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  11. Pimperna


Pimperna Localisation : Country Mali, Region Sikasso.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Altitude, Area and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Gongasso, Fama and Natien.


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Pimperna Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Pimperna.

Pimperna Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 11.4306, Longitude: -5.75417
11° 25′ 50″ North, 5° 45′ 15″ West
Pimperna Area16,100 hectares
161.00 km² (62.16 sq mi)
Pimperna Altitude364 m (1,194 ft)
Pimperna ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Pimperna Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Pimperna and the biggest cities of Mali.

Bamako 277 kmSégou 1326 kmKoutiala 111 km closest
Mopti 1128 kmNioro du Sahel 586 kmNiono 315 km
Markala 255 kmTimbuktu 1116 kmKolondieba 130 km
Gao 818 kmBougouni 189 kmAnsongo 825 km

Pimperna Map

Locate simply the city of Pimperna through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Pimperna Nearby cities and villages

Gongasso 12.1 kmFama 12.4 kmNatien 14.9 km
Diomaténé 15.3 kmKafouziéla 15.5 kmZangaradougou 17.5 km
Missirikoro 18.4 km

Pimperna Zone

Time zone of Pimperna.

Pimperna Local time
Pimperna Time zoneUTC +0:00 (Africa/Bamako)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Pimperna Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Pimperna.

Pimperna Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Pimperna.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
3 February07:46 - 13:36 - 19:2607:24 - 19:4806:59 - 20:14 06:34 - 20:39
4 February07:46 - 13:36 - 19:2707:24 - 19:4906:59 - 20:14 06:34 - 20:39
5 February07:46 - 13:37 - 19:2707:24 - 19:4906:59 - 20:14 06:34 - 20:39
6 February07:46 - 13:37 - 19:2707:24 - 19:4906:59 - 20:14 06:34 - 20:40
7 February07:46 - 13:37 - 19:2807:24 - 19:4906:59 - 20:15 06:34 - 20:40
8 February07:45 - 13:37 - 19:2807:24 - 19:5006:58 - 20:15 06:33 - 20:40
9 February07:45 - 13:37 - 19:2807:23 - 19:5006:58 - 20:15 06:33 - 20:40

Pimperna Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Pimperna classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hambe HotelHambe Hotel
Offering a la carte restaurant, Hambe Hotel is located in Ségou. Free Wi-Fi access is available. Rooms here will provide you with air conditioning and a seating area. Private bathrooms also come with a shower... view more
Hotel La Venise MalienneLa Venise Malienne
Set in the Kalaban Koura district, this bed and breakfast is 7 km from the centre of Bamako. It offers an airport shuttle service, which is free for long stays and deluxe rooms... view more
Hotel Laico Hôtel El Farouk BamakoLaico Hôtel El Farouk Bamako

Located in the centre of Bamako, this 5-star hotel is set on the banks of the Niger River. It features an outdoor pool in the landscaped garden and offers air-conditioned rooms... view more
Hotel Hôtel Doux Rêves - Koydol SeyoHôtel Doux Rêves - Koydol Seyo
Hôtel Doux Rêves - Koydol Seyo is located in Mopti just 1 km away from the city centre and just next to the Barema Bocoum Stadium. You can enjoy free Wi-Fi, a fan and air-conditioning in your room... view more
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Pimperna Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Pimperna and its surroundings.

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