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  11. Samal


Samal Localisation : Country Philippines, Davao del Norte.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Davao City.


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Samal Administration

Samal Post code8119

Samal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Samal.

Samal Population116,771 inhabitants
Samal Population Density387.6 /km² (1,003.8 /sq mi)

Samal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Samal.

Samal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 7.05, Longitude: 125.733
7° 3′ 0″ North, 125° 43′ 59″ East
Samal Area30,130 hectares
301.30 km² (116.33 sq mi)
Samal Altitude181 m (594 ft)
Samal ClimateTropical rainforest climate (Köppen climate classification: Af)

Samal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Samal and the biggest cities of Philippines.

Quezon City 947 km closestDavao City 16 km closestManila 988 km
Caloocan 991 km closestCebu City 408 km closestAntipolo 975 km
Taguig 976 km closestZamboanga City 406 km closestPasig 980 km closest
Valenzuela 997 km closestDasmariñas 965 kmGeneral Santos 122 km closest

Samal Map

Locate simply the city of Samal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Samal Nearby cities and villages

Davao City 15.7 km

Samal Zone

Time zone of Samal.

Samal Local time
Samal Time zoneUTC +8:00 (Asia/Manila)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Samal Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Samal.

Samal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Samal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
31 March23:35 - 05:41 - 11:4623:14 - 12:0722:50 - 12:31 22:26 - 12:56
1 April23:35 - 05:40 - 11:4623:14 - 12:0722:50 - 12:31 22:25 - 12:56
2 April23:34 - 05:40 - 11:4623:13 - 12:0722:49 - 12:31 22:25 - 12:56
3 April23:34 - 05:40 - 11:4623:13 - 12:0722:49 - 12:31 22:24 - 12:56
4 April23:33 - 05:40 - 11:4623:12 - 12:0722:48 - 12:31 22:24 - 12:56
5 April23:33 - 05:39 - 11:4623:12 - 12:0722:48 - 12:31 22:23 - 12:56
6 April23:32 - 05:39 - 11:4623:11 - 12:0722:47 - 12:31 22:23 - 12:55

Samal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Samal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Fernandez Beach and Garden ResortFernandez Beach and Garden Resort

This beachfront property offers simply furnished rooms just a 30-minute drive from Sasa Wharf. It features an outdoor swimming pool, restaurant and 24-hour reception. Wired internet access is available... view more
Php 1500
Hotel Chema's by the SeaChema's by the Sea

Nestled within tropical gardens, Chema's by the Sea Cottages provides charming, standalone cottages with thatched roofs and wood flooring. There is an outdoor swimming pool on site. Internet access is free in all areas... view more
Php 4750
Hotel Hof Gorei Beach Resort DavaoHof Gorei Beach Resort Davao

Located on Samal Island, Hof Gorei Resort features traditional bungalow accommodation. It has an outdoor pool, surrounded by tropical gardens with panoramic views of the Davao Gulf and Mount Apo... view more
Php 3500
Hotel Paradise Island Park & Beach ResortParadise Island Park & Beach Resort

Located at the beachfront, Paradise Island Resort features a private beach area where guests can enjoy a variety of water sport activities on site. Complimentary Wi-Fi is available and free private parking is provided... view more
Php 3125
Hotel Captain Hook's Red Parrot InnCaptain Hook's Red Parrot Inn

Capt. Hook's Red Parrot Inn is a beachfront property located on Samal Island’s Kaputian Beach. Featuring a bar and restaurant, it also provides massage services, tour arrangements, and free Wi-Fi... view more
Php 1200
More Hotels »

Samal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Samal and its surroundings.

Samal Page

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DB-City.comSamal 4.3/5 (2021-11-16 09:17:02)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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