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Corvera de Asturias Administration
Corvera de Asturias Code | 33020 |
Corvera de Asturias Post code | 33416 |
Corvera de Asturias Mayor | Ivan FERNANDEZ GARCIA |
Corvera de Asturias Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Corvera de Asturias? Here are all the details of Corvera de Asturias available below.
Corvera de Asturias Postal address | Carrer Nubledo, s/n 33416 CORVERA DE ASTURIAS España |
Corvera de Asturias Phone number | 985 50 57 01 International: +34 985 50 57 01 |
Corvera de Asturias Email address | [email protected] |
Corvera de Asturias Website | |
Other information | Ayuntamiento España : Corvera de Asturias |
Corvera de Asturias Birth certificate, Corvera de Asturias Death certificate |
Corvera de Asturias Demography
Information on the people and the population of Corvera de Asturias.
Corvera de Asturias Population | 15,549 inhabitants |
Corvera de Asturias Population Density | 337.9 /km² (875.3 /sq mi) |
Corvera de Asturias Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Corvera de Asturias.
Corvera de Asturias Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 43.5101, Longitude: -5.86923 43° 30′ 36″ North, 5° 52′ 9″ West |
Corvera de Asturias Area | 4,601 hectares 46.01 km² (17.76 sq mi) |
Corvera de Asturias Altitude | 56 m (184 ft) |
Corvera de Asturias Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Corvera de Asturias Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Corvera de Asturias and the biggest cities of Spain.
Corvera de Asturias Map
Locate simply the city of Corvera de Asturias through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Corvera de Asturias Nearby cities and villages
Llanera 6.4 km | Avilés 6.9 km | Carreño 7.5 km |
Illas 8.3 km | Castrillón 10.9 km | Gozón 11.6 km |
Las Regueras 13.5 km | Candamo 15.4 km | Soto del Barco 16.3 km |
Oviedo 16.8 km | Gijón 17.2 km | Noreña 18.3 km |
Corvera de Asturias Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Corvera de Asturias has international agreements with its different pairings.
Corvera de Asturias Zone
Time zone of Corvera de Asturias.
Corvera de Asturias Local time | |
Corvera de Asturias Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Madrid) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Corvera de Asturias Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Corvera de Asturias.
Corvera de Asturias Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Corvera de Asturias.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
26 January | 08:45 - 13:36 - 18:26 | 08:14 - 18:57 | 07:39 - 19:32 | 07:06 - 20:06 |
27 January | 08:44 - 13:36 - 18:28 | 08:13 - 18:58 | 07:39 - 19:33 | 07:05 - 20:07 |
28 January | 08:43 - 13:36 - 18:29 | 08:12 - 19:00 | 07:38 - 19:34 | 07:04 - 20:08 |
29 January | 08:42 - 13:36 - 18:30 | 08:11 - 19:01 | 07:37 - 19:35 | 07:03 - 20:09 |
30 January | 08:41 - 13:36 - 18:32 | 08:10 - 19:02 | 07:36 - 19:37 | 07:02 - 20:10 |
31 January | 08:40 - 13:36 - 18:33 | 08:09 - 19:03 | 07:35 - 19:38 | 07:02 - 20:11 |
1 February | 08:39 - 13:37 - 18:34 | 08:08 - 19:05 | 07:34 - 19:39 | 07:01 - 20:13 |
Corvera de Asturias Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Corvera de Asturias classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Parque Astur Corvera de Asturias The Hotel Parque Astur is set overlooking the Trasona Reservoir, with stunning views of the surrounding Asturian countryside. The modern rooms feature free Wi-Fi and a plasma TV. The hotel has a snack bar serving dinner... view more | from € 39 | |
La Posada De Overo Corvera de Asturias Overlooking the Trasona Reservoir, the Posada de Overo is located just outside Avilés in Asturias. It offers air-conditioned rooms with traditional décor, free Wi-Fi and a flat-screen TV... view more | from € 40 | |
Hotel Spa Zen Balagares Overo Located 10 minutes’ drive from Avilés in Asturias, ZEN Balagares offers an extensive spa and an 18-hole golf course. The stylish, air-conditioned rooms have a plasma TV and free Wi-Fi... view more | from € 55 | |
Hotel Royal Llanera Featuring rooms with balconies and views of the gardens, Hotel Restaurante Royal is set in La Miranda, offering easy access to the AS-17 Motorway. It has a restaurant and a café, and offers a free buffet breakfast... view more | from € 55 | |
Pensión Serafín Avilés Located in Avilés, this guest house is only 2 km from the town centre. Pensión Serafín offers rooms with heating and a cafeteria with free Wi-Fi... view more | from € 23 | |
More Hotels » |
Corvera de Asturias Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Corvera de Asturias and its surroundings.
Muelle de Ensidesa 7 km | Muelle de Levante 7 km | Monte Tablada 7.4 km |
Muelle de Raíces 9.4 km | Lugo 9.5 km | Llanera 9.5 km |
Estación de Lugo de Llanera 9.5 km | Playa del Espartal 10.3 km | Playa de Salinas 10.3 km |
Ría de Avilés 10.6 km | Monte Bocon 10.8 km | Punta de la Garza 11.1 km |
Monte Chagó 11.2 km | Peninsula de Nieva 11.3 km | Peninsula de San Juan de Nieva 11.3 km |
Península de San Juan 11.3 km | Punta Cercada 11.4 km | Punta del Pical 11.6 km |
Punta Cueva Caballos 11.9 km | Punta de la Forcada 11.9 km | La Forcada Point 11.9 km |
Punta del Cabrito 12.2 km | Ría de Perán 12.6 km | Punta del Regato 12.6 km |
Punta Aviao 12.6 km | Pinzales 12.7 km | Cabo Negro 12.8 km |
Punta del Cuerno 12.8 km | Punta del Home 13.2 km | Playas de Xivares 13.8 km |
Corvera de Asturias Page
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