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Podlipe Localisation : Country Russia, Oblast Pskov, Pskovsky.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Голованово and Pskov.


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Podlipe Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Podlipe.

Podlipe Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 57.9108, Longitude: 28.3825
57° 54′ 39″ North, 28° 22′ 57″ East
Podlipe Altitude62 m (203 ft)
Podlipe ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Podlipe Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Podlipe and the biggest cities of Russia.

Moscow 611 kmSaint Petersburg 251 km closestNovosibirsk 3280 km
Yekaterinburg 1920 kmNizhny Novgorod 2011 kmKazan 1282 km
Chelyabinsk 2029 kmSamara 1461 kmOmsk 2737 km
Rostov-on-Don 1410 kmKrasnoyarsk 3777 kmUfa 1725 km

Podlipe Map

Locate simply the city of Podlipe through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Podlipe Nearby cities and villages

Podlipe Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Podlipe.

Podlipe Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Podlipe.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 February06:53 - 11:20 - 15:4706:11 - 16:2905:24 - 17:16 04:39 - 18:01
9 February06:51 - 11:20 - 15:5006:09 - 16:3205:22 - 17:18 04:37 - 18:03
10 February06:48 - 11:20 - 15:5206:06 - 16:3405:20 - 17:20 04:35 - 18:06
11 February06:46 - 11:20 - 15:5506:04 - 16:3605:18 - 17:22 04:33 - 18:08
12 February06:43 - 11:20 - 15:5706:02 - 16:3805:16 - 17:24 04:31 - 18:10
13 February06:41 - 11:20 - 15:5906:00 - 16:4105:14 - 17:27 04:28 - 18:12
14 February06:38 - 11:20 - 16:0205:57 - 16:4305:12 - 17:29 04:26 - 18:14

Podlipe Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Podlipe classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hostel LubyatovoHostel Lubyatovo
Located 2 km from Pskov Train Station in Pskov, Hostel Lubiatowo features free private parking. Dormitory rooms at the property feature a desk, an electric kettle, and a shared bathroom... view more
RUB 450
Hotel Old Estate Hotel & SPAOld Estate Hotel & SPA

The Old Estate is located in the historic part of Pskov, near the waterfront. It has a spa that offers more than 50 different treatments. All its rooms have cable TV. The Estate’s restaurant offers European dishes and Russian cuisine... view more
RUB 2750
Hotel Karkushin DomKarkushin Dom

Just a 5-minute walk from Pskov’s historic town centre, this accommodation offers a hot tub, and rooms with cable TV and free Wi-Fi. Pskov Train Station is a 10-minute drive away... view more
RUB 2750
Hotel Pskov Kremlin ApartmentsPskov Kremlin Apartments
Located just 5 minutes’ from Pskov’s 11th-century Kremlin, these apartments feature free Wi-Fi and a fully equipped kitchen. Pskov Train Station is 6 minutes’ drive away... view more
RUB 3900
Hotel Golden EmbankmentGolden Embankment

Golden Embankment is situated in the centre of Pskov, on the banks of the Pskova River. Its restaurants serve traditional and European cuisines, and offers spacious rooms with LCD TV. Golden rooms have modern furnishing... view more
RUB 2600
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Podlipe Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Podlipe and its surroundings.

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  • Nearby cities and villages
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  • Hotel
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