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  11. Gothenburg


Gothenburg Localisation : Country Sweden, County Västra Götaland.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Mölndal, Partille and Lerum.


Find all the information of Gothenburg or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Gothenburg Administration

Gothenburg Code1480
Gothenburg Post code404 82
Gothenburg MayorAnneli Hulthén

Gothenburg Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Gothenburg? Here are all the details of Gothenburg available below.

Gothenburg Postal addressKöpmansgatan 20
404 82 Göteborg
Gothenburg Phone number0313-68 00 00
International: +46 313-68 00 00
Gothenburg Fax number0313-68 01 82
International: +46 313-68 01 82
Gothenburg Email address[email protected]
Gothenburg Websitewww.goteborg.se
Gothenburg Birth certificate, Gothenburg Death certificate

Gothenburg Demography

Information on the people and the population of Gothenburg.

Gothenburg Population493,502 inhabitants
Gothenburg Population Density1,094.9 /km² (2,835.9 /sq mi)

Gothenburg Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Gothenburg.

Gothenburg Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 57.697, Longitude: 11.9864
57° 41′ 49″ North, 11° 59′ 11″ East
Gothenburg Area45,071 hectares
450.71 km² (174.02 sq mi)
Gothenburg Altitude12 m (39 ft)
Gothenburg ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Gothenburg Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Gothenburg and the biggest cities of Sweden.

Stockholm 397 kmMalmö 241 kmUppsala 405 km
Linköping 229 kmVästerås 340 kmÖrebro 257 km
Norrköping 266 kmHelsingborg 189 kmJönköping 129 km
Umeå 816 kmLund 234 kmBorås 57 km closest

Gothenburg Map

Locate simply the city of Gothenburg through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Gothenburg Nearby cities and villages

Mölndal 4.9 kmPartille 8.6 kmLerum 18.6 km
Kungälv 19.4 kmÖckerö 19.9 km

Gothenburg Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Gothenburg has international agreements with its different pairings.

Gothenburg Zone

Time zone of Gothenburg.

Gothenburg Local time
Gothenburg Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Stockholm)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Gothenburg Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Gothenburg.

Gothenburg Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Gothenburg.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
24 March06:01 - 12:18 - 18:3405:22 - 19:1304:35 - 20:01 03:44 - 20:52
25 March05:58 - 12:17 - 18:3705:19 - 19:1604:32 - 20:03 03:40 - 20:55
26 March05:56 - 12:17 - 18:3905:16 - 19:1804:29 - 20:06 03:36 - 20:58
27 March05:53 - 12:17 - 18:4105:13 - 19:2004:26 - 20:08 03:33 - 21:01
28 March05:50 - 12:17 - 18:4305:11 - 19:2304:22 - 20:11 03:29 - 21:04
29 March05:47 - 12:16 - 18:4505:08 - 19:2504:19 - 20:13 03:25 - 21:07
30 March06:44 - 13:16 - 19:4806:05 - 20:2705:16 - 21:16 04:22 - 22:10

Gothenburg Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Gothenburg classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Upper HouseUpper House

Located on the top floors of Gothia Towers, opened in September 2013, Upper House offers impressive views over Gothenburg. Guests enjoy free access to the on-site spa and outdoor, glass-bottom pool... view more
krS 1990
Hotel Gothia Towers HotelGothia Towers Hotel

Set next to the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, this stylish hotel is opposite Liseberg Amusement Park. Its 23rd-floor sky bar offers stunning panoramic views of Gothenburg... view more
krS 990
Hotel Eklanda Bed & BreakfastEklanda Bed & Breakfast
This cosy B&B is located 100 metres from both Liseberg and the Svenska Mässan Fair in Gothenburg. The shopping street Avenyn and all the city’s amenities are just a short stroll away... view more
krS 650
Hotel Hotell OnyxenHotell Onyxen

Situated in a 19th-century building, this hotel is directly across from Scandinavium Arena. The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre is a 5-minute walk away. It offers free Wi-Fi and an on-site bar... view more
krS 840
Hotel Hotel LorensbergHotel Lorensberg

The family-owned Hotel Lorensberg is within 5 minutes’ walk of Gothenburg’s Scandinavium Arena and Liseberg Amusement Park. It offers free Wi-Fi and free coffee throughout the day... view more
krS 790
More Hotels »

Gothenburg Transport

TramBicycle sharing system 


Göteborg Landvetter Airport 17.9 kmGöteborg City Airport 11.1 kmAalborg Airport 144.8 km

Gothenburg Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Gothenburg and its surroundings.

Stor Bommens Hamn 1.2 kmStora Bommens Hamn 1.2 kmAlmedal 1.7 km
Lilla Bommenshamn 2.5 kmLilla Bommen 2.5 kmMasthuggskyrkan 3.2 km
Götaverken 3.2 kmSlottskogen 3.5 kmFiskhamnen 3.5 km
Fiskehamnen 3.5 kmFiskhamn 3.5 kmRamberget 3.8 km
Sannegården 3.8 kmSannegårdens Station 3.8 kmGöteborg-Tingstad 4.1 km
Tingstads Station 4.1 kmTingstads Hallplats 4.1 kmTingstad 4.1 km
Mölndal Övre 5.5 kmMölndal Nedre 5.5 kmMölndals Övre 5.5 km
Mölndals Nedre 5.5 kmNya Varvet 5.6 kmNya Varfvet 5.6 km
Ryahamnen 5.8 kmRya Nabbe 5.8 kmGunnebo 5.8 km
Lärje 6 kmEkebäck 6.1 kmSkarvikshamnen 6.4 km

Nuclear power plant

Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant 49.1 km  

Gothenburg Page

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DB-City.comGothenburg 5/5 (2021-04-08 13:35:25)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Transport
  • Nearby
  • Page