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Slovenske Konjice

Slovenske Konjice Localisation : Country Slovenia.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Zreče, Oplotnica and Vojnik.


Find all the information of Slovenske Konjice or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data


Slovenske Konjice Administration

Slovenske Konjice Code114
Slovenske Konjice Post code3210
Slovenske Konjice MayorGORINŠEK MIRAN

Slovenske Konjice Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Slovenske Konjice? Here are all the details of Slovenske Konjice available below.

Slovenske Konjice Postal addressStari trg 29
3210 Slovenske Konjice
Slovenske Konjice Phone number03/757 33 50
International: +386 (0)3 757 33 50
Slovenske Konjice Fax number03/757 43 28
International: +386 (0)3 757 43 28
Slovenske Konjice Email address[email protected]
Slovenske Konjice Websitewww.slovenskekonjice.si
Slovenske Konjice Birth certificate, Slovenske Konjice Death certificate

Slovenske Konjice Demography

Information on the people and the population of Slovenske Konjice.

Slovenske Konjice Population14,433 inhabitants
Slovenske Konjice Population Density147.6 /km² (382.2 /sq mi)

Slovenske Konjice Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Slovenske Konjice.

Slovenske Konjice Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 46.3395, Longitude: 15.4256
46° 20′ 22″ North, 15° 25′ 32″ East
Slovenske Konjice Area9,780 hectares
97.80 km² (37.76 sq mi)
Slovenske Konjice Altitude317 m (1,040 ft)
Slovenske Konjice ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Slovenske Konjice Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Slovenske Konjice and the biggest cities of Slovenia.

Ljubljana 78 kmMaribor 30 kmKranj 83 km
Koper 158 kmCelje 18 kmNovo Mesto 63 km
Domžale 68 kmVelenje 24 kmNova Gorica 144 km
Kamnik 64 kmKrško 43 kmSlovenska Bistrica 13 km closest

Slovenske Konjice Map

Locate simply the city of Slovenske Konjice through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Slovenske Konjice Nearby cities and villages

Zreče 4.3 kmOplotnica 5.5 kmVojnik 10.8 km
Vitanje 11 kmPoljčane 11.5 kmSlovenska Bistrica 12.7 km
Šentjur 14 kmŠmarje pri Jelšah 14.3 kmDobrna 15.4 km
Štore 15.8 kmCelje 17.5 kmMakole 18.8 km

Slovenske Konjice Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Slovenske Konjice has international agreements with its different pairings.

Slovenske Konjice Zone

Time zone of Slovenske Konjice.

Slovenske Konjice Local time
Slovenske Konjice Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Ljubljana)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Slovenske Konjice Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Slovenske Konjice.

Slovenske Konjice Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Slovenske Konjice.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
16 September06:38 - 12:52 - 19:0706:08 - 19:3705:32 - 20:13 04:55 - 20:50
17 September06:39 - 12:52 - 19:0506:09 - 19:3505:33 - 20:11 04:56 - 20:48
18 September06:40 - 12:52 - 19:0306:10 - 19:3305:35 - 20:09 04:58 - 20:46
19 September06:42 - 12:51 - 19:0106:12 - 19:3105:36 - 20:07 04:59 - 20:43
20 September06:43 - 12:51 - 18:5906:13 - 19:2905:37 - 20:05 05:01 - 20:41
21 September06:44 - 12:51 - 18:5706:14 - 19:2705:39 - 20:03 05:02 - 20:39
22 September06:45 - 12:50 - 18:5506:15 - 19:2505:40 - 20:01 05:04 - 20:37

Slovenske Konjice Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Slovenske Konjice classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Wine Grower's Mansion Zlati GricWine Grower's Mansion Zlati Gric
Slovenske Konjice
Next to the golf course and the Gric Restaurant, the Wine Grower’s Mansion is a designated cultural heritage building and offer tastefully furnished apartments with vineyard views. Amid the Škalce vineyards there is the Zlati Grič restaurant... view more
€ 72
Hotel Pod Orehi Guest HousePod Orehi Guest House

Loče pri Poljčanah
Featuring an on-site restaurant and a bar, Pod Orehi Guest House is located 300 metres from the E57 Motorway. Set in a traditional house with wooden elements, it offers accommodation with free Wi-Fi and forest views... view more
€ 35
Hotel Garni Hotel ZvonGarni Hotel Zvon

The small family-run Garni Hotel Zvon offers luxurious family apartments and comfortably equipped rooms only 300 metres from the Terme spa centre in Zreče. In Cafe Zvon you can relax with a coffee and enjoy a drink in the friendly atmosphere... view more
€ 55
Hotel Hotel SmogavcHotel Smogavc

Boasting breathtaking views and occupying a dominant position above the Dravinja valley, this charming and comfortable 3 and 4-star hotel and conference centre is the ideal base for all guests... view more
€ 55
Hotel Terme Zrece - Hotel VitalTerme Zrece - Hotel Vital

Located near the bus station and ski slopes areas, the hotel is ideal for those wishing to relax in pleasant little town away from everyday busy life... view more
€ 84
More Hotels »

Slovenske Konjice Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Slovenske Konjice and its surroundings.

Konjiška Gora 4.3 kmVeliki Vrh 12.4 kmStranski Vrh 13.4 km
Rogla 13.6 kmBasališče 14.3 kmBoč 14.8 km
Jagerski Vrh 14.9 kmGlažutska Planina 15.1 kmVolovica 16.5 km
Kozjak 16.6 kmPaški Kozjak 16.6 kmMizni Vrh 17.3 km
Celje 18.1 kmPlešivec 18.4 kmŽigertov Vrh 18.4 km
Kjumberk 18.8 kmTolsti Vrh 19 kmPlešič 19.2 km
Vrenski Zob 20.9 kmKasjakov Breg 21 kmSmodivnik 21 km
Lamprehtov Vrh 21.3 kmČerni Vrh 21.8 kmČrni Vrh 21.8 km
Bacher Gebirge 21.8 kmPohorje 21.8 kmMetulov Vrh 24 km
Ljubela 24.3 kmŽeleznička Stanica Sveti Lovrenc 25.3 kmŽeleznička Stanica Ruta 25.3 km

Nuclear power plant

Krško Nuclear Power Plant 45.2 km  

Slovenske Konjice Page

Direct link
DB-City.comSlovenske Konjice 4.7/5 (2010-03-02 01:00:00)