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Abrantes Localisation : Country Portugal, District Santarem.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Sardoal, Constância and Mação.


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Abrantes Administration

Abrantes CodeABT
Abrantes Post code2200
Abrantes MayorMaria do Céu Albuquerque

Abrantes Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Abrantes? Here are all the details of Abrantes available below.

Abrantes Postal addressPRAÇA RAIMUNDO SOARES
2200-366 - ABRANTES
Abrantes Phone number241 379 133
International: +351 241 379 133
Abrantes Fax number241 371 661
International: +351 241 371 661
Abrantes Email address[email protected]
Abrantes Websitecm-abrantes.pt
Other informationCâmara Municipal : Abrantes
Abrantes Birth certificate, Abrantes Death certificate

Abrantes Demography

Information on the people and the population of Abrantes.

Abrantes Population35,377 inhabitants
Abrantes Population Density49.5 /km² (128.2 /sq mi)

Abrantes Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Abrantes.

Abrantes Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 39.4644, Longitude: -8.19782
39° 27′ 52″ North, 8° 11′ 52″ West
Abrantes Area71,470 hectares
714.70 km² (275.95 sq mi)
Abrantes Altitude177 m (581 ft)
Abrantes ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Abrantes Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Abrantes and the biggest cities of Portugal.

Lisbon 117 kmSintra 127 kmVila Nova de Gaia 190 km
Oporto 191 kmCascais 136 kmLoures 109 km closest
Braga 233 kmAmadora 119 kmOeiras 128 km
Matosinhos 196 kmAlmada 120 kmSeixal 121 km

Abrantes Map

Locate simply the city of Abrantes through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Abrantes Nearby cities and villages

Sardoal 8.3 kmConstância 12.2 kmMação 19.8 km

Abrantes Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Abrantes has international agreements with its different pairings.

Abrantes Zone

Time zone of Abrantes.

Abrantes Local time
Abrantes Time zoneUTC +0:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Abrantes Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Abrantes.

Abrantes Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Abrantes.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
5 February08:35 - 13:46 - 18:5708:07 - 19:2507:35 - 19:57 07:04 - 20:29
6 February08:34 - 13:46 - 18:5808:06 - 19:2607:34 - 19:58 07:03 - 20:30
7 February08:33 - 13:46 - 19:0008:05 - 19:2807:33 - 19:59 07:02 - 20:31
8 February08:32 - 13:46 - 19:0108:04 - 19:2907:32 - 20:00 07:01 - 20:32
9 February08:31 - 13:46 - 19:0208:03 - 19:3007:31 - 20:01 07:00 - 20:33
10 February08:30 - 13:46 - 19:0308:02 - 19:3107:30 - 20:03 06:59 - 20:34
11 February08:29 - 13:46 - 19:0408:01 - 19:3207:29 - 20:04 06:58 - 20:35

Abrantes Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Abrantes classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel De Turismo De AbrantesHotel De Turismo De Abrantes

Hotel de Turismo is situated on a hill in the city of Abrantes, overlooking the Tagus River Valley. The hotel offers elegant rooms with satellite TV and a restaurant with panoramic valley views... view more
€ 38
Hotel Hotel Conforto LatinoHotel Conforto Latino

Located in the heart Abrantes and nestled amongst mountain and rural surroundings, Hotel Conforto Latino offers air-conditioned rooms with a balcony and Tagus River views. Castle of Abrantes is a 10-minute walk away... view more
€ 28
Hotel Quinta de Santa BarbaraQuinta de Santa Barbara
Located in Constância, this 15th century manor is surrounded by a rural landscape, gardened spaces, and an outdoor pool with panoramic views. Quinta de Santa Bárbara offers traditional decorated rooms with balconies, and a tennis court... view more
€ 45
Hotel Quinta do FeonixQuinta do Feonix
Quinta do Feonix is located in Martinchel, a 5-minute drive from Castelo de Bode. Nearby is Castelo do Bode Lake, where guests can go swimming, fishing, scuba diving, sailing or canoeing... view more
€ 65
Hotel Hotel Segredos De Vale MansoHotel Segredos De Vale Manso

Surrounded by green lawns, a salt-water pool, tennis and squash courts, Vale Manso is set in an elevated position overlooking the Lake Castelo de Bode. It features spa treatments and a gym... view more
€ 60
More Hotels »

Abrantes Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Abrantes and its surroundings.

Mouchão das Éguas 4.5 kmPinhal da Coelheira 6.1 kmMouriscas 8.7 km
Mata do Soares 10.9 kmAlto da Portela 11.8 kmAlto do Molha Pão 12.2 km
Serra de Lercas 12.5 kmAlvega-Ortiga 12.7 kmAlto de Dom Luís 14.7 km
Alto de Dom Luiz 14.7 kmSerra do Carvalhal 16 kmAlto do Mirante 16.4 km
Cabeço dos Rebelos 18.9 kmCabeço da Carregueira 19.3 kmSanta Cita 19.8 km
Curvaceiras 22.4 kmAlto de Matos Frade 22.8 kmAlto do Vale do Machoso 22.8 km
Alto do Vale de Colmeias 24.2 kmAlto do Pé da Travessa 24.3 kmAlto da Fonte Galega 24.6 km
Pinhal do Maia 24.7 kmCarrascal 25 kmVale da Bica 25.4 km
Porto da Cortiça 25.6 kmAlto de Carramoio 25.6 kmPinhal do Junco 25.7 km
Serra da Amêndoa 25.9 kmMontes das Barreiras 26.4 kmRocha do Vale Longo 26.6 km

Abrantes Page

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