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Uzhur Localisation : Country Russia, Krai Krasnoyarsk, Uzhursky.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Кулун, Сухая Долина and Vasilyevka.


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Uzhur Demography

Information on the people and the population of Uzhur.

Uzhur Population15,540 inhabitants

Uzhur Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Uzhur.

Uzhur Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 55.3167, Longitude: 89.8167
55° 19′ 0″ North, 89° 49′ 0″ East
Uzhur Altitude378 m (1,240 ft)
Uzhur ClimateSubarctic climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfc)

Uzhur Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Uzhur and the biggest cities of Russia.

Moscow 3210 kmSaint Petersburg 3461 kmNovosibirsk 440 km closest
Yekaterinburg 1811 km closestNizhny Novgorod 4505 km closestKazan 2523 km closest
Chelyabinsk 1791 km closestSamara 2553 km closestOmsk 1044 km closest
Rostov-on-Don 3520 km closestKrasnoyarsk 214 km closestUfa 2141 km closest

Uzhur Map

Locate simply the city of Uzhur through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Uzhur Nearby cities and villages

Uzhur Zone

Time zone of Uzhur.

Uzhur Local time
Uzhur Time zoneUTC +7:00 (Asia/Krasnoyarsk)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Uzhur Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Uzhur.

Uzhur Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Uzhur.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
21 March00:59 - 07:07 - 13:1500:23 - 13:5223:39 - 14:35 22:53 - 15:21
22 March00:57 - 07:07 - 13:1700:20 - 13:5423:37 - 14:37 22:50 - 15:24
23 March00:54 - 07:07 - 13:1900:18 - 13:5623:34 - 14:40 22:47 - 15:26
24 March00:52 - 07:06 - 13:2100:15 - 13:5823:31 - 14:42 22:44 - 15:29
25 March00:49 - 07:06 - 13:2300:12 - 14:0023:28 - 14:44 22:41 - 15:31
26 March00:46 - 07:06 - 13:2500:10 - 14:0223:25 - 14:46 22:38 - 15:34
27 March00:44 - 07:06 - 13:2700:07 - 14:0423:23 - 14:49 22:35 - 15:37

Uzhur Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Uzhur classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Lukomorie ResortLukomorie Resort

This resort is located on Lake Parno and offers a private beach. A children’s playground, barbecue facilities, a steam bath and table tennis are featured at Lukomorie Resort... view more
RUB 1500
Hotel AzhurAzhur
This hotel is located in the centre of Sharypovo. Free Wi-Fi and free parking are featured at Azhur Hotel. The bright hotel rooms offer warm-coloured interiors and classic-style décor. Each room includes a flat-screen TV and a private bathroom... view more
RUB 1950
Hotel Sosnoviy Bor HotelSosnoviy Bor Hotel

Featuring free Wi-Fi and outdoor sport facilities, this hotel is set in pine woods, 10 km from Achinsk town. It also offers private access to a lake and a sauna... view more
Hotel Sport-hotel DivniySport-hotel Divniy
Offering a sun terrace with an outdoor swimming pool, Sport-hotel Divniy is located next to the mountains in Divnogorsk, just a 30-minute walk to the Enisey River. The ski slopes are 50 metres away... view more
RUB 1600
Hotel Hotel Alsey KrasnoyarskHotel Alsey Krasnoyarsk

This design hotel is located 18 km from Krasnoyarsk and overlooks the Enisey River. Free Wi-Fi, an outdoor pool, a sauna and a hot tub are featured at Hotel Alsey. The spacious, air-conditioned rooms offer modern interiors and warm-coloured decor... view more
RUB 5500
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Uzhur Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Uzhur and its surroundings.

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DB-City.comUzhur 3/5 (2021-10-06 15:31:34)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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