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Luqa Administration
Luqa Code | 01133 |
Luqa Post code | LQA |
Luqa Mayor | John Schembri |
Luqa Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Luqa? Here are all the details of Luqa available below.
Luqa Postal address | 49, St. Paul Street Luqa LQA Malta |
Luqa Phone number | 2166 5533 International: +356 2166 5533 |
Luqa Fax number | 2166 5656 International: +356 2166 5656 |
Luqa Email address | [email protected] |
Luqa Website | |
Luqa Birth certificate, Luqa Death certificate |
Luqa Demography
Information on the people and the population of Luqa.
Luqa Population | 5,853 inhabitants |
Luqa Population Density | 873.6 /km² (2,262.6 /sq mi) |
Luqa Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Luqa.
Luqa Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 35.8597, Longitude: 14.4892 35° 51′ 35″ North, 14° 29′ 21″ East |
Luqa Area | 670 hectares 6.70 km² (2.59 sq mi) |
Luqa Altitude | 68 m (223 ft) |
Luqa Climate | Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa) |
Luqa Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Luqa and the biggest cities of Malta.
Birkirkara 5 km | Mosta 8 km | Ħal Qormi 3 km closest |
Ħaż-Żabbar 5 km | St. Paul's Bay 13 km | Sliema 6 km |
San Gwann 6 km | Naxxar 7 km | Il-Fgura 3 km |
Zebbug 5 km | Rabat 9 km | Zejtun 4 km |
Luqa Map
Locate simply the city of Luqa through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Luqa Nearby cities and villages
Luqa Zone
Time zone of Luqa.
Luqa Local time | |
Luqa Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Malta) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Luqa Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Luqa.
Luqa Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Luqa.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
13 January | 07:11 - 12:10 - 17:09 | 06:44 - 17:37 | 06:12 - 18:09 | 05:41 - 18:39 |
14 January | 07:11 - 12:11 - 17:10 | 06:43 - 17:38 | 06:12 - 18:09 | 05:41 - 18:40 |
15 January | 07:11 - 12:11 - 17:11 | 06:43 - 17:39 | 06:12 - 18:10 | 05:41 - 18:41 |
16 January | 07:11 - 12:11 - 17:12 | 06:43 - 17:40 | 06:12 - 18:11 | 05:41 - 18:42 |
17 January | 07:10 - 12:12 - 17:13 | 06:43 - 17:41 | 06:11 - 18:12 | 05:41 - 18:43 |
18 January | 07:10 - 12:12 - 17:14 | 06:42 - 17:42 | 06:11 - 18:13 | 05:40 - 18:44 |
19 January | 07:09 - 12:12 - 17:15 | 06:42 - 17:43 | 06:11 - 18:14 | 05:40 - 18:45 |
Luqa Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Luqa classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Bowyer House Tarxien Set in the small village of Tarxien in south Malta, Bowyer House dates back to the 16th century. It features a summer pool, a private chapel and a pretty internal courtyard with tables and chairs. Bowyer House is actually composed of 2 buildings... view more | from € 6 | |
The Burrow Host Family Bed & Breakfast Tarxien Set in a unique 15th-century house, this family-run B&B lies in the small village of Tarxien. The ancient Tarxien Temples are a 5-minute walk away. Rooms at The Burrow Host feature antique furnishings and exposed stone walls... view more | from € 25 | |
Domus Luxuria Qormi Set in the city centre of Malta's Qormi, Domus Luxuria is only 4 km from the Hal-Saflieni Hypogeum and Tarxien Megalithic temples. It offers a rooftop terrace with countryside views, free Wi-Fi throughout and a small courtyard... view more | from € 65 | |
Town House Qormi Offering free Wi-Fi, Town House is located in Qormi, 5.5 km from La Valletta. Malta International Airport is 3.5 km from the property, and a free shuttle service can be arranged... view more | from € 25 | |
Casa Rustika Żejtun Set in central Zejtun, just a 10-minute drive from the rocky beach of Peter's Pool, Casa Rustika is on the island of Malta. It offers a courtyard with table and chairs and typical rustic furnishings... view more | from € 100 | |
More Hotels » |
Luqa Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Luqa and its surroundings.
Saint Andrea Parish Church 0.1 km | Luqa Church 0.1 km | Ta’ San Tumas 0.5 km |
Luqa 0.7 km | Saint Bartholomew Hospital 0.9 km | Luqqa 1.1 km |
Luqa 1.1 km | Luqa Airport 1.1 km | Saint Vincent de Paule Hospital 1.2 km |
Saint Vincent de Paul Hospital 1.2 km | Tal-Lampat 1.3 km | Ta’ San Nikola 1.3 km |
Adolorata Cemetery 1.4 km | Addolorata Cemetery 1.4 km | Ċimiterju ta’ l-Addolorata 1.4 km |
Ta’ Sammat Industrial Estate 1.6 km | Ħuttaf Gandolf 1.7 km | Cuttalf Gandolf 1.7 km |
Gudja Church 1.7 km | Ħal Farruġ 1.7 km | Hal Farruj 1.7 km |
Tal-Mitħna 1.9 km | Hypogeum of Ħal Saflieni 1.9 km | Hypogeum 1.9 km |
Hypogeum Temples 1.9 km | Ta’ Luretu 2 km | Saint Lucia Church 2 km |
Tal-Froxx 2 km | Tarxien Church 2.1 km | Ta’ Faqqani 2.1 km |
Luqa Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Luqa /5 (2010-02-22 01:00:00) |