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  9. Presidente Hayes

Presidente Hayes Information

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DepartmentPresidente Hayes
ISO 3166-2PY-15

Presidente Hayes Data

Cities and villages10
Population130,258 inhabitants
Villa Hayes 51,169 inhabitants
General José María Bruguez 3,376 inhabitants
Area13,298 km² (5,134.39 sq mi)
Teniente Primero Manuel Irala Fernández 13,278 km²
Villa Hayes 20.0 km²
Population Density9.8 /km² (25.4 /sq mi)
Villa Hayes 2,556 /km²
Teniente Primero Manuel Irala Fernández 2.1 /km²
Average altitude68 m (224 ft)
Time zoneUTC -4:00

Presidente Hayes Map

Locate easily Presidente Hayes using satellite images and map with or without relief below.

Presidente Hayes Climate

  1. Humid subtropical climate 78 %
  2. Tropical savanna climate 22 %

Presidente Hayes Page

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