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Betzdorf Localisation : Country Luxembourg, District Grevenmacher, Canton Grevenmacher.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Flaxweiler, Biwer and Grevenmacher.


Find all the information of Betzdorf or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Official language
  • Luxembourgish : Betzdorf
  • French : Betzdorf
  • German : Betzdorf

Betzdorf Administration

Betzdorf Post code6922
Betzdorf MayorMarie-Josée Frank

Betzdorf Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Betzdorf? Here are all the details of Betzdorf available below.

Betzdorf Postal address11 rue du Château
6922 Berg
Betzdorf Phone number7700491
International: +352 7700491
Betzdorf Fax number77 00 82
International: +352 77 00 82
Betzdorf Email address[email protected]
Betzdorf Websitewww.betzdorf.lu/fr/Pages/default.aspx
Betzdorf Birth certificate, Betzdorf Death certificate

Betzdorf Demography

Information on the people and the population of Betzdorf.

Betzdorf Population3,135 inhabitants
Betzdorf Population Density120.2 /km² (311.3 /sq mi)

Betzdorf Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Betzdorf.

Betzdorf Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 49.6875, Longitude: 6.34964
49° 41′ 15″ North, 6° 20′ 59″ East
Betzdorf Area2,608 hectares
26.08 km² (10.07 sq mi)
Betzdorf AltitudeMinimum 218 m, Maximum 358 m, Average 288 m
Betzdorf ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Betzdorf Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Betzdorf and the biggest cities of Luxembourg.

Luxembourg 18 km closestEsch-sur-Alzette 34 kmDifferdange 38 km
Dudelange 30 kmPétange 37 kmSanem 34 km
Hesperange 19 kmBettembourg 26 kmKäerjeng 35 km
Schifflange 32 kmKayl 32 kmEttelbruck 25 km

Betzdorf Map

Locate simply the city of Betzdorf through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Betzdorf Nearby cities and villages

Flaxweiler 2.4 kmBiwer 2.7 kmGrevenmacher 3.8 km
Manternach 5.8 kmGermany Wellen 6.4 kmBech 7.2 km
Junglinster 7.6 kmNiederanven 7.9 kmGermany Nittel 7.9 km
Germany Temmels 8.2 kmWormeldange 9.4 kmSchuttrange 9.5 km

Betzdorf Zone

Time zone of Betzdorf.

Betzdorf Local time
Betzdorf Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Luxembourg)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Betzdorf Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Betzdorf.

Betzdorf Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Betzdorf.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
13 February07:47 - 12:48 - 17:5007:14 - 18:2306:36 - 19:01 05:59 - 19:38
14 February07:45 - 12:48 - 17:5107:12 - 18:2506:34 - 19:02 05:57 - 19:39
15 February07:43 - 12:48 - 17:5307:10 - 18:2606:33 - 19:04 05:55 - 19:41
16 February07:41 - 12:48 - 17:5507:08 - 18:2806:31 - 19:05 05:54 - 19:42
17 February07:40 - 12:48 - 17:5707:07 - 18:2906:29 - 19:07 05:52 - 19:44
18 February07:38 - 12:48 - 17:5807:05 - 18:3106:27 - 19:08 05:50 - 19:46
19 February07:36 - 12:48 - 18:0007:03 - 18:3306:26 - 19:10 05:49 - 19:47

Betzdorf Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Betzdorf classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Simon's PlazaHotel Simon's Plaza

The modern Simon’s Plaza offers free Wi-Fi in its rooms and free parking, 300 meters from the A1 Luxumbourg-Trier motorway. There is a summer terrace for warm weather. All rooms have parquet floors and a bathroom with towel warmer... view more
€ 66
Hotel B&B Joy'sB&B Joy's
B&B Joy’s lies in the small village of Berbourg, at the edge of Bois de Berbourg forest. It offers 2 modern rooms with shared bathrooms, in-room breakfast and a communal terrace... view more
€ 64
Hotel Hotel ParmentierHotel Parmentier

The modern and intimate Hotel Parmentier is located in the charming village of Junglinster, 12 km from Luxumbourg city. The hotel has a special wine bar. All rooms are warmly decorated with modern furniture and a private bathroom... view more
€ 83
Hotel Légère Hotel LuxembourgLégère Hotel Luxembourg

Légère Hotel is a 15-minute drive from Luxembourg's historic centre. This design hotel features modern rooms and suites, free Wi-Fi and spa facilities including a gym and sauna... view more
€ 84
Hotel Best Western Euro Hotel GonderangeBest Western Euro Hotel Gonderange

Euro is situated on the edge of Grünewald in a peaceful setting, only 15 km from Luxembourg-Findel International Airport. All of the rooms at Euro Hotel have a minibar and a TV. They also include a private bathroom with a shower... view more
€ 69
More Hotels »

Betzdorf Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Betzdorf and its surroundings.

Bois de Biwer 1.7 kmBois de Biwer 1.7 kmBerger Grousseboesch 2.4 km
Berger Grousseboesch 2.4 kmBerger Grossen Busch 2.4 kmBerger Grossen Busch 2.4 km
Weidigerhof 3 kmFermes Weidig 3 kmWeidig 3 km
Fermes Weidig 3 kmWeydig 3 kmWeidigerhof 3 km
Weidig 3 kmWeydig 3 kmFerme Schorn 4.1 km
Schorenshof 4.1 kmSchorenshaff 4.1 kmSchorenshaff 4.1 km
Ferme Schorn 4.1 kmSchorenshof 4.1 kmBois de Berbourg 4.2 km
Bois de Berbourg 4.2 kmTumulus Tonn 4.2 kmTumulus Tonn 4.2 km
Houwald 4.3 kmHouwald 4.3 kmHohwald 4.3 km
Hohwald 4.3 kmKreuzbusch 5.2 kmKreuzbusch 5.2 km

Nuclear power plant

Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant 31.7 kmChooz Nuclear Power Plant 120.5 kmTihange Nuclear Power Station 121.5 km

Betzdorf Page

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DB-City.comBetzdorf 4.2/5 (2021-02-04 15:40:30)
  • Information
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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