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  13. Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Localisation : Country Senegal, Region Dakar, Department Rufisque.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Tivaouane Peulh-Niaga, Sangalkam and Bargny.


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Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab.

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 14.7688, Longitude: -17.2793
14° 46′ 8″ North, 17° 16′ 45″ West
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Altitude12 m (39 ft)
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab ClimateSemi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSh)

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab and the biggest cities of Senegal.

Dakar 20 kmPikine 15 km closestRufisque 10 km closest
Guédiawaye 13 km closestZiguinchor 267 kmKaolack 147 km closest
M'Bour 56 km closestSaint-Louis 164 kmLouga 145 km closest
Diourbel 114 km closestTambacounda 405 kmMbacké 148 km closest

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Map

Locate simply the city of Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Nearby cities and villages

Tivaouane Peulh-Niaga 4.4 kmSangalkam 5.7 kmBargny 9.7 km
Rufisque 10.4 kmBambylor 10.8 kmDiamniadio 11.7 km
Guédiawaye 13.3 kmPikine 14.6 kmYenne 16.7 km
Sébikhotane 16.8 kmSendou 17.3 km

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Zone

Time zone of Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab.

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Local time
Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Time zoneUTC +0:00 (Africa/Dakar)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab.

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 January08:36 - 14:15 - 19:5508:13 - 20:1807:47 - 20:44 07:20 - 21:10
9 January08:36 - 14:16 - 19:5508:14 - 20:1807:47 - 20:45 07:21 - 21:11
10 January08:37 - 14:16 - 19:5608:14 - 20:1907:47 - 20:45 07:21 - 21:11
11 January08:37 - 14:17 - 19:5608:14 - 20:1907:48 - 20:46 07:21 - 21:12
12 January08:37 - 14:17 - 19:5708:14 - 20:2007:48 - 20:46 07:22 - 21:12
13 January08:37 - 14:17 - 19:5808:14 - 20:2007:48 - 20:47 07:22 - 21:13
14 January08:37 - 14:18 - 19:5808:15 - 20:2107:48 - 20:47 07:22 - 21:13

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Soleil D' EspoirSoleil D' Espoir
Located on the outskirts of Dakar, Soleil D' Espoir is a 5-minute walk from the beach and 15 km from Dakar city centre. It offers an outdoor swimming pool, a terrace, a garden and a 24-hour reception... view more
Hotel Hôtel L'Arc En Ciel Lac RoseHôtel L'Arc En Ciel Lac Rose
Hôtel L'Arc En Ciel Lac Rose is located in Niaga, just a 2-minute walk from Rose Lake and a 15-minute walk from the beach. It offers an outdoor swimming pool, massage room and bar with a billiards table... view more
Hotel Hotel ToolbiHotel Toolbi

Set on the banks of Lac Rose, Hotel Toolbi is located a 3-minute drive from Niaga and a 10-minute walk from the ocean. It offers an outdoor swimming pool, a garden with seating area and a terrace... view more
Hotel Les Cristaux RosesLes Cristaux Roses
Les Cristaux Roses is 3 km from the centre of Niaga and 100 metres from the Lac Rose. It offers an outdoor swimming pool, a 24-hour front desk and a terrace with sunbeds... view more
Hotel Hôtel l'Etoile du LacHôtel l'Etoile du Lac

Hôtel l’Etoile du Lac is located 35 km from Dakar, 2 km from the beach and close to Lake Retba. It offers a garden with an outdoor swimming pool and sun terraces. Free Wi-Fi access is provided... view more
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Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab and its surroundings.

Jaxaay-Parcelles-Niakoul Rab Page

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