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Nur-Sultan Localisation : Country Kazakhstan.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Nur-Sultan.


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Nur-Sultan Administration

Nur-Sultan Post code10015

Nur-Sultan Demography

Information on the people and the population of Nur-Sultan.

Nur-Sultan Population1,078,362 inhabitants
Nur-Sultan Population Density0.0 /km² (0.0 /sq mi)

Nur-Sultan Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Nur-Sultan.

Nur-Sultan Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 51.1333, Longitude: 71.4333
51° 7′ 60″ North, 71° 25′ 60″ East
Nur-Sultan Area71,020,000,000 hectares
710,200,000.00 km² (274,209,753.00 sq mi)
Nur-Sultan Altitude343 m (1,125 ft)
Nur-Sultan ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Nur-Sultan Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Nur-Sultan and the biggest cities of Kazakhstan.

Almaty 969 kmShymkent 993 kmNur-Sultan 4 km closest
Karaganda 190 kmTaraz 918 kmAktobe 1008 km
Pavlodar 403 kmSemey 624 kmOskemen 801 km
Atyrau 1488 kmOral 1396 kmKostanay 581 km

Nur-Sultan Map

Locate simply the city of Nur-Sultan through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Nur-Sultan Nearby cities and villages

Nur-Sultan 3.7 km

Nur-Sultan Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Nur-Sultan has international agreements with its different pairings.

Nur-Sultan Zone

Time zone of Nur-Sultan.

Nur-Sultan Local time
Nur-Sultan Time zoneUTC +6:00 (Asia/Almaty)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Nur-Sultan Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Nur-Sultan.

Nur-Sultan Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Nur-Sultan.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
5 December04:01 - 08:04 - 12:0803:22 - 12:4702:40 - 13:29 02:00 - 14:09
6 December04:02 - 08:05 - 12:0803:23 - 12:4702:41 - 13:29 02:01 - 14:09
7 December04:03 - 08:05 - 12:0703:24 - 12:4602:42 - 13:29 02:02 - 14:09
8 December04:04 - 08:06 - 12:0703:25 - 12:4602:43 - 13:29 02:03 - 14:09
9 December04:06 - 08:06 - 12:0703:26 - 12:4602:44 - 13:29 02:04 - 14:09
10 December04:07 - 08:07 - 12:0703:27 - 12:4602:45 - 13:29 02:05 - 14:09
11 December04:08 - 08:07 - 12:0703:28 - 12:4602:46 - 13:29 02:05 - 14:09

Nur-Sultan Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Nur-Sultan classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Bayterek HotelBayterek Hotel

This hotel is located in the administrative centre of Astana, 500 metres from the Bayterek Monument. Free Wi-Fi and a 24-hour front desk are featured at Bayterek Hotel. The classic-style rooms offer warm-coloured interiors... view more
Hotel Diplomat Hotel and Business CenterDiplomat Hotel and Business Center

Located in the centre of Astana City, guests at this hotel enjoy a massage service, games room and trendy nightclub. Astana International Airport is only a 10-minute drive away... view more
Hotel Belon-Lux HotelBelon-Lux Hotel

Located 3 minutes’ walk from Bayterek Monument in Astana, this hotel features free Wi-Fi and a 24-hour reception. It offers a café and air-conditioned rooms with a flat-screen TV... view more
Hotel Sky Luxe HotelSky Luxe Hotel

Located in Astana city, this hotel comes with a 24-hour reception and free Wi-Fi. Ak Orda Presidential Palace is 300 metres from the hotel. Astana Bayterek Tower is a 2-minute walk away... view more
Hotel VipHouse ApartmentsVipHouse Apartments
Located 5 minutes’ walk from the Round Square, these apartments are on the 38th floor of Severnoe Siyaniye Residential Complex in Astana. They feature free Wi-Fi and a kettle... view more
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Nur-Sultan Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Nur-Sultan and its surroundings.

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