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  11. Mondim de Basto

Mondim de Basto

Mondim de Basto Localisation : Country Portugal, District Vila Real.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Celorico de Basto, Cabeceiras de Basto and Ribeira de Pena.


Find all the information of Mondim de Basto or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

DistrictVila Real

Mondim de Basto Administration

Mondim de Basto CodeMDB
Mondim de Basto Post code4880
Mondim de Basto MayorHumberto Cerqueira

Mondim de Basto Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Mondim de Basto? Here are all the details of Mondim de Basto available below.

Mondim de Basto Postal addressLARGO DO CONDE DE VILA REAL
4880-236 - MONDIM DE BASTO
Mondim de Basto Phone number255 389 070
International: +351 255 389 070
Mondim de Basto Fax number255 389 078
International: +351 255 389 078
Mondim de Basto Email address[email protected]
Mondim de Basto Websitemunicipio.mondimdebasto.pt
Other informationCâmara Municipal : Mondim de Basto
Mondim de Basto Birth certificate, Mondim de Basto Death certificate

Mondim de Basto Demography

Information on the people and the population of Mondim de Basto.

Mondim de Basto Population6,985 inhabitants
Mondim de Basto Population Density40.6 /km² (105.1 /sq mi)

Mondim de Basto Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Mondim de Basto.

Mondim de Basto Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.4121, Longitude: -7.95291
41° 24′ 44″ North, 7° 57′ 10″ West
Mondim de Basto Area17,210 hectares
172.10 km² (66.45 sq mi)
Mondim de Basto Altitude192 m (630 ft)
Mondim de Basto ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb)

Mondim de Basto Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Mondim de Basto and the biggest cities of Portugal.

Lisbon 318 kmSintra 316 kmVila Nova de Gaia 65 km
Oporto 62 kmCascais 327 kmLoures 305 km
Braga 42 km closestAmadora 315 kmOeiras 324 km
Matosinhos 66 kmAlmada 321 kmSeixal 324 km

Mondim de Basto Map

Locate simply the city of Mondim de Basto through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Mondim de Basto Nearby cities and villages

Mondim de Basto Zone

Time zone of Mondim de Basto.

Mondim de Basto Local time
Mondim de Basto Time zoneUTC +0:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Mondim de Basto Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Mondim de Basto.

Mondim de Basto Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Mondim de Basto.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
26 January08:48 - 13:44 - 18:4008:18 - 19:1007:45 - 19:43 07:12 - 20:16
27 January08:47 - 13:44 - 18:4108:17 - 19:1107:44 - 19:44 07:11 - 20:17
28 January08:46 - 13:44 - 18:4208:17 - 19:1207:43 - 19:45 07:11 - 20:18
29 January08:45 - 13:44 - 18:4408:16 - 19:1307:43 - 19:46 07:10 - 20:19
30 January08:44 - 13:45 - 18:4508:15 - 19:1407:42 - 19:48 07:09 - 20:20
31 January08:43 - 13:45 - 18:4608:14 - 19:1507:41 - 19:49 07:08 - 20:21
1 February08:42 - 13:45 - 18:4808:13 - 19:1707:40 - 19:50 07:08 - 20:22

Mondim de Basto Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Mondim de Basto classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Mondim Hotel & SpaMondim Hotel & Spa

Mondim de Basto
Set in the heart of Mondim de Basto village, Mondim Hotel & Spa offers free access to the Spa with sauna and hot tub. There is a small fitness centre on site. Accommodations at Mondim Hotel range from apartments to double and twin rooms... view more
€ 40
Hotel Quinta do FundoQuinta do Fundo
Mondim de Basto
Located at a 5-minute drive from the Mondim de Basto centre, this northern Portugal farm features a swimming pool, green garden and a tennis court. The Quinta do Fundo has vineyards within its grounds... view more
Hotel Agua Hotels Mondim de BastoAgua Hotels Mondim de Basto

Mondim de Basto
Surrounded by a picturesque mountain landscape, this contemporary 4-star hotel is set on the banks of the River Tamega. Its outdoor, infinity pool offers views of the valley... view more
€ 30
Hotel Casa Do Barreiro De CimaCasa Do Barreiro De Cima
Mondim de Basto
Tranquil surroundings and a charming country atmosphere await guests at this guest house, tucked away on a property near the village of Parada de Atei... view more
€ 60
Hotel Casa do Campo de MolaresCasa do Campo de Molares
Celorico de Basto
Casa do Campo de Molares offers individually decorated rooms in a 17th Century manor house. It features an outdoor pool, sun terrace and an award winning garden. Mondim de Basto is a 10-minute drive away... view more
More Hotels »

Mondim de Basto Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Mondim de Basto and its surroundings.

Alto do Farinho 3.1 kmMonte do Corgo 3.5 kmMonte da Raza 4.4 km
Monte do Marco 5.3 kmLameira da Serra 6.6 kmSerra da Infesta 6.8 km
Serra da Meia Via 8.8 kmPlanalto de Bentozelo 8.9 kmSerra da Tontuça 9.2 km
Serra do Viso 9.5 kmSerra de Codeçoso 9.6 kmSerra de Moledo 9.9 km
Alto de Santa Cruz 10 kmAlto das Fontes 10 kmAlto dos Fojos 11.3 km
Alto do Sabugueiro 12.3 kmSerra de Quintela 12.3 kmSerra do Marco 12.5 km
Alto da Corda 12.7 kmAlto das Verejas 13 kmPlanalto do Vaqueiro 13.3 km
Monte de Barbosa 13.7 kmAlto da Armada 13.9 kmSerra da Penouta 14 km
Serra de Corgo 14.2 kmAlto da Cota 14.6 kmSerra de São Brás 15.2 km
Cabeço dos Tamões 17.2 kmAlto do Queiroal 17.8 kmSerra do Marão 18.3 km

Mondim de Basto Page

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DB-City.comMondim de Basto 4.2/5 (2021-03-16 22:26:09)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page