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  13. Castro Urdiales

Castro Urdiales

Castro Urdiales Localisation : Country Spain, Autonomous community Cantabria, Province Cantabria.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Guriezo, Muskiz and Zierbena.


Find all the information of Castro Urdiales or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Autonomous communityCantabria

Castro Urdiales Administration

Castro Urdiales Code39020
Castro Urdiales Post code39700
Castro Urdiales MayorSusana HERRÁN MARTÍN

Castro Urdiales Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Castro Urdiales? Here are all the details of Castro Urdiales available below.

Castro Urdiales Postal addressPlaza Ayuntamiento, 1
Castro Urdiales Phone number942 85 90 00
International: +34 942 85 90 00
Castro Urdiales Fax number942 85 90 08
International: +34 942 85 90 08
Castro Urdiales Email address[email protected]
Castro Urdiales Websitewww.castro.urdiales.net
Other informationAyuntamiento España : Castro-Urdiales
Castro Urdiales Birth certificate, Castro Urdiales Death certificate

Castro Urdiales Demography

Information on the people and the population of Castro Urdiales.

Castro Urdiales Population32,069 inhabitants
Castro Urdiales Population Density331.6 /km² (858.8 /sq mi)

Castro Urdiales Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Castro Urdiales.

Castro Urdiales Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 43.3828, Longitude: -3.21957
43° 22′ 58″ North, 3° 13′ 10″ West
Castro Urdiales Area9,672 hectares
96.72 km² (37.34 sq mi)
Castro Urdiales Altitude14 m (46 ft)
Castro Urdiales ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Castro Urdiales Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Castro Urdiales and the biggest cities of Spain.

Madrid 333 kmBarcelona 496 kmValencia 496 km
Seville 708 kmSaragossa 272 kmMalaga 749 km
Murcia 626 kmPalma 648 kmLas Palmas 2020 km
Bilbao 28 km closestAlicante 606 kmCordova 626 km

Castro Urdiales Map

Locate simply the city of Castro Urdiales through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Castro Urdiales Nearby cities and villages

Guriezo 9.1 kmMuskiz 11 kmZierbena 11.5 km
Abanto y Ciérbana-Abanto Zierbena 13 kmLiendo 13.2 kmTrucios-Turtzioz 13.5 km
Limpias 14.6 kmSopuerta 14.6 kmOrtuella 15.4 km
Laredo 15.9 kmSanturtzi 16.4 kmArtzentales 16.4 km

Castro Urdiales Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Castro Urdiales has international agreements with its different pairings.

Castro Urdiales Zone

Time zone of Castro Urdiales.

Castro Urdiales Local time
Castro Urdiales Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Madrid)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Castro Urdiales Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Castro Urdiales.

Castro Urdiales Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Castro Urdiales.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
10 February08:17 - 13:27 - 18:3607:47 - 19:0607:14 - 19:40 06:40 - 20:13
11 February08:15 - 13:27 - 18:3807:46 - 19:0707:12 - 19:41 06:39 - 20:14
12 February08:14 - 13:27 - 18:3907:45 - 19:0807:11 - 19:42 06:38 - 20:15
13 February08:13 - 13:27 - 18:4007:43 - 19:1007:10 - 19:43 06:37 - 20:16
14 February08:11 - 13:27 - 18:4207:42 - 19:1107:09 - 19:44 06:35 - 20:18
15 February08:10 - 13:26 - 18:4307:41 - 19:1207:07 - 19:46 06:34 - 20:19
16 February08:08 - 13:26 - 18:4407:39 - 19:1407:06 - 19:47 06:33 - 20:20

Castro Urdiales Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Castro Urdiales classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Ardigales 11Ardigales 11

This stylish guest house is located 100 metres from the harbour in Castro Urdiales. It offers modern rooms and free Wi-Fi, 5 minutes’ walk from the beach. Rooms at Ardigales 11 feature smart, functional décor... view more
€ 42
Hotel Pensión Pensión "La Marina"

Next to the Castro Urdiales Harbour, Pensión La Marina features heated rooms with free Wi-Fi. It offers free luggage storage and it is set 450 metres from Playa Brazomar Beach... view more
€ 20
Hotel Pensión ChiliPensión Chili
Pensión Chili is located in central Castro Urdiales, 5 minutes’ walk from the harbour and Ostende Beach. It offers stylish rooms with flat-screen TV and a 24-hour hot beverages service... view more
€ 35
Hotel Hotel La RondaHotel La Ronda

Hotel La Ronda is centrally located in Castro Urdiales main shopping street, and only 10 minutes’ walk from the beach. It offers simple décor rooms with free Wi-Fi, a TV and private bathroom... view more
€ 38
Hotel Hosteria Villa de CastroHosteria Villa de Castro
Located just 50 metres from Castro Urdiales Beach, Hosteria Villa de Castro offers bright rooms and studios with a flat-screen TV, heating and free Wi-Fi. Bilbao is only a 25-minute drive away... view more
€ 30
More Hotels »

Castro Urdiales Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Castro Urdiales and its surroundings.

Punta de Cotolino 1.6 kmPunta del Rabanal 1.9 kmPunta de Saltacaballos 2.4 km
Punta Saltacaballo 2.4 kmMonte Dehesa de Monillo 6.7 kmRía de Oriñón 8.1 km
Cabo Cebollero 8.7 kmPunta de Sorabia 8.7 kmPunta de Sonabia 8.7 km
Campo Ventoso 9.2 kmPunta Picos de Luzuero 9.8 kmPunta de Luzuero 9.8 km
Punta Lucero 9.8 kmPunta de Yesera 9.9 kmLas Presas 9.9 km
Playa de San Julián 12.5 kmEl Águila 13.8 kmMonte Mazoba 14.2 km
Ría de Bilbao 14.8 kmPunta de la Galea 15.2 kmPunta Galea 15.2 km
Puerto Pesquero 16 kmEl Canto 16.1 kmCanto de Laredo 16.1 km
Punta de Azcorri 16.4 kmPlaya de Azcorri 16.4 kmPuente de Vizcaya 17.6 km
Arenal de Laredo 17.7 kmPlaya de Laredo 17.7 kmPlaya de Salvé 17.7 km

Nuclear power plant

Santa María de Garoña Nuclear Power Plant 67.7 km  

Castro Urdiales Page

Direct link
DB-City.comCastro Urdiales 5/5 (2020-05-28 11:13:33)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page