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  13. Moulay Bousselham

Moulay Bousselham

Moulay Bousselham Localisation : Country Morocco, Region Rabat-Salé-Kénitra, Province Kénitra.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Bahhara Oulad Ayad, Sidi Mohamed Lahmar and Houderrane.


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Official language
  • Arabic : مولاي بوسلهام
  • French : Moulay Bousselham

Moulay Bousselham Demography

Information on the people and the population of Moulay Bousselham.

Moulay Bousselham Population26,608 inhabitants

Moulay Bousselham Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Moulay Bousselham.

Moulay Bousselham Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 34.8786, Longitude: -6.29333
34° 52′ 43″ North, 6° 17′ 36″ West
Moulay Bousselham Altitude52 m (171 ft)
Moulay Bousselham ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Moulay Bousselham Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Moulay Bousselham and the biggest cities of Morocco.

Casablanca 195 kmFez 157 kmTangier 109 km
Marrakesh 394 kmSalé 104 kmRabat 107 km
Meknes 130 kmOujda 401 kmAgadir 585 km
Kenitra 75 km closestTétouan 114 kmTaourirt 316 km

Moulay Bousselham Map

Locate simply the city of Moulay Bousselham through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Moulay Bousselham Nearby cities and villages

Moulay Bousselham Zone

Time zone of Moulay Bousselham.

Moulay Bousselham Local time
Moulay Bousselham Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Africa/Casablanca)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Moulay Bousselham Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Moulay Bousselham.

Moulay Bousselham Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Moulay Bousselham.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
19 March07:29 - 13:32 - 19:3607:04 - 20:0106:35 - 20:30 06:05 - 21:00
20 March07:28 - 13:32 - 19:3607:03 - 20:0206:33 - 20:31 06:03 - 21:01
21 March07:26 - 13:32 - 19:3707:01 - 20:0206:32 - 20:32 06:02 - 21:02
22 March07:25 - 13:31 - 19:3807:00 - 20:0306:30 - 20:33 06:00 - 21:03
23 March07:24 - 13:31 - 19:3906:58 - 20:0406:29 - 20:33 05:59 - 21:03
24 March07:22 - 13:31 - 19:4006:57 - 20:0506:27 - 20:34 05:57 - 21:04
25 March07:21 - 13:31 - 19:4006:56 - 20:0606:26 - 20:35 05:56 - 21:05

Moulay Bousselham Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Moulay Bousselham classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel AssalamHotel Assalam

Hotel Assalam is located in Larache. Free Wi-Fi access is available. Rooms here will provide you with a TV, air conditioning and satellite channels. Private bathrooms also come with a shower... view more
€ 11
Hotel La Maison HauteLa Maison Haute

La Maison Haute is located in Larache. The property is 4 km from Lixus old city. Free Wi-Fi access is available in all areas. All units at La Maison Haute will provide guests with a seating area. Private bathrooms also come with a shower... view more
€ 55
Hotel Maison d'hotes BerbariMaison d'hotes Berbari
Situated in rural Morocco just 5 km from Atlantic swimming beaches, this eco-friendly guest house offers a natural setting complete with farm animals. Airport transfers from Tangier Airport can be arranged... view more
Hotel Seaview Flat Marina GolfSeaview Flat Marina Golf
The Seaview Flat Marina Golf is a self-catering apartment located in Asilah, just 3 minutes from Paradise Beach and 6 minutes from the Medina. Guests can enjoy the outdoor swimming pool and the terrace with deckchairs... view more
€ 35
Hotel Maison Rurale BelloutaMaison Rurale Bellouta
Located in Douar Bellouta, 27 km from Ouazzane, Maison Rurale Bellouta is a traditional-style guest house which offers a garden, a terrace and a traditional lounge with a fireplace... view more
€ 84
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Moulay Bousselham Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Moulay Bousselham and its surroundings.

Moulay Bousselham Page

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  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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