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Country | Netherlands |
Province | Groningen |
Groningen Administration
Groningen Code | 0014 |
Groningen Post code | 9700 |
Groningen Mayor | Koen Schuiling |
Groningen Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Groningen? Here are all the details of Groningen available below.
Groningen Postal address | Grote Markt 1, (Postbus 20001) 9700 PB GRONINGEN Nederland |
Groningen Phone number | (050) 367 91 11 International: +31 50 3679111 |
Groningen Email address | [email protected] |
Groningen Website | |
Other information | Steden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Groningen |
Groningen Birth certificate, Groningen Death certificate |
Groningen Demography
Information on the people and the population of Groningen.
Groningen Population | 192,985 inhabitants |
Groningen Population Density | 2,306.0 /km² (5,972.4 /sq mi) |
Groningen Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Groningen.
Groningen Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 53.2149, Longitude: 6.56776 53° 12′ 54″ North, 6° 34′ 4″ East |
Groningen Area | 8,369 hectares 83.69 km² (32.31 sq mi) |
Groningen Altitude | 9 m (30 ft) |
Groningen Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Groningen Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Groningen and the biggest cities of Netherlands.
Groningen Map
Locate simply the city of Groningen through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Groningen Nearby cities and villages
Haren, Groningen 5.2 km | Bedum 9.8 km | Ten Boer 11 km |
Zuidhorn 11.2 km | Leek, Groningen 13.2 km | Winsum 13.4 km |
Tynaarlo 15.6 km | Noordenveld 15.7 km | Slochteren 15.8 km |
Hoogezand-Sappemeer 15.9 km | Loppersum 17.7 km | Grootegast 19.5 km |
Groningen Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Groningen has international agreements with its different pairings.
Groningen Zone
Time zone of Groningen.
Groningen Local time | |
Groningen Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Groningen Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Groningen.
Groningen Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Groningen.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 08:43 - 12:41 - 16:40 | 08:02 - 17:21 | 07:18 - 18:05 | 06:36 - 18:46 |
12 January | 08:42 - 12:42 - 16:41 | 08:01 - 17:22 | 07:17 - 18:06 | 06:36 - 18:48 |
13 January | 08:41 - 12:42 - 16:43 | 08:01 - 17:23 | 07:17 - 18:07 | 06:35 - 18:49 |
14 January | 08:40 - 12:42 - 16:44 | 08:00 - 17:25 | 07:16 - 18:09 | 06:34 - 18:50 |
15 January | 08:39 - 12:43 - 16:46 | 07:59 - 17:26 | 07:15 - 18:10 | 06:34 - 18:52 |
16 January | 08:38 - 12:43 - 16:48 | 07:58 - 17:28 | 07:15 - 18:11 | 06:33 - 18:53 |
17 January | 08:37 - 12:43 - 16:49 | 07:57 - 17:29 | 07:14 - 18:13 | 06:32 - 18:54 |
Groningen Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Groningen classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Friesland Groningen Hotel Friesland is situated in the centre of Groningen, a 5-minute walk from the Grote Markt. There is free Wi-Fi access. The basic rooms have shared toilets and showers in the hallway... view more | from € 35 | |
Martini Hotel Centre Groningen Martini Hotel Centre lies in the centre of Groningen, featuring the WEEVA restaurant on-site. The Grote Markt and many restaurants and shops are within walking distance. The hotel rooms are cosy in style and have a private bathroom... view more | from € 60 | |
Hotel Schimmelpenninck Huys Groningen Hotel Schimmelpennick Huys is located in the heart of Groningen, in a beautiful city mansion. Sit out in the beautiful enclosed garden and benefit from free Wi-Fi. The hotel has well-kept rooms with a private bathroom... view more | from € 59 | |
Gelkingehof Apartments Groningen These spacious apartments in the centre of Groningen are situated around a peaceful courtyard, only 350 metres from the famous Martini Church... view more | from € 150 | |
Asgard Appartementen Groningen Situated in the historic city centre of Groningen and 400 metres from the main train station, Asgard Appartementen offers self-catering apartments overlooking the Groninger Museum. The Grote Markt Square is 1 km away... view more | from € 120 | |
More Hotels » |
Groningen Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Groningen and its surroundings.
Stadspark 2.1 km | Groningen Noord 2.4 km | Polder de Verbetering 2.9 km |
Grondzijl 3 km | Bangeweer 3.4 km | Polder Helpman 3.5 km |
Knarsrensweering 3.8 km | Polder de Driebond 3.9 km | Esserpolder 3.9 km |
Polder de Oude Held 4.1 km | Munster 4.3 km | Polder de Jonge Held 4.5 km |
De Maden 4.9 km | Peizerweering 5.1 km | Oostpolder 5.1 km |
Koningslaagte 5.1 km | Oosterpolder 5.2 km | De Bulten 5.3 km |
Rakken 5.4 km | De Mostardpot 5.5 km | Kleine Harkstederpolder 5.5 km |
Eelderwolderpolder 5.5 km | Kluivingsbos 5.6 km | Westerbroekster-Engelbertermolenpolder 5.7 km |
Polder de Zuidwending 6 km | Plattenburg 6.2 km | Weeringsbroeken 6.3 km |
Polder de Eendracht 6.3 km | Lage Land 6.4 km | Wolddeelen 6.4 km |
Nuclear power plant
Emsland Nuclear Power Plant 96.7 km | Unterweser Nuclear Power Plant 129.3 km |
Groningen Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Groningen /5 (2022-08-15 08:28:57) |