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  11. Alcoutim


Alcoutim Localisation : Country Portugal, District Faro.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Sanlúcar de Guadiana, El Granado and San Silvestre de Guzmán.


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Alcoutim Administration

Alcoutim CodeACT
Alcoutim Post code8970
Alcoutim MayorOsvaldo Gonçalves

Alcoutim Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Alcoutim? Here are all the details of Alcoutim available below.

Alcoutim Postal addressPRAÇA DO MUNICÍPIO. Nº 12
8970-066 - ALCOUTIM
Alcoutim Phone number281 546 104
International: +351 281 546 104
Alcoutim Fax number281 546 363
International: +351 281 546 363
Alcoutim Email address[email protected]
Alcoutim Websitewww.cm-alcoutim.pt
Other informationCâmara Municipal : Alcoutim
Alcoutim Birth certificate, Alcoutim Death certificate

Alcoutim Demography

Information on the people and the population of Alcoutim.

Alcoutim Population2,244 inhabitants
Alcoutim Population Density3.9 /km² (10.1 /sq mi)

Alcoutim Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Alcoutim.

Alcoutim Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 37.471, Longitude: -7.4727
37° 28′ 16″ North, 7° 28′ 22″ West
Alcoutim Area57,530 hectares
575.30 km² (222.12 sq mi)
Alcoutim Altitude11 m (36 ft)
Alcoutim ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Alcoutim Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Alcoutim and the biggest cities of Portugal.

Lisbon 200 kmSintra 224 kmVila Nova de Gaia 420 km
Oporto 421 kmCascais 219 kmLoures 212 km
Braga 462 kmAmadora 211 kmOeiras 211 km
Matosinhos 426 kmAlmada 200 kmSeixal 194 km closest

Alcoutim Map

Locate simply the city of Alcoutim through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Alcoutim Nearby cities and villages

Alcoutim Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Alcoutim has international agreements with its different pairings.

Alcoutim Zone

Time zone of Alcoutim.

Alcoutim Local time
Alcoutim Time zoneUTC +0:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Alcoutim Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Alcoutim.

Alcoutim Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Alcoutim.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
4 February08:30 - 13:43 - 18:5708:02 - 19:2407:31 - 19:55 07:01 - 20:26
5 February08:29 - 13:43 - 18:5808:02 - 19:2507:31 - 19:56 07:00 - 20:27
6 February08:28 - 13:43 - 18:5908:01 - 19:2607:30 - 19:57 06:59 - 20:28
7 February08:27 - 13:44 - 19:0008:00 - 19:2707:29 - 19:58 06:58 - 20:29
8 February08:26 - 13:44 - 19:0107:59 - 19:2807:28 - 19:59 06:57 - 20:30
9 February08:25 - 13:44 - 19:0207:58 - 19:2907:27 - 20:00 06:56 - 20:31
10 February08:24 - 13:44 - 19:0307:57 - 19:3007:26 - 20:01 06:56 - 20:32

Alcoutim Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Alcoutim classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Alojamento CentralAlojamento Central
Located in the historic village of Alcoutim, Alojamento Central offers 6 guest rooms with a private bathroom. Castle of Alcoutim and the banks of the Guadiana River are within a 5-minute walk away... view more
€ 30
Hotel Alcoutim Castle Alojamento LocalAlcoutim Castle Alojamento Local
Alcoutim Castle Alojamento Local features comfortable accommodation in the Algarve. The green areas of the Vale do Guadiana Natural Park are an 18-minute drive away and feature a number of hiking trails and picnic spots... view more
€ 30
Hotel Guerreiros do Rio HostelGuerreiros do Rio Hostel

The Hotel Guerreiros do Rio is a rural property located in Algarve, on the banks of the Guadiana River. It has a pool offering panoramic views of the area surrounded by a terrace and sun loungers... view more
€ 43
More Hotels »

Alcoutim Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Alcoutim and its surroundings.

Cerro do Padre António 1.7 kmCerro das Cevadas 2.8 kmCerro do Lobo 5.1 km
Cerro dos Pereiros 6.8 kmCerro Queimado 7.2 kmCerro da Eira do Lobo 9.1 km
Cerro dos Pedregais 9.1 kmCerro da Fome 9.7 kmCerro da Lagoa 9.7 km
Cerro dos Moinhos 9.9 kmCerro da Zurreira 10.1 kmCerro da Vinha 10.3 km
Cerros da Carvoeira 10.4 kmCerro do Malhadito 12.7 kmCerro Vermelho 13.1 km
Cabeço da Ameixoeira 15.5 kmCerro da Amendoeira 15.5 kmCerro do Pocilgo 16.2 km
Cerro da Cunca 17.8 kmCerro Malhão 18.5 kmCerro da Cruz 18.5 km
Cabeça da Vaca 18.6 kmCerro do Mouro 19.9 kmSerro do Gato 20.3 km
Cerro da Texugueira 20.5 kmCerro do Castelo 21 kmCerro da Oliveira do Corvo 21.2 km
Serra da Senhora do Amparo 21.3 kmPortela da Zambreira 21.3 kmCerro Alto 21.6 km

Alcoutim Page

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