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  11. Vigan


Vigan Localisation : Country Philippines, Ilocos Sur.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Bantay, San Vicente and Santa Catalina.


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Vigan Administration

Vigan Post code2700

Vigan Demography

Information on the people and the population of Vigan.

Vigan Population53,935 inhabitants
Vigan Population Density2,147.1 /km² (5,560.9 /sq mi)

Vigan Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Vigan.

Vigan Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 17.5747, Longitude: 120.387
17° 34′ 29″ North, 120° 23′ 13″ East
Vigan Area2,512 hectares
25.12 km² (9.70 sq mi)
Vigan Altitude18 m (59 ft)
Vigan ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Vigan Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Vigan and the biggest cities of Philippines.

Quezon City 375 km closestDavao City 1309 km closestManila 337 km
Caloocan 330 km closestCebu City 901 km closestAntipolo 343 km
Taguig 348 km closestZamboanga City 1211 km closestPasig 342 km closest
Valenzuela 326 km closestDasmariñas 366 kmGeneral Santos 1378 km closest

Vigan Map

Locate simply the city of Vigan through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Vigan Nearby cities and villages

Bantay 1 kmSan Vicente 2.3 kmSanta Catalina 3.2 km
Caoayan 4.8 kmSan Ildefonso 4.9 kmSanto Domingo 6.9 km
Santa 10.5 kmMagsingal 12.9 kmSan Quintin 14.6 km
Langiden 18.8 kmNarvacan 19.9 km

Vigan Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Vigan has international agreements with its different pairings.

Vigan Zone

Time zone of Vigan.

Vigan Local time
Vigan Time zoneUTC +8:00 (Asia/Manila)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Vigan Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Vigan.

Vigan Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Vigan.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
16 March23:05 - 05:07 - 11:0822:44 - 11:3022:18 - 11:55 21:53 - 12:20
17 March23:04 - 05:06 - 11:0822:43 - 11:3022:18 - 11:55 21:52 - 12:20
18 March23:04 - 05:06 - 11:0822:42 - 11:3022:17 - 11:55 21:52 - 12:21
19 March23:03 - 05:06 - 11:0922:41 - 11:3022:16 - 11:56 21:51 - 12:21
20 March23:02 - 05:05 - 11:0922:40 - 11:3122:15 - 11:56 21:50 - 12:21
21 March23:01 - 05:05 - 11:0922:40 - 11:3122:14 - 11:56 21:49 - 12:21
22 March23:00 - 05:05 - 11:0922:39 - 11:3122:14 - 11:56 21:48 - 12:21

Vigan Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Vigan classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Vigan Gordion HotelVigan Gordion Hotel

Gordion Hotel offers air-conditioned rooms one block from the cobblestone street of Crisologo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Offering free Wi-Fi and parking, it houses a bar and 2 restaurants... view more
Php 2600
Hotel Casa Rica HotelCasa Rica Hotel

Housed in a colonial building, Casa Rica Hotel operates a 24-hour front desk and offers comfortable non-smoking rooms with hot and cold shower. Free Wi-Fi access is available in the entire property... view more
Php 2200
Hotel Hotel ni AmongHotel ni Among

Located across the road from Vigan Convention Centre, Hotel ni Among is also conveniently situated within a 5-minute walk of Vigan’s bus terminal and public market. It houses an outdoor pool and offers free Wi-Fi access in its public areas... view more
Php 1900
Hotel OveMar Resort HotelOveMar Resort Hotel

Set amidst lush green lawns just 150 metres from the beach, OveMar Resort Hotel is situated within a 10-minute drive from the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Vigan City and a free shuttle service is provided... view more
Php 2000
Hotel Le Pram HotelLe Pram Hotel

Located within a 15-minute drive from Laoag International Airport, this non-smoking hotel provides complimentary two-way airport transfer for guests. Free Wi-Fi is available in its public areas, while private parking is provided at no charge... view more
Php 2000
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Vigan Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Vigan and its surroundings.

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