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  13. Santa Coloma de Gramenet

Santa Coloma de Gramenet

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Localisation : Country Spain, Autonomous community Catalonia, Province Barcelona.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : St Adrià de Besòs, Badalona and Montcada i Reixac.


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Update data

Autonomous communityCatalonia
Official language
  • Spanish : Santa Coloma de Gramanet
  • Catalan : Santa Coloma de Gramenet

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Administration

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Code08245
Santa Coloma de Gramenet Post code08921
Santa Coloma de Gramenet MayorNúria PARLON GIL

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Santa Coloma de Gramenet? Here are all the details of Santa Coloma de Gramenet available below.

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Postal addressPlaça de la Vila, 1
Santa Coloma de Gramenet Phone number934 62 40 00
International: +34 934 62 40 00
Santa Coloma de Gramenet Email address[email protected]
Santa Coloma de Gramenet Websitewww.grame.net
Other informationAyuntamiento España : Santa Coloma de Gramenet
Santa Coloma de Gramenet Birth certificate, Santa Coloma de Gramenet Death certificate

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Demography

Information on the people and the population of Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Population119,215 inhabitants
Santa Coloma de Gramenet Population Density16,814.5 /km² (43,549.4 /sq mi)

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.4511, Longitude: 2.20898
41° 27′ 4″ North, 2° 12′ 32″ East
Santa Coloma de Gramenet Area709 hectares
7.09 km² (2.74 sq mi)
Santa Coloma de Gramenet Altitude37 m (121 ft)
Santa Coloma de Gramenet ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Santa Coloma de Gramenet and the biggest cities of Spain.

Madrid 510 kmBarcelona 8 km closestValencia 311 km
Seville 838 kmSaragossa 258 kmMalaga 778 km
Murcia 480 kmPalma 213 kmLas Palmas 2183 km
Bilbao 468 kmAlicante 415 kmCordova 718 km

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Map

Locate simply the city of Santa Coloma de Gramenet through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Nearby cities and villages

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Santa Coloma de Gramenet has international agreements with its different pairings.

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Zone

Time zone of Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Local time
Santa Coloma de Gramenet Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Madrid)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
4 February07:59 - 13:05 - 18:1107:30 - 18:4006:57 - 19:12 06:24 - 19:45
5 February07:58 - 13:05 - 18:1207:29 - 18:4106:56 - 19:14 06:23 - 19:46
6 February07:56 - 13:05 - 18:1307:28 - 18:4206:55 - 19:15 06:22 - 19:47
7 February07:55 - 13:05 - 18:1407:26 - 18:4306:54 - 19:16 06:21 - 19:48
8 February07:54 - 13:05 - 18:1607:25 - 18:4406:53 - 19:17 06:20 - 19:49
9 February07:53 - 13:05 - 18:1707:24 - 18:4506:52 - 19:18 06:19 - 19:50
10 February07:52 - 13:05 - 18:1807:23 - 18:4706:50 - 19:19 06:18 - 19:52

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Santa Coloma de Gramenet classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Abarco ApartmentsAbarco Apartments
Santa Coloma
Offering modern, air-conditioned apartments with free Wi-Fi, Abarco Apartments is 10 minutes’ walk from Santa Coloma Metro Station. Barcelona’s Plaza Catalunya is a 20-minute metro ride away on the same line... view more
€ 45
Hotel Ibis Barcelona Santa ColomaIbis Barcelona Santa Coloma

Santa Coloma
Estratégicamente ubicado cerca del Nus de la Trinitat, en la misma b- 20, entre las Rondas del Dalt y Litoral, lo que lo convierte en una buena opción para viajes tanto de negocio como de ocio... view more
€ 52
Hotel NH La MaquinistaNH La Maquinista

NH La Maquinista is ideally located next to the La Maquinista Shopping Centre in Barcelona’s Sant Andreu District. Plaza de Catalunya is just a 15-minute Metro journey away. The Maquinista’s bright rooms have air conditioning and satellite TV... view more
€ 59
Hotel Alguera Apartments Sant AndreuAlguera Apartments Sant Andreu
These bright and modern apartments are located in the quiet Sant Andreu district of Barcelona. They offer free Wi-Fi, and most have a balcony or terrace with city views... view more
€ 45
Hotel Hostal AthenasHostal Athenas

Sant Adria de Besos
Located in the centre of Sant Adrià de Besòs, Hostal Athenas offers functional rooms with private bathrooms. The cosmopolitan city of Barcelona is just 25 minutes away by metro. All rooms feature private bathrooms and include free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 31
More Hotels »

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Santa Coloma de Gramenet and its surroundings.

Playa Badalona 2.8 kmPlaya del Besós 4.3 kmTérmicas del Besós 4.3 km
Barcelonès 6.2 kmPlaya Mongat 6.7 kmCosta de Levante 7.6 km
Costa de Llevant 7.6 kmEstación de Barcelona 7.8 kmParc de la Ciutadella 7.8 km
Jardines de la Ciudadela 7.8 kmSierra de Matas 8.1 kmCastillo de Montjuich 8.3 km
Monte del Tibidabo 8.6 kmSanta Creu d’Olirda 9.9 kmSanta Cruz de Olorde 9.9 km
Santa Creu d’Olorda 9.9 kmMontaña de Montjuich 10 kmMontjuic 10 km
Montjuich 10 kmMaresme 10.5 kmSan Pedro Martir 10.7 km
La Ballena 13.6 kmSant Mateu 13.8 kmSierra de San Mateo 13.8 km
Ermita Alto de San Mateo 13.8 kmEl Vallés 15.1 kmVallés 15.1 km
Punta del Rio 15.8 kmPunta del Llobregat 15.8 kmZona Franca 16.2 km

Nuclear power plant

Vandellòs Nuclear Power Plant 125.4 kmAscó Nuclear Power Plant 139.9 km 

Santa Coloma de Gramenet Page

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DB-City.comSanta Coloma de Gramenet 5/5 (2020-05-28 11:13:33)
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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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