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Muxia Localisation : Country Spain, Autonomous community Galicia, Province Corunna.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Camariñas, Dumbría and Vimianzo.


Find all the information of Muxia or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Autonomous communityGalicia
Official language
  • Spanish : Mugía
  • Galician : Muxía

Muxia Administration

Muxia Code15052
Muxia Post code15124
Muxia MayorSantiago Manuel TOBA CAMPAÑA

Muxia Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Muxia? Here are all the details of Muxia available below.

Muxia Postal addressCarrer Real, 41
15124 MUXÍA
Muxia Phone number981 74 20 01
International: +34 981 74 20 01
Muxia Fax number981 74 22 98
International: +34 981 74 22 98
Muxia Email address[email protected]
Muxia Websiteconcellomuxia.com
Other informationAyuntamiento España : Muxía
Muxia Birth certificate, Muxia Death certificate

Muxia Demography

Information on the people and the population of Muxia.

Muxia Population4,657 inhabitants
Muxia Population Density38.4 /km² (99.5 /sq mi)

Muxia Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Muxia.

Muxia Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 43.1047, Longitude: -9.21846
43° 6′ 17″ North, 9° 13′ 6″ West
Muxia Area12,119 hectares
121.19 km² (46.79 sq mi)
Muxia Altitude11 m (36 ft)
Muxia ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb)

Muxia Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Muxia and the biggest cities of Spain.

Madrid 547 kmBarcelona 957 kmValencia 842 km
Seville 693 kmSaragossa 704 kmMalaga 820 km
Murcia 890 kmPalma 1066 kmLas Palmas 1758 km
Bilbao 511 km closestAlicante 907 kmCordova 692 km

Muxia Map

Locate simply the city of Muxia through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Muxia Nearby cities and villages

Camariñas 3.8 kmDumbría 13.5 kmVimianzo 15 km
Cee 16.8 kmCorcubión 17.9 km

Muxia Zone

Time zone of Muxia.

Muxia Local time
Muxia Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Madrid)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Muxia Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Muxia.

Muxia Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Muxia.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
6 February08:45 - 13:50 - 18:5608:16 - 19:2507:42 - 19:59 07:09 - 20:32
7 February08:44 - 13:50 - 18:5708:15 - 19:2607:41 - 20:00 07:08 - 20:33
8 February08:43 - 13:51 - 18:5808:13 - 19:2807:40 - 20:01 07:07 - 20:34
9 February08:42 - 13:51 - 19:0008:12 - 19:2907:39 - 20:03 07:06 - 20:36
10 February08:40 - 13:51 - 19:0108:11 - 19:3007:37 - 20:04 07:04 - 20:37
11 February08:39 - 13:51 - 19:0208:10 - 19:3207:36 - 20:05 07:03 - 20:38
12 February08:38 - 13:51 - 19:0408:08 - 19:3307:35 - 20:06 07:02 - 20:39

Muxia Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Muxia classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel de Encanto A de LolóHotel de Encanto A de Loló

A de Loló - Hotel de Encanto is a centrally located design hotel, 100 metres from Muxía Marina. It features a sun terrace and offers free Wi-Fi and free parking nearby. Heated rooms feature handmade furniture and marine-inspired décor... view more
€ 38
Hotel Hostal La CruzHostal La Cruz
Set on Playa de la Cruz Beach, 500 metres from the centre of Muxia, all rooms at Hostal La Cruz offer sea views. There is a free Wi-Fi zone and free parking. Heated rooms feature tiled floors, a desk, TV and telephone... view more
€ 40
Hotel Pensión Rústica o Rincón Da BaiucaPensión Rústica o Rincón Da Baiuca
This charming guest house is located in A Baiuca, on the beautiful Costa da Morte. The nearest beach is 400 metres away and the town of Muxía is 10 minutes’ walk of the property... view more
€ 50
Hotel Casa de LemaCasa de Lema
Guests at Casa de Lema can relax in the 2 social lounges with TV, DVD and fireplace. All areas include free Wi-Fi, and there is a comfortable garden and library. The Casa de Lema is a traditional stone house with rustic and colonial décor... view more
€ 50
Hotel Casa de TrilloCasa de Trillo
Santa Marina
Casa De Trillo is located on the Costa da Morte, in the attractive village of Santa Mariña. It offers an authentic Galician experience, with traditional furniture and a restaurant serving local dishes... view more
€ 65
More Hotels »

Muxia Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Muxia and its surroundings.

Punta Langosteira 0.5 kmPunta Lagosteira 0.5 kmPunta Lagosteiras 0.5 km
Punta de la Barca 1.3 kmCabo de la Buitra 2.7 kmPunta de la Builra 2.7 km
Punta Buitra 2.7 kmPunta de Monte Farelo 3.5 kmPunta Farelo 3.5 km
Cabo Vilan 7.1 kmCabo Villano 7.1 kmPunta Forcados 7.5 km
Cabo Touriñan 9 kmCabo Touriñá 9 kmCabo Toriñana 9 km
Punta Insúa 9 kmPunta del Buey 9.7 kmCabo Trece 9.7 km
Cabo Tosto 9.7 kmPunta Cusiñadoiro 10.6 kmPunta de la Vela 10.6 km
Monte de Camelle 10.8 kmPunta de Monte Gordo 11.1 kmMonte Padreda 11.5 km
Mellón de Lires 11.9 kmCabo Veo 12 kmPunta Pedra de Sal 12.7 km
Punta Pedro da Sal 12.7 kmSierra de Peña Forcada 14.1 kmPunta das Pardas 15.9 km

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