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Country | Paraguay |
Department | Concepcion |
Horqueta Administration
Horqueta Mayor | Jorge Emiliano Urbieta Cuevas |
Horqueta Demography
Information on the people and the population of Horqueta.
Horqueta Population | 63,315 inhabitants |
Horqueta Population Density | 21.9 /km² (56.8 /sq mi) |
Horqueta Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Horqueta.
Horqueta Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -23.3442, Longitude: -57.0436 23° 20′ 39″ South, 57° 2′ 37″ West |
Horqueta Area | 288,900 hectares 2,889.00 km² (1,115.45 sq mi) |
Horqueta Altitude | 137 m (449 ft) |
Horqueta Climate | Tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw) |
Horqueta Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Horqueta and the biggest cities of Paraguay.
Asunción 224 km | Ciudad del Este 345 km | Luque 219 km |
San Lorenzo 227 km | Capiatá 227 km | Lambaré 229 km |
Fernando de la Mora 226 km | Limpio 208 km closest | Ñemby 234 km |
Encarnación 460 km | Caaguazú 257 km | Coronel Oviedo 242 km |
Horqueta Map
Locate simply the city of Horqueta through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Horqueta Zone
Time zone of Horqueta.
Horqueta Local time | |
Horqueta Time zone | UTC -4:00 (America/Asuncion) Summer time UTC -4:00 Winter time UTC -3:00 |
Horqueta Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Horqueta.
Horqueta Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Horqueta.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
6 January | 10:09 - 16:54 - 23:39 | 09:44 - 00:04 | 09:14 - 00:34 | 08:42 - 01:05 |
7 January | 10:09 - 16:54 - 23:39 | 09:44 - 00:04 | 09:14 - 00:34 | 08:43 - 01:05 |
8 January | 10:10 - 16:55 - 23:39 | 09:45 - 00:04 | 09:15 - 00:34 | 08:44 - 01:05 |
9 January | 10:11 - 16:55 - 23:39 | 09:46 - 00:04 | 09:16 - 00:34 | 08:45 - 01:05 |
10 January | 10:11 - 16:55 - 23:39 | 09:47 - 00:04 | 09:17 - 00:34 | 08:46 - 01:05 |
11 January | 10:12 - 16:56 - 23:39 | 09:47 - 00:04 | 09:18 - 00:34 | 08:47 - 01:05 |
12 January | 10:13 - 16:56 - 23:39 | 09:48 - 00:04 | 09:18 - 00:34 | 08:48 - 01:05 |
Horqueta Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Horqueta classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Concepcion Palace Hotel Concepción An outdoor swimming pool and comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi are offered in Concepción’s commercial area. A daily breakfast is served and guests can enjoy international cuisine at the on-site restaurant... view more | from $US 48 | |
Puerto Naranjahai Arroyos y Esteros Fully furnished bungalows with river views and air conditioning can be enjoyed in Arroyos y Esteros. Manduvira River is 200 metres away. Boat and bike rental tours can be arranged... view more | from $US 75 | |
Casita Feliz Limpio Featuring a 20.000 m2 garden full of trees and an outdoor swimming pool, Casita Feliz offers self-catering chalets with free Wi-Fi. Limpio city’s commercial centre is 2 km away... view more | ||
La Grappa Altos An outdoor swimming pool and a sauna room can be enjoyed in a quiet area 8 km off San Bernardino Beach. Airport shuttles and Wi-Fi are free. Massage sessions can be booked... view more | from $US 72 | |
Ruta Del Sol San Bernardino Featuring a garden with a swimming pool, a fitness centre and a tennis court, Ruta Del Sol offers air conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi only 8 km from San Bernardino. Breakfast is provided, and there is a restaurant... view more | from $US 55 | |
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Horqueta Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Horqueta and its surroundings.
Horqueta Page
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