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  11. Ivanovo


Ivanovo Localisation : Country Russia, Oblast Ivanovo.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Bogorodskoye, Ново-Талицы and Чернореченский.


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Ivanovo Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ivanovo.

Ivanovo Population406,113 inhabitants
Ivanovo Population Density3,875.1 /km² (10,036.5 /sq mi)

Ivanovo Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ivanovo.

Ivanovo Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 57.0167, Longitude: 40.9833
57° 1′ 0″ North, 40° 58′ 60″ East
Ivanovo Area10,480 hectares
104.80 km² (40.46 sq mi)
Ivanovo Altitude123 m (404 ft)
Ivanovo ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Ivanovo Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ivanovo and the biggest cities of Russia.

Moscow 251 km closestSaint Petersburg 700 kmNovosibirsk 2579 km
Yekaterinburg 1188 kmNizhny Novgorod 2003 kmKazan 522 km
Chelyabinsk 1280 kmSamara 723 kmOmsk 2011 km
Rostov-on-Don 1092 kmKrasnoyarsk 3119 kmUfa 967 km

Ivanovo Map

Locate simply the city of Ivanovo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ivanovo Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Ivanovo has international agreements with its different pairings.

Ivanovo Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ivanovo.

Ivanovo Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ivanovo.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
27 January06:24 - 10:28 - 14:3305:40 - 15:1604:53 - 16:03 04:08 - 16:48
28 January06:22 - 10:29 - 14:3505:39 - 15:1804:52 - 16:05 04:07 - 16:50
29 January06:20 - 10:29 - 14:3805:37 - 15:2004:50 - 16:07 04:05 - 16:52
30 January06:18 - 10:29 - 14:4005:35 - 15:2204:49 - 16:09 04:04 - 16:54
31 January06:16 - 10:29 - 14:4205:33 - 15:2504:47 - 16:11 04:02 - 16:56
1 February06:14 - 10:29 - 14:4405:32 - 15:2704:45 - 16:13 04:01 - 16:57
2 February06:12 - 10:29 - 14:4705:30 - 15:2904:44 - 16:15 03:59 - 16:59

Ivanovo Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ivanovo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Sheddok HotelSheddok Hotel

Offering a 24-hour reception, Sheddok Hotel is located in Ivanovo town centre. Free Wi-Fi and free private parking are provided. All bright, classic-style rooms come with air conditioning and a flat-screen TV... view more
RUB 2380
Hotel Tourist HotelTourist Hotel

A billiard room and elegant restaurant are available at this hotel in Ivanovo city centre. Tourist Hotel is located on the banks of the River Uvod, a 2-minute walk from the Ivanovo Circus... view more
RUB 2300
Hotel SoyuzSoyuz

A 5-minute walk from Revolution Square, this hotel in Ivanovo city centre offers free parking, a 24-hour bar with free Wi-Fi, and a European restaurant. It stands beside the River Uvod... view more
RUB 2980
Hotel Sheremetev Park HotelSheremetev Park Hotel

Featuring a glass façade with Greek-style columns, a spa centre and overlooking a spacious green park, this hotel in Ivanovo’s cultural and business centre sits right on the bank of the River Ugod... view more
RUB 4425
Hotel Onegin HotelOnegin Hotel

Just a 5-minute walk from Puskin Square, this 19th-century, 4-star hotel in Ivanovo city centre offers free Wi-Fi, Russian and French cuisine, and free private parking... view more
RUB 3000
More Hotels »

Ivanovo Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ivanovo and its surroundings.

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