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Meikirch Localisation : Country Switzerland, Canton Bern, Bern-Mittelland.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Wohlen bei Bern, Schüpfen and Kirchlindach.


Find all the information of Meikirch or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Meikirch Administration

Meikirch Code (OFS)0307
Meikirch Post code3045

Meikirch Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Meikirch? Here are all the details of Meikirch available below.

Meikirch Postal addressWahlendorfstrasse 10
Meikirch Phone number090 112 60 16
(2chf + 2chf/mn)
Meikirch Email address[email protected]
Meikirch Websitewww.meikirch.ch
Other informationGemeinde Commune Comune : Meikirch
Meikirch Birth certificate, Meikirch Death certificate

Meikirch Demography

Information on the people and the population of Meikirch.

Meikirch Population2,461 inhabitants
Meikirch Population Density240.8 /km² (623.7 /sq mi)

Meikirch Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Meikirch.

Meikirch Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.0085, Longitude: 7.36736
47° 0′ 31″ North, 7° 22′ 2″ East
Meikirch Area1,022 hectares
10.22 km² (3.95 sq mi)
Meikirch Altitude654 m (2,146 ft)
Meikirch ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Meikirch Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Meikirch and the biggest cities of Switzerland.

Zurich 98 kmGeneva 129 kmBasle 64 km
Lausanne 78 kmBerne 7 km closestWinterthur 117 km
Lucerne 73 kmSt. Gallen 143 kmLugano 166 km
Biel 18 kmThun 35 kmBellinzona 155 km

Meikirch Map

Locate simply the city of Meikirch through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Meikirch Nearby cities and villages

Meikirch Zone

Time zone of Meikirch.

Meikirch Local time
Meikirch Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Zurich)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Meikirch Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Meikirch.

Meikirch Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Meikirch.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
15 February07:34 - 12:44 - 17:5407:03 - 18:2606:27 - 19:01 05:52 - 19:36
16 February07:32 - 12:44 - 17:5607:01 - 18:2706:25 - 19:03 05:50 - 19:38
17 February07:31 - 12:44 - 17:5706:59 - 18:2906:24 - 19:04 05:49 - 19:39
18 February07:29 - 12:44 - 17:5906:58 - 18:3006:22 - 19:05 05:47 - 19:41
19 February07:27 - 12:44 - 18:0006:56 - 18:3106:21 - 19:07 05:46 - 19:42
20 February07:25 - 12:44 - 18:0206:55 - 18:3306:19 - 19:08 05:44 - 19:43
21 February07:24 - 12:44 - 18:0306:53 - 18:3406:17 - 19:10 05:42 - 19:45

Meikirch Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Meikirch classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Restaurant BahnhofHotel Restaurant Bahnhof
The Hotel Restaurant Bahnhof is located opposite the Schüpfen Train Station, a 15-minute train ride or drive from Berne. It offers Swiss cuisine, free private parking and a garden terrace... view more
CHF 99
Hotel Appartement Am WohlenseeAppartement Am Wohlensee
Situated just 50 metres from Lake Wohlen, Appartement Am Wohlensee provides free Wi-Fi and satellite TV. The apartment house offers a shared-use terrace and direct access to the lake. Bern can be reached within 15 minutes by public transport... view more
CHF 85
Hotel Appartement MünchenbuchseeAppartement Münchenbuchsee
Situated in quiet surroundings 10 km north of Berne, this apartment is only a 3-minute walk away from the Münchenbuchsee bus and train station. Free Wi-fi and free garage parking are available... view more
Hotel Residenz Senevita WestsideResidenz Senevita Westside

This spacious apartment is located in the modern Westside Shopping Centre on the outskirts of Bern. It features a balcony and free Wi-Fi access. The city centre and the Main Train Station are 5.5 km away... view more
Hotel Holiday Inn Bern WestsideHoliday Inn Bern Westside

The Holiday Inn Bern-Westside, easily accessible by car and train, is located on the outskirts of the Swiss capital, and combines modern architecture of the world-renowned architect Daniel Libeskind with an idyllic and rural environment... view more
CHF 134
More Hotels »

Meikirch Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Meikirch and its surroundings.

Gurten Kulm 11.4 kmGurten 11.4 kmBucheggberg 12.6 km
Gümmenen 13.2 kmBantiger 13.4 kmNaturschutzgebiet Häftli 15.8 km
Sankt Petersinsel 17.7 kmIle-de-Saint-Pierre 17.7 kmBelpberg 19.4 km
Längenberg 19.9 kmGerlafingen 23.2 kmMont Vully 23.3 km
Mont Vuilly 23.3 kmMontoz 24 kmLa Tène 25.4 km
Hasenmatte 25.8 kmHasenmatt 25.8 kmPierre Pertuis 25.8 km
Chasseral 27.8 kmMarin-Épagnier 27.9 kmJura Bernois 28.3 km
Bernese Jura 28.3 kmSwiss Plateau 29.1 kmMittelland 29.1 km
Great Swiss Plateau 29.1 kmSchweizer Mittelland 29.1 kmWeissenstein 29.7 km
Vorder Weissenstein 29.7 kmMoron 29.7 kmVal Saint-Imier 29.8 km

Nuclear power plant

Mühleberg Nuclear Power Plant 8.5 kmGösgen Nuclear Power Plant 60.4 kmBeznau Nuclear Power Plant 88.8 km

Meikirch Page

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DB-City.comMeikirch 4.2/5 (2020-06-09 08:24:14)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page