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Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab.
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 14.7688, Longitude: -17.2793 14° 46′ 8″ North, 17° 16′ 45″ West |
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Altitude | 12 m (39 ft) |
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Climate | Semi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSh) |
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab and the biggest cities of Senegal.
Dakar 20 km | Pikine 15 km closest | Rufisque 10 km closest |
Guédiawaye 13 km closest | Ziguinchor 267 km | Kaolack 147 km closest |
M'Bour 56 km closest | Saint-Louis 164 km | Louga 145 km closest |
Diourbel 114 km closest | Tambacounda 405 km | Mbacké 148 km closest |
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Map
Locate simply the city of Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Nearby cities and villages
Tivaouane Peulh-Niaga 4.4 km | Sangalkam 5.7 km | Bargny 9.7 km |
Rufisque 10.4 km | Bambylor 10.8 km | Diamniadio 11.7 km |
Guédiawaye 13.3 km | Pikine 14.6 km | Yenne 16.7 km |
Sébikhotane 16.8 km | Sendou 17.3 km |
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Zone
Time zone of Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab.
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Local time | |
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Time zone | UTC +0:00 (Africa/Dakar) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab.
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
8 January | 08:36 - 14:15 - 19:55 | 08:13 - 20:18 | 07:47 - 20:44 | 07:20 - 21:10 |
9 January | 08:36 - 14:16 - 19:55 | 08:14 - 20:18 | 07:47 - 20:45 | 07:21 - 21:11 |
10 January | 08:37 - 14:16 - 19:56 | 08:14 - 20:19 | 07:47 - 20:45 | 07:21 - 21:11 |
11 January | 08:37 - 14:17 - 19:56 | 08:14 - 20:19 | 07:48 - 20:46 | 07:21 - 21:12 |
12 January | 08:37 - 14:17 - 19:57 | 08:14 - 20:20 | 07:48 - 20:46 | 07:22 - 21:12 |
13 January | 08:37 - 14:17 - 19:58 | 08:14 - 20:20 | 07:48 - 20:47 | 07:22 - 21:13 |
14 January | 08:37 - 14:18 - 19:58 | 08:15 - 20:21 | 07:48 - 20:47 | 07:22 - 21:13 |
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Soleil D' Espoir Niaga Located on the outskirts of Dakar, Soleil D' Espoir is a 5-minute walk from the beach and 15 km from Dakar city centre. It offers an outdoor swimming pool, a terrace, a garden and a 24-hour reception... view more | ||
Hôtel L'Arc En Ciel Lac Rose Niaga Hôtel L'Arc En Ciel Lac Rose is located in Niaga, just a 2-minute walk from Rose Lake and a 15-minute walk from the beach. It offers an outdoor swimming pool, massage room and bar with a billiards table... view more | ||
Hotel Toolbi Niaga Set on the banks of Lac Rose, Hotel Toolbi is located a 3-minute drive from Niaga and a 10-minute walk from the ocean. It offers an outdoor swimming pool, a garden with seating area and a terrace... view more | ||
Les Cristaux Roses Niaga Les Cristaux Roses is 3 km from the centre of Niaga and 100 metres from the Lac Rose. It offers an outdoor swimming pool, a 24-hour front desk and a terrace with sunbeds... view more | ||
Hôtel l'Etoile du Lac Niaga Hôtel l’Etoile du Lac is located 35 km from Dakar, 2 km from the beach and close to Lake Retba. It offers a garden with an outdoor swimming pool and sun terraces. Free Wi-Fi access is provided... view more | ||
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Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab and its surroundings.
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Page
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---|---| | Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab /5 (2021-09-14 15:26:52) |