, Kaigandori offers a terrace with sea views and Japanese dinners with fresh fish. The Japanese rooms have futon beds, a flat-screen TV and nature views... view more
Hotel Pension LyricalPension Lyrical

Located 1-minute from Sagara Sun Beach, Pension Lyrical is located by the waters of Suruga Bay. Wi-Fi is available at public areas and is free of charge. Lyrical Pension's rooms feature air conditioning, heating and a flat-screen TV... view more
¥JP 8000
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Omaezaki Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Omaezaki and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant 2.4 km  

Omaezaki Page

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