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  11. San Juan de Oriente

San Juan de Oriente

San Juan de Oriente Localisation : Country Nicaragua, Department Masaya.
Available Information : Postal address, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Niquinohomo, Catarina and Diria.


Find all the information of San Juan de Oriente or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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San Juan de Oriente Administration

San Juan de Oriente Post code42800

San Juan de Oriente Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of San Juan de Oriente? Here are all the details of San Juan de Oriente available below.

San Juan de Oriente Postal address42800 San Juan de Oriente
San Juan de Oriente Phone numberNot available
San Juan de Oriente Email addressNot available
San Juan de Oriente WebsiteNot available
Other informationMunicipios de Nicaragua : San Juan de Oriente
San Juan de Oriente Birth certificate, San Juan de Oriente Death certificate

San Juan de Oriente Demography

Information on the people and the population of San Juan de Oriente.

San Juan de Oriente Population4,734 inhabitants
San Juan de Oriente Population Density343.0 /km² (888.5 /sq mi)

San Juan de Oriente Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of San Juan de Oriente.

San Juan de Oriente Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 11.9, Longitude: -86.0833
11° 54′ 0″ North, 86° 4′ 60″ West
San Juan de Oriente Area1,380 hectares
13.80 km² (5.33 sq mi)
San Juan de Oriente Altitude453 m (1,486 ft)
San Juan de Oriente ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

San Juan de Oriente Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between San Juan de Oriente and the biggest cities of Nicaragua.

Managua 34 kmChinandega 141 kmLeón 105 km
Masaya 8 km closestMatagalpa 115 kmEstelí 135 km
Granada 14 kmTipitapa 33 kmJinotega 134 km
El Viejo 146 kmCiudad Sandino 40 kmNueva Guinea 180 km

San Juan de Oriente Map

Locate simply the city of San Juan de Oriente through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

San Juan de Oriente Nearby cities and villages

Niquinohomo 1.8 kmCatarina 1.9 kmDiria 4.1 km
Diriomo 5.2 kmNandasmo 5.2 kmMasatepe 7.5 km
Masaya 7.6 kmLa Paz de Carazo 10.8 kmLa Concepción 11.5 km
El Rosario 11.7 kmNindirí 12 kmSan Marcos 12.8 km

San Juan de Oriente Zone

Time zone of San Juan de Oriente.

San Juan de Oriente Local time
San Juan de Oriente Time zoneUTC -6:00 (America/Managua)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

San Juan de Oriente Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of San Juan de Oriente.

San Juan de Oriente Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to San Juan de Oriente.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
12 February13:06 - 18:58 - 00:5012:44 - 01:1212:19 - 01:37 11:54 - 02:02
13 February13:06 - 18:58 - 00:5012:44 - 01:1212:19 - 01:37 11:54 - 02:02
14 February13:05 - 18:58 - 00:5112:44 - 01:1212:19 - 01:37 11:54 - 02:02
15 February13:05 - 18:58 - 00:5112:43 - 01:1212:18 - 01:37 11:54 - 02:02
16 February13:05 - 18:58 - 00:5112:43 - 01:1312:18 - 01:38 11:53 - 02:02
17 February13:04 - 18:58 - 00:5112:43 - 01:1312:18 - 01:38 11:53 - 02:03
18 February13:04 - 18:58 - 00:5212:42 - 01:1312:17 - 01:38 11:53 - 02:03

San Juan de Oriente Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in San Juan de Oriente classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel The Villas at ApoyoThe Villas at Apoyo

Offering a beautiful setting on Lake Apoyo, The Villas at Apoyo features an outdoor swimming pool and well-equipped villas and apartments. Its restaurant serves traditional Nicaraguan dishes... view more
$US 95
Hotel Hacienda Puerta del Cielo Eco Lodge & SpaHacienda Puerta del Cielo Eco Lodge & Spa

This impressive property is located on a hilltop just outside the Masaya Volcano National Park. It offers an outdoor pool, hot tub and stylish rooms, all with amazing views... view more
$US 229
Hotel Hotel Ivania´sHotel Ivania´s

This air-conditioned hotel in the town of Mayasa features free Wi-Fi and is located only 850 metres from the local Central Park. Guests at Hotel Ivania enjoy complimentary breakfast and lush gardens... view more
$US 35
Hotel La Fortaleza Granada ResortLa Fortaleza Granada Resort
La Fortaleza Granada Resort is located a 10-minute drive from Granada Town Centre. It offers an on-site restaurant, spa and outdoor swimming pool. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout... view more
$US 50
Hotel Charly´s Guest HouseCharly´s Guest House
Charly’s Guest House is a property located in Granada that offers its guests an on-site German-style restaurant and is a short 15-minute walk from the town centre... view more
$US 40
More Hotels »

San Juan de Oriente Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in San Juan de Oriente and its surroundings.

San Juan de Oriente Page

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  • Information
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page