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Fernán Núñez Administration
Fernán Núñez Code | 14027 |
Fernán Núñez Post code | 14520 |
Fernán Núñez Mayor | Alfonso ALCAIDE ROMERO |
Fernán Núñez Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Fernán Núñez? Here are all the details of Fernán Núñez available below.
Fernán Núñez Postal address | Plaza de Armas, 5 14520 FERNÁN-NÚÑEZ España |
Fernán Núñez Phone number | 957 38 00 62 International: +34 957 38 00 62 |
Fernán Núñez Fax number | 957 38 04 43 International: +34 957 38 04 43 |
Fernán Núñez Email address | [email protected] |
Fernán Núñez Website | |
Other information | Ayuntamiento España : Fernán-Núñez |
Fernán Núñez Birth certificate, Fernán Núñez Death certificate |
Fernán Núñez Demography
Information on the people and the population of Fernán Núñez.
Fernán Núñez Population | 9,663 inhabitants |
Fernán Núñez Population Density | 324.3 /km² (839.8 /sq mi) |
Fernán Núñez Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Fernán Núñez.
Fernán Núñez Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 37.6723, Longitude: -4.72399 37° 40′ 20″ North, 4° 43′ 26″ West |
Fernán Núñez Area | 2,980 hectares 29.80 km² (11.51 sq mi) |
Fernán Núñez Altitude | 312 m (1,024 ft) |
Fernán Núñez Climate | Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa) |
Fernán Núñez Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Fernán Núñez and the biggest cities of Spain.
Fernán Núñez Map
Locate simply the city of Fernán Núñez through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Fernán Núñez Nearby cities and villages
Montemayor 3.4 km | La Rambla 7.3 km | San Sebastián de los Ballesteros 9 km |
Montalbán de Córdoba 10.2 km | La Victoria 11.4 km | Montilla 11.9 km |
Espejo 15.2 km | Santaella 15.9 km | La Carlota 18.4 km |
Aguilar de la Frontera 18.5 km |
Fernán Núñez Zone
Time zone of Fernán Núñez.
Fernán Núñez Local time | |
Fernán Núñez Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Madrid) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Fernán Núñez Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Fernán Núñez.
Fernán Núñez Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Fernán Núñez.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
27 March | 07:11 - 13:24 - 19:37 | 06:44 - 20:03 | 06:14 - 20:34 | 05:42 - 21:05 |
28 March | 07:09 - 13:23 - 19:38 | 06:43 - 20:04 | 06:12 - 20:35 | 05:40 - 21:06 |
29 March | 07:08 - 13:23 - 19:39 | 06:41 - 20:05 | 06:10 - 20:36 | 05:39 - 21:07 |
30 March | 08:06 - 14:23 - 20:39 | 07:40 - 21:06 | 07:09 - 21:37 | 06:37 - 22:08 |
31 March | 08:05 - 14:22 - 20:40 | 07:38 - 21:07 | 07:07 - 21:38 | 06:35 - 22:10 |
1 April | 08:03 - 14:22 - 20:41 | 07:37 - 21:08 | 07:06 - 21:39 | 06:34 - 22:11 |
2 April | 08:02 - 14:22 - 20:42 | 07:35 - 21:09 | 07:04 - 21:40 | 06:32 - 22:12 |
Fernán Núñez Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Fernán Núñez classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
![]() | Apartamentos el Volapie Montemayor Set in a peaceful, rural area, Apartamentos el Volapie offer spacious apartments with a terrace, garden and olive grove. The property offers apartments that are adapted for guests with reduced mobility... view more | from € 85 |
![]() | Hostal Restaurante el Cary Montemayor Offering a traditional restaurant serving Andalusian cuisine, Hostal Restaurante el Cary is located in Montemayor. The charming guest house has free Wi-Fi. Each room with colourful décor offers a TV and a private bathroom... view more | from € 40 |
![]() | Hotel Castillo de Montemayor Montemayor Only 30 km outside Córdoba, Hotel Castillo de Montemayor is located in Andalucía’s wine-producing region of Montilla-Moriles. It offers an outdoor pool, paddle tennis courts and rooms with a balcony... view more | from € 40 |
![]() | Holiday home Carretera de la Estación Montemayor Offering outdoor pool, Holiday home Carretera de la Estación is located in Montemayor. The accommodation will provide you with a TV and a dvd player. There is a full kitchenette with a dishwasher and a microwave... view more | from € 70 |
![]() | Atalaya de La Campiña La Rambla Surrounded by olive groves, this rural hotel is 5 km from Montemayor and 38 km south of Córdoba. It offers free parking, free Wi-Fi and a swimming pool set within gardens... view more | from € 51 |
More Hotels » |
Fernán Núñez Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Fernán Núñez and its surroundings.
La Campina Cordobesa 8.9 km | La Campiña 8.9 km | Estación de Valchillón 19.7 km |
Andalucía 21.3 km | Andalusia 21.3 km | Baetica 21.3 km |
Andalusie 21.3 km | Andalusien 21.3 km | Mad?nat al-Zahr? 23.7 km |
Medina Azahàra 23.7 km | Medina Azzahra 23.7 km | Medina-Zahra 23.7 km |
Sierra de Córdoba 27.7 km |
Fernán Núñez Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Fernán Núñez /5 (2021-02-04 16:11:00) |