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  13. Balgach


Balgach Localisation : Country Switzerland, Canton St Gallen, Constituency Rheintal.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Rebstein, Widnau and Berneck.


Find all the information of Balgach or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

CantonSt Gallen

Balgach Administration

Balgach Code (OFS)3232
Balgach Post code9436

Balgach Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Balgach? Here are all the details of Balgach available below.

Balgach Postal addressTurnhallestrasse 1
Balgach Phone number090 112 60 16
(2chf + 2chf/mn)
Balgach Email address[email protected]
Balgach Websitewww.balgach.ch
Other informationGemeinde Commune Comune : Balgach
Balgach Birth certificate, Balgach Death certificate

Balgach Demography

Information on the people and the population of Balgach.

Balgach Population4,798 inhabitants
Balgach Population Density731.4 /km² (1,894.3 /sq mi)

Balgach Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Balgach.

Balgach Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.4021, Longitude: 9.60926
47° 24′ 8″ North, 9° 36′ 33″ East
Balgach Area656 hectares
6.56 km² (2.53 sq mi)
Balgach Altitude406 m (1,332 ft)
Balgach ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Balgach Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Balgach and the biggest cities of Switzerland.

Zurich 81 kmGeneva 296 kmBasle 153 km
Lausanne 246 kmBerne 174 kmWinterthur 67 km
Lucerne 105 kmSt. Gallen 34 km closestLugano 163 km
Biel 179 kmThun 167 kmBellinzona 141 km

Balgach Map

Locate simply the city of Balgach through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Balgach Nearby cities and villages

Rebstein 1.6 kmWidnau 2.4 kmBerneck 2.7 km
Marbach 2.7 kmDiepoldsau 3.5 kmAu 3.6 km
Reute 3.6 kmOberegg District 4.2 kmAustria Lustenau 4.6 km
Walzenhausen 4.8 kmSt. Margrethen 5.6 kmAustria Mäder 5.9 km

Balgach Zone

Time zone of Balgach.

Balgach Local time
Balgach Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Zurich)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Balgach Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Balgach.

Balgach Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Balgach.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
19 January08:00 - 12:32 - 17:0307:26 - 17:3706:49 - 18:15 06:12 - 18:52
20 January08:00 - 12:32 - 17:0507:26 - 17:3906:48 - 18:16 06:12 - 18:53
21 January07:59 - 12:32 - 17:0607:25 - 17:4006:47 - 18:18 06:11 - 18:54
22 January07:58 - 12:33 - 17:0807:24 - 17:4106:47 - 18:19 06:10 - 18:55
23 January07:57 - 12:33 - 17:0907:23 - 17:4306:46 - 18:20 06:09 - 18:56
24 January07:56 - 12:33 - 17:1107:22 - 17:4406:45 - 18:21 06:09 - 18:58
25 January07:55 - 12:33 - 17:1207:21 - 17:4506:44 - 18:23 06:08 - 18:59

Balgach Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Balgach classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Bad BalgachBad Balgach

Located in Balgach, a 5-minute drive from the Rhein River and the Austrian Border, the hotel Bad Balgach features a restaurant serving modern and traditional gourmet cuisine. Free WiFi is available in all areas... view more
CHF 125
Hotel Forum HotelForum Hotel
The Forum Hotel enjoys a quiet location in Widnau in the Rhine Valley, close to the N13 motorway and Lustenau in Austria. It offers free parking and free access to the gym... view more
CHF 95
Hotel Hotel Profis - die ZimmerHotel Profis - die Zimmer
Located in the centre of Diepoldsau, Hotel Profis - die Zimmer offers free WiFi access and an on-site bistro serving drinks and small snacks. Dornbirn is 8 km away... view more
CHF 83
Hotel Sky Design MotelSky Design Motel

Offering views of the Rhine Valley and into Austria and Liechtenstein, the Sky Design Motel can be found 250 metres off the A13/E43 motorway in Kriessern. Self check-in is possible 24 hours a day... view more
CHF 105
Hotel B&B Zimmer mit SeeblickB&B Zimmer mit Seeblick
This wooden house overlooks Lake Constance and the Alps, and offers a full breakfast with mostly organic delicacies. There is a small garden with a sun deck and BBQ area... view more
CHF 85
More Hotels »

Balgach Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Balgach and its surroundings.

Rorschach Hafen 10 kmHoher Kasten 15.6 kmWildpark Peter und Paul 16.6 km
Rotsteinpass 24.9 kmAltmann 25.4 kmAlpstein 26.8 km
Säntis 26.8 kmWildhauser-Schafberg 28.4 kmWildhuser-Schafberg 28.4 km
Schafberg 28.4 kmSchwägalp 28.8 km

Nuclear power plant

Beznau Nuclear Power Plant 105.3 kmLeibstadt Nuclear Power Plant 108.4 kmGösgen Nuclear Power Plant 123.7 km

Balgach Page

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DB-City.comBalgach 4.2/5 (2021-02-04 15:29:54)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page