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Voronezh Demography
Information on the people and the population of Voronezh.
Voronezh Population | 1,058,261 inhabitants |
Voronezh Population Density | 1,760.8 /km² (4,560.5 /sq mi) |
Voronezh Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Voronezh.
Voronezh Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 51.6667, Longitude: 39.2 51° 40′ 0″ North, 39° 12′ 0″ East |
Voronezh Area | 60,100 hectares 601.00 km² (232.05 sq mi) |
Voronezh Altitude | 147 m (482 ft) |
Voronezh Climate | Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb) |
Voronezh Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Voronezh and the biggest cities of Russia.
Moscow 466 km closest | Saint Petersburg 1073 km | Novosibirsk 2882 km |
Yekaterinburg 1496 km | Nizhny Novgorod 1412 km | Kazan 799 km |
Chelyabinsk 1516 km | Samara 764 km | Omsk 2279 km |
Rostov-on-Don 495 km | Krasnoyarsk 3476 km | Ufa 1164 km |
Voronezh Map
Locate simply the city of Voronezh through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Voronezh Nearby cities and villages
Посёлок совхоза «Воронежский» 6.8 km | Otradnoye 9.4 km | Nechayevka 10.7 km |
Alexandrovka 11.3 km | Semiluki 11.7 km | Babyakovo 12.2 km |
Semiluki 12.4 km | Старое 13.2 km | Yendovishche 14.1 km |
Yamnoye 14.5 km | Novaya Usman 14.7 km | Солнечный 14.8 km |
Voronezh Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Voronezh has international agreements with its different pairings.
Voronezh Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Voronezh.
Voronezh Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Voronezh.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
2 January | 06:29 - 10:27 - 14:25 | 05:49 - 15:05 | 05:06 - 15:48 | 04:25 - 16:28 |
3 January | 06:29 - 10:27 - 14:26 | 05:49 - 15:06 | 05:06 - 15:49 | 04:25 - 16:29 |
4 January | 06:28 - 10:28 - 14:27 | 05:49 - 15:07 | 05:06 - 15:50 | 04:25 - 16:30 |
5 January | 06:28 - 10:28 - 14:28 | 05:48 - 15:08 | 05:06 - 15:51 | 04:25 - 16:31 |
6 January | 06:28 - 10:29 - 14:30 | 05:48 - 15:09 | 05:05 - 15:52 | 04:25 - 16:32 |
7 January | 06:27 - 10:29 - 14:31 | 05:48 - 15:10 | 05:05 - 15:53 | 04:25 - 16:34 |
8 January | 06:27 - 10:29 - 14:32 | 05:47 - 15:12 | 05:05 - 15:54 | 04:24 - 16:35 |
Voronezh Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Voronezh classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Nataly Voronezh Featuring free Wi-Fi and a 24-hour reception, this hotel is located in Voronezh city, 7 minutes’ walk from the central square Ploshchad Lenina. It offers air-conditioned rooms with a desk... view more | from RUB 2100 | |
Na Nikitinskoy Voronezh Located in the city centre of Voronezh, just a 5-minute walk from Chizhov Gallery, Na Nikitskoy hotel features free Wi-Fi, air-conditioned rooms and 24-hour front desk. Lenina Square is a 10-minute walk away... view more | from RUB 1500 | |
AZIMUT Hotel Voronezh Voronezh Centrally located opposite Kol’tsov Square and a 10-minute walk from Voronezh’s Anunciation Cathedral, this hotel offers free parking, a large restaurant with bar and a 24-hour reception... view more | from RUB 2520 | |
Rossiya Voronezh Located in the city centre of Voronezh, just a 5-minute walk from Lenina Square, Rossiya hotel features a bar, cafe and billiards. This property offers air-conditioned rooms, free Wi-Fi and a free car park... view more | from RUB 3300 | |
Agat Voronezh Located 10 minutes’ from Ploshchad Lenina in Voronezh, this hotel features free Wi-Fi and a 24-hour reception. It offers air-conditioned rooms with a flat-screen TV... view more | ||
More Hotels » |
Voronezh Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Voronezh and its surroundings.
Nuclear power plant
Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant 43.6 km |
Voronezh Page
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