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  11. Los Santos

Los Santos

Los Santos Localisation : Country Panama, Province Los Santos.
Available Information : Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Guararé, Las Minas and Las Tablas.


Find all the information of Los Santos or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

ProvinceLos Santos

Los Santos Administration

Los Santos MayorEudocio Ernesto Pérez Flores

Los Santos Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Los Santos? Here are all the details of Los Santos available below.

Los Santos Phone number966-8211
International: +507 966-8211
Los Santos Fax number966-9421
International: +507 966-9421
Los Santos Email address[email protected]
Los Santos WebsiteNot available
Other informationDistritos de Panamá : Los Santos
Los Santos Birth certificate, Los Santos Death certificate

Los Santos Demography

Information on the people and the population of Los Santos.

Los Santos Population25,723 inhabitants
Los Santos Population Density59.4 /km² (153.9 /sq mi)

Los Santos Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Los Santos.

Los Santos Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 7.83333, Longitude: -80.3333
7° 49′ 60″ North, 80° 19′ 60″ West
Los Santos Area43,300 hectares
433.00 km² (167.18 sq mi)
Los Santos Altitude28 m (92 ft)
Los Santos ClimateTropical rainforest climate (Köppen climate classification: Af)

Los Santos Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Los Santos and the biggest cities of Panama.

Panama 157 kmSan Miguelito 162 kmArraiján 145 km
Colon 174 kmLa Chorrera 131 kmDavid 241 km
Changuinola 299 kmSantiago 76 kmPenonomé 76 km
Bugaba 262 kmBarú 284 kmAntón 65 km closest

Los Santos Map

Locate simply the city of Los Santos through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Los Santos Nearby cities and villages

Guararé 7.1 kmLas Minas 8.2 kmLas Tablas 9.2 km
Chitré 18.5 km

Los Santos Zone

Time zone of Los Santos.

Los Santos Local time
Los Santos Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/Panama)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Los Santos Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Los Santos.

Los Santos Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Los Santos.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
25 January12:40 - 18:33 - 00:2612:18 - 00:4811:53 - 01:14 11:28 - 01:39
26 January12:40 - 18:33 - 00:2712:19 - 00:4811:53 - 01:14 11:28 - 01:39
27 January12:40 - 18:34 - 00:2712:19 - 00:4911:53 - 01:14 11:28 - 01:39
28 January12:40 - 18:34 - 00:2712:19 - 00:4911:53 - 01:14 11:28 - 01:40
29 January12:40 - 18:34 - 00:2812:19 - 00:4911:53 - 01:15 11:28 - 01:40
30 January12:40 - 18:34 - 00:2812:19 - 00:5011:53 - 01:15 11:28 - 01:40
31 January12:40 - 18:34 - 00:2812:19 - 00:5011:54 - 01:15 11:28 - 01:40

Los Santos Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Los Santos classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hostel Las TablasHostel Las Tablas
Las Tablas
Hostel Las Tablas is located 2 km from Las Tablas Main Square. It features a furnished terrace with hammocks and free Wi-Fi access throughout. The rooms offer comfortable décor, tiled floors and air conditioning... view more
$US 45
Hotel Hotel Los GuayacanesHotel Los Guayacanes

Surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes and fruit trees, this Chitre resort hotel also houses a 24-hour casino and an outdoor restaurant. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel... view more
$US 155
Hotel Posada del MarPosada del Mar
Las Tablas
Posada del Mar is a property located in the beach front of Las Tablas area. It offers its guests continental breakfast for free and a terrace area to enjoy the sun and tropical views... view more
$US 70
Hotel Villa PelicanoVilla Pelicano
Las Tablas
Located right on El Uverito Beach, Villa Pelicano offers an outdoor pool with a hydromassage zone and air-conditioned rooms with garden or ocean views. Free breakfast and free Wi-Fi are included... view more
$US 131
Hotel Playa Venao Hotel ResortPlaya Venao Hotel Resort

Las Escobas del Venado
With an infinity-edge swimming pool, a spa and a fitness centre, this property is located right on the beautiful Pacific coast of Panama. Playa Venao Hotel Resort also features free Wi-Fi... view more
$US 180
More Hotels »

Los Santos Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Los Santos and its surroundings.

Loma Chumajal 1.9 kmCerro Grande 2.6 kmCerro Iguana 2.6 km
Cerro Flores 5.2 kmLomas del Jubital 5.5 kmCerro la Mesita 5.8 km
Cerro Santa Ana 5.8 kmPerales 6.6 kmCerro de la Cruz 6.7 km
Cerro Pedregoso 6.7 kmCerro el Jobo 7.4 kmCerro el Jardeo 7.4 km
Cerro La Obligación 7.6 kmLos Cerros de Perales 7.6 kmLoma el Pilón 7.6 km
Cerro Cerrezuela 7.8 kmCerro El Toro 7.8 kmLoma el Bebedero 7.8 km
Cerro Caratillo 9.2 kmCerro Grande 9.2 kmCerro Rial Viejo 9.4 km
Cerro Cañazas 9.5 kmCerro Gordo 9.5 kmLas Tablas Abajo 9.8 km
Cerro las Tetillas 9.9 kmCerro las Cabras 10 kmCerro Las Trancas 10 km
Cerro la Torre 11.2 kmCerro Elena 11.3 kmCerro el Cabro 11.3 km

Los Santos Page

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