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Kernenried Localisation : Country Switzerland, Canton Bern, Emmental.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Lyssach, Rüdtligen-Alchenflüh and Mötschwil.


Find all the information of Kernenried or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Kernenried Administration

Kernenried Code (OFS)0411
Kernenried Post code3309

Kernenried Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Kernenried? Here are all the details of Kernenried available below.

Kernenried Postal addressDorfstrasse 16
Kernenried Phone number090 112 60 16
(2chf + 2chf/mn)
Kernenried Email address[email protected]
Kernenried WebsiteNot available
Other informationGemeinde Commune Comune : Kernenried
Kernenried Birth certificate, Kernenried Death certificate

Kernenried Demography

Information on the people and the population of Kernenried.

Kernenried Population553 inhabitants
Kernenried Population Density165.6 /km² (428.8 /sq mi)

Kernenried Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Kernenried.

Kernenried Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.0675, Longitude: 7.55074
47° 4′ 3″ North, 7° 33′ 3″ East
Kernenried Area334 hectares
3.34 km² (1.29 sq mi)
Kernenried Altitude506 m (1,660 ft)
Kernenried ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Kernenried Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Kernenried and the biggest cities of Switzerland.

Zurich 82 kmGeneva 144 kmBasle 55 km
Lausanne 92 kmBerne 17 km closestWinterthur 101 km
Lucerne 59 kmSt. Gallen 128 kmLugano 161 km
Biel 24 kmThun 36 kmBellinzona 148 km

Kernenried Map

Locate simply the city of Kernenried through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Kernenried Nearby cities and villages

Kernenried Zone

Time zone of Kernenried.

Kernenried Local time
Kernenried Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Zurich)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Kernenried Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Kernenried.

Kernenried Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Kernenried.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
20 March06:31 - 12:37 - 18:4206:01 - 19:1205:25 - 19:48 04:49 - 20:25
21 March06:29 - 12:36 - 18:4305:59 - 19:1405:23 - 19:49 04:46 - 20:26
22 March06:28 - 12:36 - 18:4505:57 - 19:1505:21 - 19:51 04:44 - 20:28
23 March06:26 - 12:36 - 18:4605:55 - 19:1605:19 - 19:52 04:42 - 20:30
24 March06:24 - 12:35 - 18:4705:53 - 19:1805:17 - 19:54 04:40 - 20:31
25 March06:22 - 12:35 - 18:4905:51 - 19:1905:15 - 19:55 04:37 - 20:33
26 March06:20 - 12:35 - 18:5005:49 - 19:2105:13 - 19:57 04:35 - 20:35

Kernenried Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Kernenried classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel BerchtoldHotel Berchtold

The hotel Berchtold with its own parking garage is very centrally located in the shopping quarter, only 1 minute's walk from the station. All of the very nicely decorated rooms are non-smoking and feature ADSL and wireless internet access... view more
CHF 100
Hotel Hotel OrchideeHotel Orchidee
In the historic old town of Burgdorf, the elegant Hotel Orchidee features a rooftop terrace with panoramic views, as well as an à la carte restaurant and stylish rooms. WiFi is available in all areas for free. The restaurant is renown for its..... view more
CHF 155
Hotel Hotel StadthausHotel Stadthaus

Located right in the Old Town of Burgdorf, the elegant Hotel Stadthaus is only 300 metres away from Burgdorf Palace and the church. All rooms feature Nespresso coffee machines... view more
CHF 160
Hotel Hotel Landgasthof SchönbühlHotel Landgasthof Schönbühl

Set in landscaped gardens, this hotel in Schönbühl’s centre is 200 metres from Schonbul Train Station. It has an à la carte restaurant and a spacious terrace... view more
CHF 119
Hotel Hotel Bad KyburgHotel Bad Kyburg
Set in the vicinity of the Kyburg Castle, Hotel Bad Kyburg offers stylish accommodation with mountain views and state-of-the art facilities, free WiFi, a beer brewery and free private parking... view more
CHF 125
More Hotels »

Kernenried Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Kernenried and its surroundings.

Gerlafingen 11.1 kmBantiger 11.3 kmBucheggberg 11.5 km
Mittelland 16.9 kmSchweizer Mittelland 16.9 kmGreat Swiss Plateau 16.9 km
Swiss Plateau 16.9 kmNaturschutzgebiet Häftli 17.8 kmOberaargau 18.7 km
Gurten 19 kmGurten Kulm 19 kmHasenmatte 20 km
Hasenmatt 20 kmVorder Weissenstein 20.4 kmWeissenstein 20.4 km
Belpberg 22.5 kmEmmenthal 22.6 kmEmmental 22.6 km
Montoz 26.2 kmMont Raimeux 27.4 kmRaimeux 27.4 km
Raimeux de Grandval 27.4 kmLes Raimeux 27.4 kmLängenberg 28 km
Gümmenen 28.4 kmHohe Winde 29.6 kmNapf 30 km

Nuclear power plant

Mühleberg Nuclear Power Plant 23.9 kmGösgen Nuclear Power Plant 45.9 kmBeznau Nuclear Power Plant 74.3 km

Kernenried Page

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DB-City.comKernenried 3.7/5 (2020-06-09 08:24:15)
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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