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  11. Craiova


Craiova Localisation : Country Romania, Județ Dolj.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Şimnicu de Sus, Mischii and Gherceşti.


Find all the information of Craiova or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data


Craiova Administration

Craiova Post code200411
Craiova MayorAntonie Solomon

Craiova Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Craiova? Here are all the details of Craiova available below.

Craiova Postal addressAlexandru Ioan Cuza, nr.7
200411 Craiova
Craiova Phone number0251 416 235
International: +40 251 416 235
Craiova Fax number0251 411 561
International: +40 251 411 561
Craiova Email addressNot available
Craiova Websitewww.primariacraiova.ro
Craiova Birth certificate, Craiova Death certificate

Craiova Demography

Information on the people and the population of Craiova.

Craiova Population302,601 inhabitants
Craiova Population Density885.9 /km² (2,294.4 /sq mi)

Craiova Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Craiova.

Craiova Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 44.333, Longitude: 23.817
44° 19′ 59″ North, 23° 49′ 1″ East
Craiova Area34,159 hectares
341.59 km² (131.89 sq mi)
Craiova Altitude116 m (381 ft)
Craiova ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Craiova Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Craiova and the biggest cities of Romania.

Bucharest 182 kmIași 430 kmCluj-Napoca 271 km
Timişoara 258 kmConstanța 385 kmGalați 355 km
Brașov 203 kmPloiești 188 kmBrăila 343 km
Oradea 336 kmDobreşti 84 km closestBacău 348 km

Craiova Map

Locate simply the city of Craiova through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Craiova Nearby cities and villages

Şimnicu de Sus 5.7 kmMischii 6.2 kmGherceşti 6.9 km
Bucovăţ 7.6 kmPodari 9.6 kmCârcea 9.9 km
Işalniţa 10 kmPieleşti 10.6 kmBreasta 10.7 km
Malu Mare 11.8 kmRobăneşti 12.5 kmCosoveni 13.1 km

Craiova Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Craiova has international agreements with its different pairings.

Craiova Zone

Time zone of Craiova.

Craiova Local time
Craiova Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Europe/Bucharest)
Summer time UTC +3:00
Winter time UTC +2:00

Craiova Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Craiova.

Craiova Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Craiova.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
19 January06:54 - 11:35 - 16:1606:22 - 16:4805:47 - 17:23 05:12 - 17:58
20 January06:53 - 11:35 - 16:1706:22 - 16:4905:46 - 17:25 05:11 - 17:59
21 January06:53 - 11:36 - 16:1906:21 - 16:5005:45 - 17:26 05:11 - 18:00
22 January06:52 - 11:36 - 16:2006:20 - 16:5205:45 - 17:27 05:10 - 18:01
23 January06:51 - 11:36 - 16:2106:19 - 16:5305:44 - 17:28 05:10 - 18:03
24 January06:50 - 11:36 - 16:2306:19 - 16:5405:43 - 17:29 05:09 - 18:04
25 January06:49 - 11:37 - 16:2406:18 - 16:5505:43 - 17:31 05:08 - 18:05

Craiova Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Craiova classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel M.B.I. ApartmentsM.B.I. Apartments
Located in Craiova, M.B.I. Apartments is 500 metres from the Main Train Station. It offers apartments with air conditioning and free Wi-Fi. All apartments comprise a living room with a sofa bed, a flat-screen TV and a fully equipped kitchen... view more
€ 23
Hotel Apartament Piata GariiApartament Piata Garii
Apartament Piata Garii is located in Craiova, 600 metres from the railway station, and offers self-catered accommodation with air conditioning and WiFi internet... view more
€ 50
Hotel Hotel EuropecaHotel Europeca

Opened in 2007 and located in a residential area only 500 metres from the centre of Craiova, Europeca Hotel offers well-equipped rooms and a spacious restaurant... view more
€ 36
Hotel Hotel RextonHotel Rexton

Situated in Craiova, 500 metres from the city centre, Hotel Rexton offers modern air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. Traditional and international dishes are served in the in-house restaurant... view more
€ 77
Hotel Apartament RovineApartament Rovine
Set in the centre of Craiova, 1 km from the railway station, Apartament Rovine offers air-conditioned accommodation with free WiFi, a flat-screen cable TV with a home cinema system and a washing machine... view more
€ 35
More Hotels »

Craiova Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Craiova and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant 65.4 kmBelene Nuclear Power Plant 135 km 

Craiova Page

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