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  11. Mombasa


Mombasa Localisation : Country Kenya, County Mombasa.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Mtwapa.


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Mombasa Demography

Information on the people and the population of Mombasa.

Mombasa Population1,208,333 inhabitants
Mombasa Population Density4,100.2 /km² (10,619.5 /sq mi)

Mombasa Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Mombasa.

Mombasa Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -4.05, Longitude: 39.6667
4° 3′ 0″ South, 39° 40′ 0″ East
Mombasa Area29,470 hectares
294.70 km² (113.78 sq mi)
Mombasa Altitude5 m (16 ft)
Mombasa ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: As)

Mombasa Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Mombasa and the biggest cities of Kenya.

Nairobi 441 kmKisumu 702 kmNakuru 580 km
Ruiru 442 kmEldoret 704 kmKikuyu 457 km
Kisii 662 kmThika 441 kmMeru 509 km
Kangundo-Tala 394 kmMalindi 105 km closestNaivasha 517 km

Mombasa Map

Locate simply the city of Mombasa through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Mombasa Nearby cities and villages

Mtwapa 14.1 km

Mombasa Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Mombasa has international agreements with its different pairings.

Mombasa Zone

Time zone of Mombasa.

Mombasa Local time
Mombasa Time zoneUTC +3:00 (Africa/Nairobi)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Mombasa Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Mombasa.

Mombasa Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Mombasa.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
13 January04:20 - 10:30 - 16:4003:57 - 17:0203:31 - 17:28 03:05 - 17:54
14 January04:20 - 10:30 - 16:4003:58 - 17:0203:32 - 17:28 03:06 - 17:54
15 January04:20 - 10:30 - 16:4003:58 - 17:0203:32 - 17:28 03:06 - 17:54
16 January04:21 - 10:31 - 16:4003:59 - 17:0303:33 - 17:29 03:07 - 17:55
17 January04:21 - 10:31 - 16:4103:59 - 17:0303:33 - 17:29 03:07 - 17:55
18 January04:22 - 10:31 - 16:4103:59 - 17:0303:34 - 17:29 03:08 - 17:55
19 January04:22 - 10:32 - 16:4104:00 - 17:0303:34 - 17:29 03:08 - 17:55

Mombasa Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Mombasa classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Best Western Plus Creekside HotelBest Western Plus Creekside Hotel

Featuring a swimming pool, a fitness centre, and a garden with a waterfall, fountain and fishpond, BEST WESTERN PLUS Creekside Hotel is situated along Tudor Creek in Mombasa. It has views of the river and the Indian Ocean... view more
$US 115
Hotel New Palm Tree HotelNew Palm Tree Hotel
New Palm Tree Hotel offers air-conditioned rooms in a central location in Mombasa, 600 metres from Fort Jesus. It features a spacious courtyard with surrounding covered veranda, a coffee shop and free Wi-Fi throughout... view more
$US 33
Hotel Nyali VillaNyali Villa

Situated in a quiet and secure gated complex, Nyali Villa, offers a garden and private, covered parking. The holiday home is just 800 metres from Nyali Golf Club and 2 km from Nyali Beach... view more
$US 500
Hotel Makwetu ResortsMakwetu Resorts
Makwetu Resorts is located on the North Coast of Mombasa, just a 5-minute walk from the beach and within 2 km from Nyali Golf Club. It features an outdoor swimming pool and a garden... view more
$US 105
Hotel Leinmach Guest House, NyaliLeinmach Guest House, Nyali
Leinmach Guest House, Nyali offers rooms with private balcony overlooking the pool. This family run accommodation features a fully equipped kitchen and is surrounded by tropical gardens. Nyali Beach is 500 metres away... view more
$US 42
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Mombasa Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Mombasa and its surroundings.

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