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  9. Borgo Maggiore

Borgo Maggiore

Borgo Maggiore Localisation : Country San Marino.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Domagnano, San Marino and Acquaviva.


Find all the information of Borgo Maggiore or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

CountrySan Marino

Borgo Maggiore Administration

Borgo Maggiore Post code47893
Borgo Maggiore MayorSergio Nanni

Borgo Maggiore Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Borgo Maggiore? Here are all the details of Borgo Maggiore available below.

Borgo Maggiore Postal addressCasa del Castello di Borgo Maggiore, Via XXVIII Luglio
47893 Borgo Maggiore
San Marino
Borgo Maggiore Phone number0549-883450
International: +378 (0549) 883 450
Borgo Maggiore Fax number0549-883455
International: +378 (0549) 883 455
Borgo Maggiore Email address[email protected]
Borgo Maggiore WebsiteNot available
Borgo Maggiore Birth certificate, Borgo Maggiore Death certificate

Borgo Maggiore Demography

Information on the people and the population of Borgo Maggiore.

Borgo Maggiore Population6,110 inhabitants
Borgo Maggiore Population Density678.1 /km² (1,756.4 /sq mi)

Borgo Maggiore Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Borgo Maggiore.

Borgo Maggiore Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 43.9472, Longitude: 12.4497
43° 56′ 50″ North, 12° 26′ 59″ East
Borgo Maggiore Area901 hectares
9.01 km² (3.48 sq mi)
Borgo Maggiore Altitude525 m (1,722 ft)
Borgo Maggiore ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Borgo Maggiore Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Borgo Maggiore and the biggest cities of San Marino.

Borgo Maggiore Map

Locate simply the city of Borgo Maggiore through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Borgo Maggiore Nearby cities and villages

Borgo Maggiore Zone

Time zone of Borgo Maggiore.

Borgo Maggiore Local time
Borgo Maggiore Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/San_Marino)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Borgo Maggiore Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Borgo Maggiore.

Borgo Maggiore Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Borgo Maggiore.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
19 January07:38 - 12:20 - 17:0307:07 - 17:3406:31 - 18:10 05:57 - 18:44
20 January07:38 - 12:21 - 17:0407:06 - 17:3506:31 - 18:11 05:56 - 18:45
21 January07:37 - 12:21 - 17:0507:05 - 17:3706:30 - 18:12 05:56 - 18:46
22 January07:36 - 12:21 - 17:0707:05 - 17:3806:30 - 18:13 05:55 - 18:47
23 January07:35 - 12:22 - 17:0807:04 - 17:3906:29 - 18:14 05:55 - 18:48
24 January07:34 - 12:22 - 17:0907:03 - 17:4006:28 - 18:15 05:54 - 18:50
25 January07:34 - 12:22 - 17:1107:02 - 17:4206:27 - 18:17 05:53 - 18:51

Borgo Maggiore Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Borgo Maggiore classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Grand Hotel PrimaveraGrand Hotel Primavera

San Marino
The elegant Grand Hotel Primavera is 3.5 km from the historic centre of the Republic of San Marino. It offers free access to its spa centre. Enjoy a pleasant stay in this panoramic and quiet establishment, offering free Wi-Fi in public areas... view more
€ 62
Hotel Hostel San MarinoHostel San Marino
San Marino
Offering affordable air-conditioned accommodation, Hostel San Marino is just 3.5 km from the historic centre. It features vending machines, a large social area and free parking big enough for coaches... view more
€ 15
Hotel Hotel San GiuseppeHotel San Giuseppe

Immersed in the lush greenery of a large park and located only a few kilometres from the historic city centre, Hotel San Giuseppe offers splendid views of San Marino. The nearest motorway exit is Rimini Sud, on the A14... view more
€ 56
Hotel Hostaria da LinoHostaria da Lino

San Marino
Offering simple rooms with free Wi-Fi and air conditioning, Hostaria Da Lino features a restaurant serving local and national cuisine. It is located 2 km from the centre of San Marino. Breakfast includes sweet products including cakes and cereal... view more
€ 37
Hotel Hotel RossiHotel Rossi

San Marino
Hotel Rossi offers rooms with free Wi-Fi. It is a 10-minute drive from Serravalle. San Marino city centre is 3 km away. Rooms are simply furnished and decorated in a classic style... view more
€ 44
More Hotels »

Borgo Maggiore Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Borgo Maggiore and its surroundings.

Guaita 0.3 kmFratta 0.3 kmAcquaviva 2.7 km
Fiorentino 3.4 km

Borgo Maggiore Page

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DB-City.comBorgo Maggiore 3.7/5 (2010-02-23 01:00:00)