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  11. Wonju


Wonju Localisation : Country South Korea, Province Gangwon.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Hoengseong.


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Update data

CountrySouth Korea

Wonju Demography

Information on the people and the population of Wonju.

Wonju Population341,130 inhabitants
Wonju Population Density393.2 /km² (1,018.3 /sq mi)

Wonju Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Wonju.

Wonju Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 37.2784, Longitude: 127.919
37° 16′ 42″ North, 127° 55′ 8″ East
Wonju Area86,763 hectares
867.63 km² (334.99 sq mi)
Wonju Altitude212 m (696 ft)
Wonju ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dwa)

Wonju Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Wonju and the biggest cities of South Korea.

Seoul 89 kmBusan 256 kmIncheon 109 km
Daegu 175 kmDaejeon 120 kmGwangju 258 km
Suwon 80 kmUlsan 236 kmChangwon 240 km
Anseong 68 km closestAnsan 97 kmAnyang 87 km

Wonju Map

Locate simply the city of Wonju through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Wonju Nearby cities and villages

Hoengseong 17.8 km

Wonju Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Wonju has international agreements with its different pairings.

Wonju Zone

Time zone of Wonju.

Wonju Local time
Wonju Time zoneUTC +9:00 (Asia/Seoul)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Wonju Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Wonju.

Wonju Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Wonju.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
19 March22:33 - 04:36 - 10:3822:07 - 11:0421:37 - 11:35 21:06 - 12:05
20 March22:31 - 04:35 - 10:3922:05 - 11:0521:35 - 11:36 21:04 - 12:06
21 March22:30 - 04:35 - 10:4022:04 - 11:0621:33 - 11:37 21:03 - 12:07
22 March22:28 - 04:35 - 10:4122:02 - 11:0721:32 - 11:38 21:01 - 12:08
23 March22:27 - 04:34 - 10:4222:01 - 11:0821:30 - 11:38 20:59 - 12:09
24 March22:25 - 04:34 - 10:4321:59 - 11:0921:29 - 11:39 20:58 - 12:11
25 March22:24 - 04:34 - 10:4421:58 - 11:1021:27 - 11:40 20:56 - 12:12

Wonju Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Wonju classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Interburgo Hotel WonjuInterburgo Hotel Wonju

Interburgo Hotel offers 5-star accommodation in Wonju, just 4 km away from Wonju Train Station. The hotel features an indoor swimming lap pool, a sauna and a modern fitness centre. Wi-Fi is available at an extra charge throughout the hotel... view more
Hotel Chungju Grand HotelChungju Grand Hotel

Operating a 24-hour front desk, Chungju Grand Hotel is situated conveniently within 1 km from Chungju Train Station. Free Wi-Fi access is available in the entire property and complimentary parking is provided on site... view more
Hotel Hotel MirandaHotel Miranda

Located right opposite Anheung Lake, Hotel Miranda is also just a 5-minute walk from Icheon Bus Terminal, offering easy access to Seoul’s popular attractions. It has 2 restaurants, a business centre and free Wi-Fi... view more
Hotel Bariloche PensionBariloche Pension
Bariloche Pension is a charming eco-friendly guesthouse in Hongcheon, with a scenic garden, barbecue facilities and free Wi-Fi. It is a 10-minute drive from Hongcheon River and the ski sites at Daemyeong Vivaldi Park... view more
Hotel Mission MotelMission Motel
Offering rooms with complimentary Wi-Fi access, Mission Motel is within a 10-minute drive of Yangpyeong bus and train stations. A free pick-up service is provided at advance request... view more
More Hotels »

Wonju Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Wonju and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Uljin Nuclear Power Plant 131.4 km  

Wonju Page

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