1. DB-City
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  3. Africa
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  5. West Africa
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  7. Niger
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  9. Zinder
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  11. Magaria


Département Magaria Localisation : Country Niger, Region Zinder.
Major cities : Magaria, Dantchiao, Kwaya, Sassoumbroum, Wacha, Yekoua and Bande.
Available Information : Population, Altitude and Climate.

Magaria Information

Find all the statistics and information Magaria or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.


Magaria Cities

List of all City of Magaria.

Magaria Data

Cities and villages7
Population130,707 inhabitants
Magaria 130,707 inhabitants
Magaria 130,707 inhabitants
Average altitude409 m (1,343 ft)
Time zoneUTC +1:00

Magaria Map

Locate easily Magaria using satellite images and map with or without relief below.

Magaria Climate

  1. Semi-arid climate 100 %

Magaria Page

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  • Climate
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