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  11. Castro Marim

Castro Marim

Castro Marim Localisation : Country Portugal, District Faro.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ayamonte, Vila Real de Santo António and Isla Cristina.


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Castro Marim Administration

Castro Marim CodeCTM
Castro Marim Post code8950
Castro Marim MayorFrancisco Amaral

Castro Marim Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Castro Marim? Here are all the details of Castro Marim available below.

Castro Marim Postal addressR. DR. JOSÉ ALVES MOREIRA. 10
8950-138 - CASTRO MARIM
Castro Marim Phone number281 531 133
International: +351 281 531 133
Castro Marim Fax number281 531 134
International: +351 281 531 134
Castro Marim Email address[email protected]
Castro Marim Websitewww.cm-castromarim.pt
Other informationCâmara Municipal : Castro Marim
Castro Marim Birth certificate, Castro Marim Death certificate

Castro Marim Demography

Information on the people and the population of Castro Marim.

Castro Marim Population6,274 inhabitants
Castro Marim Population Density20.9 /km² (54.0 /sq mi)

Castro Marim Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Castro Marim.

Castro Marim Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 37.2175, Longitude: -7.44548
37° 13′ 3″ North, 7° 26′ 44″ West
Castro Marim Area30,090 hectares
300.90 km² (116.18 sq mi)
Castro Marim Altitude6 m (20 ft)
Castro Marim ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Castro Marim Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Castro Marim and the biggest cities of Portugal.

Lisbon 222 kmSintra 245 kmVila Nova de Gaia 448 km
Oporto 449 kmCascais 239 kmLoures 235 km
Braga 490 kmAmadora 232 kmOeiras 232 km
Matosinhos 454 kmAlmada 222 kmSeixal 216 km closest

Castro Marim Map

Locate simply the city of Castro Marim through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Castro Marim Nearby cities and villages

Castro Marim Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Castro Marim has international agreements with its different pairings.

Castro Marim Zone

Time zone of Castro Marim.

Castro Marim Local time
Castro Marim Time zoneUTC +0:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Castro Marim Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Castro Marim.

Castro Marim Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Castro Marim.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
29 January08:34 - 13:42 - 18:5108:07 - 19:1807:35 - 19:49 07:05 - 20:20
30 January08:33 - 13:43 - 18:5208:06 - 19:1907:35 - 19:50 07:04 - 20:21
31 January08:33 - 13:43 - 18:5308:05 - 19:2007:34 - 19:51 07:03 - 20:22
1 February08:32 - 13:43 - 18:5408:04 - 19:2107:33 - 19:52 07:03 - 20:23
2 February08:31 - 13:43 - 18:5508:04 - 19:2207:33 - 19:53 07:02 - 20:24
3 February08:30 - 13:43 - 18:5608:03 - 19:2307:32 - 19:54 07:01 - 20:25
4 February08:29 - 13:43 - 18:5708:02 - 19:2407:31 - 19:55 07:00 - 20:26

Castro Marim Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Castro Marim classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Villa Montecristo Castro MarimVilla Montecristo Castro Marim

Castro Marim
This semi-detached villa with private swimming pool is located on the Castro Marim Golf & Country Club in the Algarve, near the Spanish border. The villa is located on a dead-end street and borders the fairway of the 9th hole... view more
€ 168
Hotel Villa Golf Castro MarimVilla Golf Castro Marim
Castro Marim
Featuring a private swimming pool, a large garden and an outdoor dining area with BBQ facilities, Villa Golf Castro Marim is situated just 5 minutes from the Castro Marim Golf Course... view more
Hotel Castro Marim Golfe and Country ClubCastro Marim Golfe and Country Club

Castro Marim
Castro Marim Golfe and Country Club is a 230-hectare property in Castro Marim, with Atlantic Ocean and Guadiana river views. It offers self-contained villas with private or shared swimming pools... view more
€ 31
Hotel Sobral de BaixoSobral de Baixo
Castro Marim
Surrounded by 72 acres of farmland in Castro Marim, this property offers elegantly furnished apartments with a kitchenette and private patio. The gardens come with a large outdoor pool for refreshment... view more
€ 38
Hotel Castro Marim - Linked VillaCastro Marim - Linked Villa

Castro Marim
Luxury linked villa with private swimming pool, centrally located on the Castro Marim Golfe and Country Club. Your villa is well designed, fully equipped and tastefully decorated. The spacious living room has a fireplace... view more
€ 285
More Hotels »

Castro Marim Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Castro Marim and its surroundings.

Monte Gordo 3.8 kmCastro Marim 3.9 kmPinhal do Gancho 5.1 km
Banco do O’Bril 6.9 kmBanco do O’Brill 6.9 kmCacela 9.6 km
Santa Rita 13.5 kmCerro do Pocilgo 15.1 kmForte do Rato 18.9 km
Praia das Cascas 18.9 kmCerro do Cão 21.1 kmCerro da Cruz 21.2 km
Cerros da Carvoeira 22.3 kmCerro da Eira do Lobo 24 kmCerro dos Pedregais 24 km
Cerro do Major 25.2 kmCerro dos Pereiros 25.3 kmCerro do Corgarroz 25.8 km
Ilha de Tavira 25.9 kmCerro Queimado 27.5 kmCerro do Gorgo do Pereiro 28.5 km
Cerro da Zurreira 28.6 kmCerro do Padre António 29.8 kmCerro das Cevadas 30 km

Castro Marim Page

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