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Esquivias Localisation : Country Spain, Autonomous community Castile-La Mancha, Province Toledo.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Yeles, Borox and Seseña.


Find all the information of Esquivias or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Autonomous communityCastile-La Mancha

Esquivias Administration

Esquivias Code45064
Esquivias Post code45221
Esquivias MayorAlmudena GONZALEZ PASCUAL

Esquivias Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Esquivias? Here are all the details of Esquivias available below.

Esquivias Postal addressPlaza de España, 1
Esquivias Phone number925 52 01 61
International: +34 925 52 01 61
Esquivias Fax number925 52 00 09
International: +34 925 52 00 09
Esquivias Email addressNot available
Esquivias Websitewww.esquivias.org
Other informationAyuntamiento España : Esquivias
Esquivias Birth certificate, Esquivias Death certificate

Esquivias Demography

Information on the people and the population of Esquivias.

Esquivias Population5,549 inhabitants
Esquivias Population Density222.7 /km² (576.7 /sq mi)

Esquivias Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Esquivias.

Esquivias Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 40.1041, Longitude: -3.77008
40° 6′ 15″ North, 3° 46′ 12″ West
Esquivias Area2,492 hectares
24.92 km² (9.62 sq mi)
Esquivias Altitude612 m (2,008 ft)
Esquivias ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Esquivias Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Esquivias and the biggest cities of Spain.

Madrid 35 km closestBarcelona 521 kmValencia 299 km
Seville 359 kmSaragossa 299 kmMalaga 381 km
Murcia 328 kmPalma 552 kmLas Palmas 1709 km
Bilbao 358 kmAlicante 345 kmCordova 262 km

Esquivias Map

Locate simply the city of Esquivias through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Esquivias Nearby cities and villages

Esquivias Zone

Time zone of Esquivias.

Esquivias Local time
Esquivias Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Madrid)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Esquivias Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Esquivias.

Esquivias Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Esquivias.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
12 March07:30 - 13:24 - 19:1807:03 - 19:4506:32 - 20:17 06:00 - 20:48
13 March07:29 - 13:24 - 19:1907:02 - 19:4606:30 - 20:18 05:58 - 20:50
14 March07:27 - 13:24 - 19:2007:00 - 19:4706:29 - 20:19 05:57 - 20:51
15 March07:25 - 13:23 - 19:2106:58 - 19:4806:27 - 20:20 05:55 - 20:52
16 March07:24 - 13:23 - 19:2206:57 - 19:4906:25 - 20:21 05:53 - 20:53
17 March07:22 - 13:23 - 19:2306:55 - 19:5006:24 - 20:22 05:52 - 20:54
18 March07:21 - 13:23 - 19:2506:54 - 19:5106:22 - 20:23 05:50 - 20:55

Esquivias Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Esquivias classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel HidalgoHotel Hidalgo

New 4-star hotel located between Toledo and Madrid, 25 minutes' drive from the Warner Bros Theme Park... view more
€ 45
Hotel Hotel Complejo ParísHotel Complejo París

Located in the town of Illescas, this modern and well-equipped hotel has an outdoor swimming pool, lovely surrounding gardens and free Wi-Fi in rooms. Take a stroll through the gardens in the evening, and admire the sunset... view more
€ 44
Hotel Hotel Real de IllescasHotel Real de Illescas

The charming Hotel Real is situated in Illescas in the province of Toledo, around 30 km from Madrid. It offers air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. Rooms at Hotel Real de Illescas feature simple décor and come with satellite TV and a minibar... view more
€ 37
Hotel Hostal MaysHostal Mays
Numancia de la Sagra
Hostal Mays is a guest house located in a quiet area between Madrid, Toledo and Aranjuez. It has a restaurant that offers a daily set menu and rooms with private bathroom. Breakfast is served at the bar-cafeteria... view more
€ 27
Hotel Carlos ICarlos I

This small, classically designed hotel is located in the business park “La Villa de Yuncos” with rapid access to Toledo and Madrid via the A-42... view more
€ 25
More Hotels »

Esquivias Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Esquivias and its surroundings.

Estación de Yeles y Esquivias 1.8 kmLa Estación 1.8 kmNew Castile 11.7 km
Castilla la Nueva 11.7 kmCastilla Nueva 11.7 kmPeñal de Ante Cristo 15.5 km
Estación de Castillejo 17.4 kmCastillejo 17.4 kmEstación de Castillejo-Añover 17.4 km
Estación de Villaseca y Mocejón 20.2 kmLa Estación 20.4 kmLa Estación de Cabañas de la Sagra 20.4 km
Estación de Algodor 21.9 kmEstación de Algodar 21.9 kmCerro de los Ángeles 23 km
Estación de Higares 23.6 kmApeadero de Guadarrama 25.8 kmLa Estación 26 km
La Estación de Bargas 26 kmApeadero de Villaviciosa 26.8 kmEstación de Dos Bocas 27.9 km

Nuclear power plant

José Cabrera Nuclear Power Station 80.1 kmTrillo Nuclear Power Plant 117.9 km 

Esquivias Page

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DB-City.comEsquivias 3.7/5 (2021-02-04 16:59:31)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page