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Nextlalpan Administration
Nextlalpan Code | 059 |
Nextlalpan Post code | 55790 |
Nextlalpan Mayor | Elizabeth Mendoza Pérez |
Nextlalpan Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Nextlalpan? Here are all the details of Nextlalpan available below.
Nextlalpan Postal address | Av. Ayuntamiento Esquina Con C.P. 55790 Nextlalpan, Estado de México México |
Nextlalpan Phone number | 591 491 1515 International: +52 591 491 1515 |
Nextlalpan Email address | [email protected] |
Nextlalpan Website | |
Other information | Municipios de México : Nextlalpan |
Nextlalpan Birth certificate, Nextlalpan Death certificate |
Nextlalpan Demography
Information on the people and the population of Nextlalpan.
Nextlalpan Population | 1,039,867 inhabitants |
Nextlalpan Population Density | 24,473.2 /km² (63,385.3 /sq mi) |
Nextlalpan Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Nextlalpan.
Nextlalpan Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 19.717, Longitude: -99.067 19° 43′ 1″ North, 99° 4′ 1″ West |
Nextlalpan Area | 4,249 hectares 42.49 km² (16.41 sq mi) |
Nextlalpan Altitude | 2,239 m (7,346 ft) |
Nextlalpan Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwb) |
Nextlalpan Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Nextlalpan and the biggest cities of Mexico.
Mexico City 25 km | Ecatepec de Morelos 12 km closest | Tijuana 2289 km |
León 314 km | Puebla 118 km | Guadalajara 459 km |
Juárez 1529 km | Zapopan 466 km | Monterrey 675 km |
Mexicali 2174 km | Culiacán 1031 km | Mérida 996 km |
Nextlalpan Map
Locate simply the city of Nextlalpan through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Nextlalpan Nearby cities and villages
Tonanitla 3.5 km | Jaltenco 4.7 km | Tultepec 7.3 km |
Melchor Ocampo 8.2 km | Coacalco de Berriozábal 8.9 km | Zumpango 9.5 km |
Tecámac 10.4 km | Ecatepec de Morelos 12 km | Teoloyucan 12.3 km |
Cuautitlán 12.9 km | Tultitlán de Mariano Escobedo 13.3 km | Tizayuca 15.6 km |
Nextlalpan Zone
Time zone of Nextlalpan.
Nextlalpan Local time | |
Nextlalpan Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/Mexico_City) Summer time UTC -5:00 Winter time UTC -6:00 |
Nextlalpan Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Nextlalpan.
Nextlalpan Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Nextlalpan.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 14:13 - 19:44 - 01:15 | 13:49 - 01:39 | 13:22 - 02:06 | 12:55 - 02:33 |
12 January | 14:13 - 19:44 - 01:16 | 13:49 - 01:39 | 13:22 - 02:06 | 12:55 - 02:33 |
13 January | 14:13 - 19:45 - 01:16 | 13:49 - 01:40 | 13:22 - 02:07 | 12:56 - 02:34 |
14 January | 14:13 - 19:45 - 01:17 | 13:50 - 01:41 | 13:22 - 02:08 | 12:56 - 02:34 |
15 January | 14:13 - 19:45 - 01:18 | 13:50 - 01:41 | 13:23 - 02:08 | 12:56 - 02:35 |
16 January | 14:13 - 19:46 - 01:18 | 13:50 - 01:42 | 13:23 - 02:09 | 12:56 - 02:35 |
17 January | 14:13 - 19:46 - 01:19 | 13:50 - 01:42 | 13:23 - 02:09 | 12:56 - 02:36 |
Nextlalpan Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Nextlalpan classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
City Express Tepotzotlán Tepotzotlán Cityexpress Tepotzotlán is on the México-Querétaro Motorway, 2 km from Tepotzotlán. It offers a free shuttle service up to 10 km from the hotel, free Wi-Fi and free continental breakfast... view more | from $US 55 | |
Fiesta Inn Cuautitlan Tepotzotlán This hotel is located in the Plaza San Marcos Shopping Centre, on the Mexico-Querétaro Highway. It offers an outdoor pool, fitness centre and air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi... view more | from $US 100 | |
Meson del Rio Posada Mexiquense Tepotzotlán Featuring a terrace with garden and fountain, free parking and free Wi-Fi throughout, Meson del Rio Posada Mexiquense is located 5 minutes’ drive from Xochitla Nature Reserve. The rooms offer tiled floors, rustic décor and a seating area... view more | from $US 31 | |
Fiesta Inn Ecatepec Mexico City On the same site as Las Americas Mall, Fiesta Inn Ecatepec features an indoor swimming pool and fitness centre. The hotel is approximately 30 km from Mexico City. Free Wi-fi is available... view more | from $US 60 | |
Posada del Fraile Tepotzotlán Posada del Fraile is a small inn located in Tepotzotlan that features free Wi-Fi and parking. It is situated only a 5-minute walk from this magical village’s centre... view more | from $US 35 | |
More Hotels » |
Nextlalpan Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Nextlalpan and its surroundings.
Taitocan 1.7 km | Cajiga 3 km | Estación Cajica 3 km |
Santa Lucía 6.9 km | Santa Lucía 6.9 km | Tultepec 7.6 km |
Centro Nacional de Servicios de Diagnostico de Salud Animal 7.7 km | El Huérfano 8.3 km | Anáhuac 9 km |
Valle de México 9 km | Valley of Mexico 9 km | Cuenca de México 9 km |
Basin of México 9 km | Unidad Habitacional Santa Lucía 9.6 km | Lago 10.1 km |
Cartagena 10.7 km | Fraccionamiento Santa María 10.8 km | Estación Cartagena 11 km |
Cartagena 11 km | Fraccionamiento San Roque 11.5 km | Cuautitlán 11.9 km |
Cerro María Auxiliadora 12.4 km | Cerro Xolo 12.7 km | Chiconautla 12.8 km |
Coyotepec 14.2 km | Pico Tres Padres 14.5 km | Tres Padres 14.5 km |
Subestación Eléctrica Tizayuca 14.6 km | Reloj 14.7 km | Pico Moctezuma 14.8 km |
Nextlalpan Page
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