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Gharghur Administration
Gharghur Code | 01524 |
Gharghur Post code | GHR |
Gharghur Mayor | Mario Gauci |
Gharghur Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Gharghur? Here are all the details of Gharghur available below.
Gharghur Postal address | Triq San Nikola Għargħur GHR 1162 Malta |
Gharghur Phone number | 2141 4111 International: +356 2141 4111 |
Gharghur Fax number | 2141 2626 International: +356 2141 2626 |
Gharghur Email address | [email protected] |
Gharghur Website | |
Gharghur Birth certificate, Gharghur Death certificate |
Gharghur Demography
Information on the people and the population of Gharghur.
Gharghur Population | 2,422 inhabitants |
Gharghur Population Density | 1,211.0 /km² (3,136.5 /sq mi) |
Gharghur Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Gharghur.
Gharghur Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 35.9239, Longitude: 14.452 35° 55′ 26″ North, 14° 27′ 7″ East |
Gharghur Area | 200 hectares 2.00 km² (0.77 sq mi) |
Gharghur Altitude | 124 m (407 ft) |
Gharghur Climate | Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa) |
Gharghur Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Gharghur and the biggest cities of Malta.
Birkirkara 3 km | Mosta 3 km | Ħal Qormi 5 km |
Ħaż-Żabbar 9 km | St. Paul's Bay 5 km | Sliema 5 km |
San Gwann 3 km | Naxxar 1 km closest | Il-Fgura 9 km |
Zebbug 6 km | Rabat 7 km | Zejtun 11 km |
Gharghur Map
Locate simply the city of Gharghur through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Gharghur Nearby cities and villages
Naxxar 1.2 km | Iklin 2.2 km | Lija 2.5 km |
Swieqi 2.5 km | Pembroke 2.6 km | Mosta 2.8 km |
Hal Balzan 2.9 km | San Gwann 2.9 km | Birkirkara 3.2 km |
St Julian's 3.5 km | Attard 3.7 km | Gzira 4.4 km |
Gharghur Zone
Time zone of Gharghur.
Gharghur Local time | |
Gharghur Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Malta) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Gharghur Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Gharghur.
Gharghur Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Gharghur.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
4 January | 07:12 - 12:07 - 17:01 | 06:44 - 17:29 | 06:12 - 18:01 | 05:41 - 18:32 |
5 January | 07:12 - 12:07 - 17:02 | 06:44 - 17:30 | 06:12 - 18:02 | 05:41 - 18:33 |
6 January | 07:12 - 12:08 - 17:03 | 06:44 - 17:31 | 06:13 - 18:03 | 05:41 - 18:34 |
7 January | 07:12 - 12:08 - 17:04 | 06:44 - 17:32 | 06:13 - 18:04 | 05:42 - 18:35 |
8 January | 07:12 - 12:08 - 17:05 | 06:44 - 17:33 | 06:13 - 18:04 | 05:42 - 18:35 |
9 January | 07:12 - 12:09 - 17:05 | 06:44 - 17:33 | 06:13 - 18:05 | 05:42 - 18:36 |
10 January | 07:12 - 12:09 - 17:06 | 06:44 - 17:34 | 06:13 - 18:06 | 05:42 - 18:37 |
Gharghur Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Gharghur classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Selmunett Luxury B&B Naxxar Selmunett B&B has a quiet setting on the edge of Naxxar, just a 10-minute drive from the beaches of St. Paul's Bay. The rooms all feature views of the garden as well as free Wi-Fi and an LCD TV... view more | from € 125 | |
Chapel 5 Palazzo Suites B&B Naxxar An 18th-century building set in Naxxar, on Malta Island, the Palazzo Suites B&B boasts an outdoor pool and a roof terrace where free power yoga lessons take place. Wi-Fi is free throughout... view more | from € 70 | |
Knights In Malta B&B Naxxar The Knights In Malta B&B is in Naxxar, 3 km from the historical town of Mosta. It offers a hot tub and traditionally furnished rooms with free Wi-Fi and limestone walls. Rooms at the Knights In Malta come with a balcony... view more | from € 59 | |
Sprachcaffe International Pembroke The Sprachcaffe is a tourist complex of unique Maltese architectural features, built in the early 20th century. Its gardens feature an outdoor swimming pool and a sandy volleyball court... view more | from € 10 | |
Green Grove Guest House Saint Julianʼs In a quiet residential area of St. Julians, this family-run guest house is a 5-minute walk from the lively nightlife district of Paceville. It offers air-conditioned rooms and an open-plan bar and restaurant... view more | from € 30 | |
More Hotels » |
Gharghur Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Gharghur and its surroundings.
Għargħur Church 0.1 km | Saint Bartolomeo 0.1 km | Chenār 0.4 km |
Tax-Xiħ 0.4 km | Gebel San Pietro 0.5 km | Jebel San Pietru 0.5 km |
Jebel San Pietro 0.5 km | Ġebel San Pietru 0.5 km | Birguma 0.5 km |
Gargur H. A. F. Battery 0.6 km | Gargur Battery 0.6 km | Għargħur Battery 0.6 km |
Il-Fanal 0.7 km | Il-Ġbejjen 0.9 km | San Paolo 0.9 km |
San Paul tat Tarja 0.9 km | San Pawl tat-Tarġa 0.9 km | San Paul tat Targia 0.9 km |
Ta’ San Pietru 1 km | Ir-Raba’ ta’ San Pietru 1 km | Għargħur 1 km |
Ix-Xwieki 1.1 km | Naxxar Gap 1.1 km | Nashar Gap 1.1 km |
Passo Nashar 1.1 km | Il-Magħtab 1.2 km | Ix-Xwiechi 1.2 km |
Ix-Xwieki 1.2 km | Kajjarrum 1.2 km | Il Gueidia 1.2 km |
Gharghur Page
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---|---| | Gharghur /5 (2010-02-22 01:00:00) |