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Płock Localisation : Country Poland, Voivodeship Masovian, Powiat-city Płock.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Stara Biała, Słupno and Łąck.


Find all the information of Płock or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data


Płock Administration

Płock Post code09-400
Płock MayorAndrzej Nowakowski

Płock Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Płock? Here are all the details of Płock available below.

Płock Postal addressStary Rynek w Płocku 1
09-400 Płock
Płock Phone number24 367 15 55
International: +48 24 367 15 55
Płock Fax number24 262 85 13
International: +48 24 262 85 13
Płock Email address[email protected]
Płock Websitewww.plock.eu
Płock Birth certificate, Płock Death certificate

Płock Demography

Information on the people and the population of Płock.

Płock Population126,542 inhabitants
Płock Population Density1,437.3 /km² (3,722.7 /sq mi)

Płock Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Płock.

Płock Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.55, Longitude: 19.7
52° 33′ 0″ North, 19° 42′ 0″ East
Płock Area8,804 hectares
88.04 km² (33.99 sq mi)
Płock Altitude95 m (312 ft)
Płock ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Płock Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Płock and the biggest cities of Poland.

Warsaw 96 kmKraków 278 kmŁódź 87 km closest
Wrocław 244 kmPoznań 189 kmGdansk 214 km
Szczecin 360 kmBydgoszcz 131 kmLublin 245 km
Katowice 261 kmBiałystok 241 kmGdynia 230 km

Płock Map

Locate simply the city of Płock through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Płock Nearby cities and villages

Stara Biała 7.8 kmSłupno 10.6 kmŁąck 11.1 km
Radzanowo 13.1 kmBielsk 15.2 kmNowy Duninów 15.3 km
Gąbin 16.8 kmBrudzeń Duży 18.7 kmGozdowo 19.4 km

Płock Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Płock has international agreements with its different pairings.

Płock Zone

Time zone of Płock.

Płock Local time
Płock Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Warsaw)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Płock Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Płock.

Płock Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Płock.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
17 March05:49 - 11:49 - 17:4905:15 - 18:2204:35 - 19:03 03:54 - 19:44
18 March05:47 - 11:49 - 17:5005:13 - 18:2404:33 - 19:04 03:51 - 19:46
19 March05:45 - 11:48 - 17:5205:11 - 18:2604:30 - 19:06 03:48 - 19:48
20 March05:42 - 11:48 - 17:5405:08 - 18:2804:28 - 19:08 03:46 - 19:50
21 March05:40 - 11:48 - 17:5605:06 - 18:3004:25 - 19:10 03:43 - 19:53
22 March05:38 - 11:48 - 17:5705:04 - 18:3104:23 - 19:12 03:40 - 19:55
23 March05:35 - 11:47 - 17:5905:01 - 18:3304:20 - 19:14 03:38 - 19:57

Płock Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Płock classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel 1Hotel 1

This 2-star hotel is located within 2 km from Płock Old Town. It offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and 32” LCD TV with satellite channels. Free on-site parking is provided... view more
zł 100
Hotel Hotel HermanHotel Herman

Housed in a beautiful Art Nouveau building in the Old Town of Płock, Hotel Herman features bright, air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi and a flat-screen TV. A large, private parking is available in the internal courtyard of the hotel... view more
zł 199
Hotel Pokoje Hotelowe FigaroPokoje Hotelowe Figaro
Located in the centre of the city, 300 metres from the Płock Train Station and bus station, Pokoje Hotelowe Figaro feature bright, modern rooms with large bathrooms and free Wi-Fi. There is also a monitored, free parking... view more
zł 100
Hotel Motelik OlimpiaMotelik Olimpia
Motelik Olimpia is located just 200 metres from Płock Train Station and offers accommodation with a 24-hour front desk and Wi-Fi. Private parking free of charge is also provided. The rooms at Olimpia are simple yet functional... view more
zł 95
Hotel Brama 1882Brama 1882
Brama 1882 offers accommodation in apartments located in the very centre of Płock’s Old Town. They are individually decorated and come with free public parking. Each apartment features a seating area and a bathroom with a shower... view more
zł 180
More Hotels »

Płock Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Płock and its surroundings.

Plock 0 kmStacja Płock Radziwie 3.5 kmPłock Radziwie 3.5 km
Nadleśnictwo Łąck 10.1 kmStacja Łąck 10.8 kmNadleśnictwo Kowal 24.9 km

Płock Page

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