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Iskitim Localisation : Country Russia, Oblast Novosibirsk.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Чернореченский, Рощинский and Логовой.


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Iskitim Demography

Information on the people and the population of Iskitim.

Iskitim Population57,938 inhabitants
Iskitim Population Density1,931.3 /km² (5,002.0 /sq mi)

Iskitim Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Iskitim.

Iskitim Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 54.6333, Longitude: 83.3
54° 37′ 60″ North, 83° 18′ 0″ East
Iskitim Area3,000 hectares
30.00 km² (11.58 sq mi)
Iskitim Altitude124 m (407 ft)
Iskitim ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Iskitim Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Iskitim and the biggest cities of Russia.

Moscow 2853 kmSaint Petersburg 3153 kmNovosibirsk 45 km closest
Yekaterinburg 1438 km closestNizhny Novgorod 4089 km closestKazan 2150 km closest
Chelyabinsk 1398 km closestSamara 2157 km closestOmsk 637 km closest
Rostov-on-Don 3112 km closestKrasnoyarsk 632 km closestUfa 1749 km closest

Iskitim Map

Locate simply the city of Iskitim through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Iskitim Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Iskitim.

Iskitim Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Iskitim.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
21 March01:26 - 07:33 - 13:4100:50 - 14:1700:07 - 15:00 23:22 - 15:45
22 March01:23 - 07:33 - 13:4300:47 - 14:1900:04 - 15:02 23:19 - 15:47
23 March01:21 - 07:33 - 13:4500:45 - 14:2100:02 - 15:04 23:16 - 15:50
24 March01:18 - 07:33 - 13:4700:42 - 14:2323:59 - 15:06 23:13 - 15:52
25 March01:15 - 07:32 - 13:4900:39 - 14:2523:56 - 15:08 23:10 - 15:55
26 March01:13 - 07:32 - 13:5100:37 - 14:2723:53 - 15:10 23:07 - 15:57
27 March01:10 - 07:32 - 13:5300:34 - 14:2923:51 - 15:13 23:04 - 16:00

Iskitim Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Iskitim classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Resort Hotel MorozovoResort Hotel Morozovo

Featuring an outdoor swimming pool and spa centre, this resort is surrounded by the woods and set on the bank of Novosibirsk Reservoir. It offers a children’s playground and rooms with free Wi-Fi... view more
RUB 4600
Hotel Hotel BilynaHotel Bilyna
Located in Berdsk and surrounded by a pinewood forest, Hotel Bilyna features an on-site restaurant serving European and Russian cuisine, a spa and wellness centre, a sauna, a steam bath, and massage services... view more
RUB 3500
Hotel Borvikha Hotel & SpaBorvikha Hotel & Spa

Surrounded by pine forest, this quiet hotel is set on the Berdskiy Bay, 4 km from Berdsk. Free Wi-Fi, indoor and outdoor pools and a spa centre are featured at Borvikha Hotel & Spa... view more
RUB 6500
Hotel Crona Hotel and SPACrona Hotel and SPA
Crona Hotel and Spa is located 60 meters from the public beach in Berdsk. It features a spa centre and various medical treatments. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout. Featuring classic-style interiors, the rooms offer a flat-screen TV and wardrobe... view more
RUB 3300
Hotel Fine O'Clock Hostel AcademFine O'Clock Hostel Academ
Berezovy Log
Fine O'Clock Hostel is located in Akademgorodok, 25 km from Novosibirsk. Free Wi-Fi access is available. All rooms are decorated in bright colours. Some rooms come with a private bathroom... view more
RUB 800
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Iskitim Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Iskitim and its surroundings.

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DB-City.comIskitim 4.3/5 (2021-10-06 15:31:34)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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