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Country | Madagascar |
Antananarivo | |
Region | Analamanga |
Official language |
Antananarivo Administration
Antananarivo Post code | 101 |
Antananarivo Mayor | Naina Andriantsitohaina |
Antananarivo Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Antananarivo? Here are all the details of Antananarivo available below.
Antananarivo Postal address | Hôtel de Ville Analakely, porte 64 Madagasikara |
Antananarivo Phone number | 0331500419 International: +261 0331500419 |
Antananarivo Email address | Not available |
Antananarivo Website | |
Antananarivo Birth certificate, Antananarivo Death certificate |
Antananarivo Demography
Information on the people and the population of Antananarivo.
Antananarivo Population | 3,209,933 inhabitants |
Antananarivo Population Density | 37,759.5 /km² (97,796.6 /sq mi) |
Antananarivo Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Antananarivo.
Antananarivo Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -18.9141, Longitude: 47.5306 18° 54′ 51″ South, 47° 31′ 50″ East |
Antananarivo Area | 8,501 hectares 85.01 km² (32.82 sq mi) |
Antananarivo Altitude | 1,276 m (4,186 ft) |
Antananarivo Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwb) |
Antananarivo Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Antananarivo and the biggest cities of Madagascar.
Toamasina 215 km closest | Fihaonana 49 km closest | Morondava 370 km closest |
Antsiranana 763 km closest | Morafenobe 353 km closest | Miandrivazo 230 km closest |
Antsohihy 451 km closest | Mahafasa Centre 418 km closest | Manakara 364 km closest |
Ambatondrazaka 152 km closest | Antalaha 536 km closest | Antanifotsy 136 km closest |
Antananarivo Map
Locate simply the city of Antananarivo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Antananarivo Nearby cities and villages
Alarobia Vatosola 4.8 km | Ambohimangakely 7.4 km | Ankadikely Ilafy 7.7 km |
Ambatolampy 9 km | Sabotsy Namehana 9.2 km | Ambohitrimanjaka 11.3 km |
Ambohimalaza Miray 11.7 km | Talatamaty 12.2 km | Ambatomirahavavy 15.7 km |
Antananarivo Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Antananarivo has international agreements with its different pairings.
Antananarivo Zone
Time zone of Antananarivo.
Antananarivo Local time | |
Antananarivo Time zone | UTC +3:00 (Indian/Antananarivo) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Antananarivo Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Antananarivo.
Antananarivo Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Antananarivo.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
17 January | 03:26 - 10:00 - 16:33 | 03:02 - 16:57 | 02:34 - 17:25 | 02:05 - 17:54 |
18 January | 03:27 - 10:00 - 16:33 | 03:03 - 16:57 | 02:35 - 17:25 | 02:06 - 17:54 |
19 January | 03:27 - 10:00 - 16:33 | 03:04 - 16:57 | 02:36 - 17:25 | 02:07 - 17:53 |
20 January | 03:28 - 10:00 - 16:33 | 03:04 - 16:57 | 02:36 - 17:25 | 02:08 - 17:53 |
21 January | 03:28 - 10:01 - 16:33 | 03:05 - 16:56 | 02:37 - 17:24 | 02:08 - 17:53 |
22 January | 03:29 - 10:01 - 16:33 | 03:06 - 16:56 | 02:38 - 17:24 | 02:09 - 17:53 |
23 January | 03:30 - 10:01 - 16:33 | 03:06 - 16:56 | 02:38 - 17:24 | 02:10 - 17:52 |
Antananarivo Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Antananarivo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
La Residence Du Rova Antananarivo Located in Tananarive's historic Ambohijatovo district, this hotel is just 10 minutes' walk from the town centre. It offers a garden with a terrace overlooking the city and contemporary accommodation with a balcony... view more | ||
Hôtel Restaurant La Ribaudière Antananarivo The Hôtel la Ribaudière is located in the heart of Antananarivo, next to the Chamber of Commerce. It features massage treatments, an à la carte restaurant and free Wi-Fi throughout the property... view more | ||
TANA Hotel Antananarivo Set in the business district in the centre of Antananarivo, this 3-star hotel is just a 5-minute walk from the Presidential Palace. You can relax in the hot tub or enjoy a cocktail in the on-site bar... view more | ||
Radama Hotel Antananarivo Set in the city centre of Antananarivo, this 3-star hotel offers a bar with entertainment in the evening and provides an airport shuttle. It is 3 km from Tsimbazaza Zoo. Guest rooms are decorated in a typical Malagasy style... view more | ||
Hotel Brajas Antananarivo Hotel Brajas is located in the heart of Antananarivo, 10 minutes drive from Soarano Station. The hotel features a terrace, where guest can dine, and free Wi-Fi. All the air-conditioned rooms at Brajas have private bathroom with bath or shower... view more | ||
More Hotels » |
Antananarivo Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Antananarivo and its surroundings.
Antananarivo Page
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