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  9. Vrhnika


Vrhnika Localisation : Country Slovenia.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Horjul, Borovnica and Log–Dragomer.


Find all the information of Vrhnika or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data


Vrhnika Administration

Vrhnika Code140
Vrhnika Post code1360

Vrhnika Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Vrhnika? Here are all the details of Vrhnika available below.

Vrhnika Postal addressTržaška c. 1
1360 Vrhnika
Vrhnika Phone number01/755 54 10
International: +386 (0)1 755 54 10
Vrhnika Fax number01/750 51 58
International: +386 (0)1 750 51 58
Vrhnika Email address[email protected]
Vrhnika Websitewww.vrhnika.si
Vrhnika Birth certificate, Vrhnika Death certificate

Vrhnika Demography

Information on the people and the population of Vrhnika.

Vrhnika Population16,016 inhabitants
Vrhnika Population Density139.0 /km² (360.1 /sq mi)

Vrhnika Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Vrhnika.

Vrhnika Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.9665, Longitude: 14.2985
45° 57′ 59″ North, 14° 17′ 55″ East
Vrhnika Area11,520 hectares
115.20 km² (44.48 sq mi)
Vrhnika Altitude284 m (932 ft)
Vrhnika ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Vrhnika Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Vrhnika and the biggest cities of Slovenia.

Ljubljana 19 km closestMaribor 123 kmKranj 31 km
Koper 64 kmCelje 80 kmNovo Mesto 70 km
Domžale 30 kmVelenje 76 kmNova Gorica 50 km
Kamnik 38 kmKrško 92 kmSlovenska Bistrica 109 km

Vrhnika Map

Locate simply the city of Vrhnika through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Vrhnika Nearby cities and villages

Horjul 6.1 kmBorovnica 7.4 kmLog–Dragomer 8.9 km
Logatec 9.4 kmBrezovica 10.6 kmDobrova–Polhov Gradec 13.3 km
Žiri 17.1 kmIg 17.7 km Ljubljana 18.6 km
Gorenja Vas–Poljane 19.5 kmVodice 19.5 kmCerknica 19.7 km

Vrhnika Zone

Time zone of Vrhnika.

Vrhnika Local time
Vrhnika Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Ljubljana)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Vrhnika Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Vrhnika.

Vrhnika Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Vrhnika.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
2 January07:44 - 12:06 - 16:2907:10 - 17:0306:32 - 17:41 05:56 - 18:17
3 January07:44 - 12:07 - 16:3007:10 - 17:0406:32 - 17:42 05:56 - 18:18
4 January07:44 - 12:07 - 16:3107:10 - 17:0506:32 - 17:43 05:56 - 18:19
5 January07:44 - 12:08 - 16:3207:10 - 17:0606:32 - 17:44 05:56 - 18:20
6 January07:43 - 12:08 - 16:3307:10 - 17:0706:32 - 17:45 05:56 - 18:21
7 January07:43 - 12:09 - 16:3407:09 - 17:0806:32 - 17:45 05:56 - 18:22
8 January07:43 - 12:09 - 16:3507:09 - 17:0906:32 - 17:46 05:56 - 18:23

Vrhnika Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Vrhnika classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel MantovaHotel Mantova

Situated in the Vrhnika city centre, Hotel Mantova is only a 10-minute drive from Ljubljana and perfectly suited for tourists who want to explore the city as well as for businessmen... view more
€ 50
Hotel Guesthouse BajcGuesthouse Bajc
Guesthouse Bajc is situated in Sinja Gorica, 19 km from downtown Ljubljana. It offers rooms with LCD satellite TV and has a restaurant that serves regional cuisine. Rooms at Bajc have simple furnishings and are decorated in warm, natural colours... view more
€ 40
Hotel Guesthouse Mesec ZaplanaGuesthouse Mesec Zaplana

Offering free mountain bike rental, the family-run Pansion Mesec Zaplana is located in the scenic Inner Carniola region, 7 km west of Vrhnika. It features a playground for kids and serves typical local food... view more
€ 39
Hotel Guesthouse JersinGuesthouse Jersin

Housing a restaurant serving traditional Slovenian cuisine, Guesthouse Jeršin is located in the historic centre of Logatec. It offers free private parking and rooms with free Wi-Fi and cable TV. The local bus and train stations are 200 metres away... view more
€ 27
Hotel Pri Poku Bed&BreakfastPri Poku Bed&Breakfast

Pri Poku Bed and Breakfast is 800 metres from the A1 motorway, offering connections to the city centre, and has free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 55
More Hotels »

Vrhnika Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Vrhnika and its surroundings.

Železnička Stanica Verd 2.2 kmKameni Vrh 3.9 kmLjubljanski Vrh 4.1 km
Stanica Logatec 6.6 kmStanica Preserje 7.8 kmSrebotnik 8.6 km
Srobotnik 8.6 kmLogaška Planota 8.8 kmLjubljansko Barje 11.4 km
Ljubljana Marsh 11.4 kmŽeleznička Stanica Planina 11.5 kmVinivrh 12.4 km
Vinji Vrh 12.4 kmŠop 13.1 kmNovaška Gora 13.1 km
Krim 14 kmKamenica 14.1 kmMenišija 15 km
Polhograjski Dolomiti 15.1 kmPasja Ravan 15.7 kmHrušica 16.2 km
Žirovski Vrh 16.5 kmPrenikov Vrh 17 kmDrenikov Vrh 17 km
Orlov Vrh 18.4 kmGrajska Planota 18.4 kmŽeleznička Stanica Ljubljana-Šiška 19.2 km
Streliški Vrh 19.5 kmMokrec 19.5 kmMokric 19.5 km

Nuclear power plant

Krško Nuclear Power Plant 94.2 km  

Vrhnika Page

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