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  9. Ribnica


Ribnica Localisation : Country Slovenia.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Sodražica, Loški Potok and Velike Lašče.


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Ribnica Administration

Ribnica Code104
Ribnica Post code1310

Ribnica Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Ribnica? Here are all the details of Ribnica available below.

Ribnica Postal addressGorenjska c. 3
1310 Ribnica
Ribnica Phone number01/837 20 00
International: +386 (0)1 837 20 00
Ribnica Fax number01/836 10 91
International: +386 (0)1 836 10 91
Ribnica Email address[email protected]
Ribnica Websitewww.ribnica.si
Ribnica Birth certificate, Ribnica Death certificate

Ribnica Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ribnica.

Ribnica Population9,318 inhabitants
Ribnica Population Density60.7 /km² (157.1 /sq mi)

Ribnica Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ribnica.

Ribnica Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.7386, Longitude: 14.7274
45° 44′ 19″ North, 14° 43′ 39″ East
Ribnica Area15,360 hectares
153.60 km² (59.31 sq mi)
Ribnica Altitude481 m (1,578 ft)
Ribnica ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Ribnica Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ribnica and the biggest cities of Slovenia.

Ljubljana 39 kmMaribor 115 kmKranj 63 km
Koper 80 kmCelje 69 kmNovo Mesto 35 km closest
Domžale 46 kmVelenje 75 kmNova Gorica 87 km
Kamnik 55 kmKrško 64 kmSlovenska Bistrica 98 km

Ribnica Map

Locate simply the city of Ribnica through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ribnica Nearby cities and villages

Sodražica 7.9 kmLoški Potok 9.6 kmVelike Lašče 12.7 km
Dobrepolje 12.8 kmKočevje 15.4 kmCroatia Čabar 17.1 km
Bloke 18.1 kmŽužemberk 18.7 km

Ribnica Zone

Time zone of Ribnica.

Ribnica Local time
Ribnica Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Ljubljana)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Ribnica Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ribnica.

Ribnica Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ribnica.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
5 February07:17 - 12:15 - 17:1206:45 - 17:4406:10 - 18:19 05:35 - 18:54
6 February07:15 - 12:15 - 17:1406:44 - 17:4506:09 - 18:20 05:34 - 18:55
7 February07:14 - 12:15 - 17:1506:43 - 17:4706:08 - 18:22 05:33 - 18:56
8 February07:13 - 12:15 - 17:1706:42 - 17:4806:06 - 18:23 05:32 - 18:58
9 February07:11 - 12:15 - 17:1806:40 - 17:4906:05 - 18:24 05:31 - 18:59
10 February07:10 - 12:15 - 17:2006:39 - 17:5106:04 - 18:26 05:29 - 19:00
11 February07:08 - 12:15 - 17:2106:37 - 17:5206:02 - 18:27 05:28 - 19:02

Ribnica Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ribnica classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Hrib 14Hotel Hrib 14
Featuring a restaurant, Hotel Hrib 14 is located in centre of Loški Potok. It offers an on-site grocery store, a children's playground and rooms with free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 30
Hotel Apartments LavricApartments Lavric

Nova Vas
Surrounded by a well-groomed garden, Apartments Lavric is located in Nova Vas on the Bloke Plateau. It offers rooms with balcony, free Wi-fi and a spa area. Spa facilities are open during the winter and include a sauna and a steam bath... view more
€ 45
More Hotels »

Ribnica Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ribnica and its surroundings.

Ribnica 1.8 kmMala Gora 3.1 kmVelika Gora 6.2 km
Črni Vrh 7.1 kmDebeli Vrh 9 kmMala Gora 10.2 km
Loški Potok 12.2 kmLaserbach 12.2 kmBrinoh 13 km
Gotenički Vrh 13 kmGoteniški Vrh 13 kmSuha Krajina 13.6 km
Goli Vrh 14.1 kmParg 14.3 kmKočevska Gora 15.1 km
Kočevsko Pogorje 15.1 kmPetelinov Vrh 15.2 kmPetelinjek 15.2 km
Županšček 16.4 kmVeliki Županšček 16.4 kmGoteniški Snežnik 16.5 km
Schneenitz 16.5 kmSnežnik 16.5 kmKočevska Mala Gora 16.8 km
Limberk 17.8 kmBloško Polje 19.1 kmBloke 19.1 km
Mačkovec 19.4 kmKopanj 19.9 kmKremenjak 20.7 km

Nuclear power plant

Krško Nuclear Power Plant 65 km  

Ribnica Page

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