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  13. Lyubertsy


Lyubertsy Localisation : Country Russia, Oblast Moscow Oblast, Lyuberetsky.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Kotelniki, Tomilino and Dzerzhinsky.


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Lyubertsy Demography

Information on the people and the population of Lyubertsy.

Lyubertsy Population185,067 inhabitants
Lyubertsy Population Density15,422.3 /km² (39,943.4 /sq mi)

Lyubertsy Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Lyubertsy.

Lyubertsy Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 55.6833, Longitude: 37.8833
55° 40′ 60″ North, 37° 52′ 60″ East
Lyubertsy Area1,200 hectares
12.00 km² (4.63 sq mi)
Lyubertsy Altitude139 m (456 ft)
Lyubertsy ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Lyubertsy Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Lyubertsy and the biggest cities of Russia.

Moscow 18 km closestSaint Petersburg 652 kmNovosibirsk 2803 km
Yekaterinburg 1403 kmNizhny Novgorod 1799 kmKazan 707 km
Chelyabinsk 1480 kmSamara 842 kmOmsk 2225 km
Rostov-on-Don 949 kmKrasnoyarsk 3352 kmUfa 1149 km

Lyubertsy Map

Locate simply the city of Lyubertsy through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Lyubertsy Nearby cities and villages

Kotelniki 3.9 kmTomilino 5.6 kmDzerzhinsky 5.9 km
Коренёво 7.7 kmKuskvo 8.2 kmReutov 9.3 km
Lytkarino 13.2 kmBalashikha 15.4 kmZhukovsky 17.3 km
Vidnoye 18.2 kmMoscow 18.3 km

Lyubertsy Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Lyubertsy has international agreements with its different pairings.

Lyubertsy Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Lyubertsy.

Lyubertsy Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Lyubertsy.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
15 February05:52 - 10:42 - 15:3305:13 - 16:1104:30 - 16:54 03:47 - 17:37
16 February05:49 - 10:42 - 15:3505:11 - 16:1304:28 - 16:56 03:45 - 17:39
17 February05:47 - 10:42 - 15:3705:09 - 16:1504:26 - 16:58 03:43 - 17:41
18 February05:45 - 10:42 - 15:3905:07 - 16:1704:24 - 17:00 03:41 - 17:43
19 February05:42 - 10:42 - 15:4105:04 - 16:1904:22 - 17:02 03:39 - 17:45
20 February05:40 - 10:42 - 15:4305:02 - 16:2104:19 - 17:04 03:37 - 17:47
21 February05:38 - 10:42 - 15:4605:00 - 16:2304:17 - 17:06 03:34 - 17:49

Lyubertsy Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Lyubertsy classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Sky Rooms HostelSky Rooms Hostel
A 7-minute walk to the Zhulebino City Park, Sky Rooms offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. The Mega Shopping Centre is a 20-minute drive away. The bright rooms come with bunk beds and a TV. Bathroom facilities are shared... view more
RUB 400
Hotel Vesta ZhulebinoVesta Zhulebino
Located in the Zhulebino district of Moscow, 18 km from the city centre, Vesta Zhulebino features free Wi-Fi throughout the property and free private parking... view more
RUB 2500
Hotel Hotel Leon SpaHotel Leon Spa

This 3-star hotel offers a spa with indoor swimming pool, sauna and massages. Hotel Leon Spa is a 10-minute drive from Vykhino Metro Station, 30 minutes east of Moscow city centre. Free Wi-Fi is provided in all areas of Hotel Leon Spa... view more
RUB 2800
Hotel Apartment in LubertsyApartment in Lubertsy
Located in Lyubertsy, 20 km to the centre of Moscow, Apartment in Lubertsy offer self-catering accommodation with free Wi-Fi. The comfortable apartment has a balcony. It features a flat-screen cable TV and washing machine... view more
RUB 5000
Hotel De Art 13 HotelDe Art 13 Hotel

Located in a quiet area of Moscow, 25 km from the city centre, De Art 13 Hotel features an on-site café and free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel. Vykhino Metro Station is 5 km away... view more
RUB 3500
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Lyubertsy Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Lyubertsy and its surroundings.

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  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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