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Corippo Localisation : Country Switzerland, Canton Ticino, District Locarno.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Mergoscia, Brione sopra Minusio and Vogorno.


Find all the information of Corippo or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Corippo Administration

Corippo Code (OFS)5102
Corippo Post code6631

Corippo Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Corippo? Here are all the details of Corippo available below.

Corippo Postal address6631 CORIPPO
Corippo Phone number090 112 60 16
(2chf + 2chf/mn)
Corippo Email addressNot available
Corippo Websitewww.corippo.ch
Other informationGemeinde Commune Comune : Corippo
Corippo Birth certificate, Corippo Death certificate

Corippo Demography

Information on the people and the population of Corippo.

Corippo Population11 inhabitants
Corippo Population Density1.4 /km² (3.7 /sq mi)

Corippo Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Corippo.

Corippo Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 46.237, Longitude: 8.82505
46° 14′ 13″ North, 8° 49′ 30″ East
Corippo Area773 hectares
7.73 km² (2.98 sq mi)
Corippo Altitude558 m (1,831 ft)
Corippo ClimateSubarctic climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfc)

Corippo Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Corippo and the biggest cities of Switzerland.

Zurich 130 kmGeneva 207 kmBasle 174 km
Lausanne 171 kmBerne 134 kmWinterthur 141 km
Lucerne 98 kmSt. Gallen 117 kmLugano 28 km
Biel 157 kmThun 108 kmBellinzona 16 km closest

Corippo Map

Locate simply the city of Corippo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Corippo Nearby cities and villages

Mergoscia 2.4 kmBrione sopra Minusio 4.4 kmVogorno 4.8 km
Lavertezzo 5.2 kmMinusio 5.5 kmAvegno Gordevio 5.8 km
Tenero-Contra 5.9 kmGordola 6.1 kmOrselina 6.3 km
Muralto 7.1 kmLocarno 7.4 kmMaggia 7.7 km

Corippo Zone

Time zone of Corippo.

Corippo Local time
Corippo Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Zurich)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Corippo Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Corippo.

Corippo Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Corippo.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
22 March06:23 - 12:31 - 18:3905:53 - 19:0905:17 - 19:45 04:41 - 20:21
23 March06:21 - 12:31 - 18:4105:51 - 19:1105:15 - 19:46 04:39 - 20:23
24 March06:19 - 12:30 - 18:4205:49 - 19:1205:13 - 19:48 04:37 - 20:24
25 March06:17 - 12:30 - 18:4305:47 - 19:1305:11 - 19:49 04:34 - 20:26
26 March06:15 - 12:30 - 18:4505:45 - 19:1505:09 - 19:50 04:32 - 20:27
27 March06:13 - 12:29 - 18:4605:43 - 19:1605:07 - 19:52 04:30 - 20:29
28 March06:11 - 12:29 - 18:4705:41 - 19:1805:05 - 19:53 04:28 - 20:31

Corippo Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Corippo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Casa UccelliniCasa Uccellini
A traditional stone building amid a romantic garden on the banks of Lago di Vogorno, Casa Uccellini features a private lake access and offers you a fully equipped apartment with an open fireplace and a lake-view balcony... view more
CHF 100
Hotel Rustico Luchessa Valle VerzascaRustico Luchessa Valle Verzasca
Rustico Luchessa Valle Verzasca in Lavertezzo is set in a historic, renovated house in Lavertezzo and offers views of the Verzasca river and a balcony with barbecue facilities... view more
CHF 200
Hotel Hotel Pizzo VogornoHotel Pizzo Vogorno

Located in the village Vogorno, Hotel Pizzo Vogorno is surrounded by mountains and lush greenery. It is an ideal starting point for excursions, hikes and mountain tours in the Valle Verzasca... view more
Hotel Hotel Al LagoHotel Al Lago

Located in the Verzasca Valley 15 km from Locarno, the Al Lago overlooks Lake Vogorno. It features a traditional restaurant and offers free Wi-Fi. The restaurant serves fish specialities, grilled dishes, and a selection of pizzas... view more
CHF 60
Hotel Casa Elvira - RusticoCasa Elvira - Rustico

Originally a farm house, Casa Elvira – Rustico in Motta di Brione Verzasca offers guests a spacious, renovated chalet that has 3 floors. The 3-star superior house enjoys views of the valley, the Verzasca River and the surrounding mountains... view more
More Hotels »

Corippo Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Corippo and its surroundings.

Val Verzasca 1.6 kmValle Verzasca 1.6 kmVerzaska Valley 1.6 km
Pizzo di Vogorno 5.8 kmVal Maggia 9.7 kmValle Maggia 9.7 km
Valle Leventina 10.7 kmPiano di Magadino 11.4 kmMonte Ceneri 12.4 km
Madone Grosso 12.6 kmMonte Zucchero 14.4 kmMonte Tamaro 15.6 km
Riviera 17.2 kmIsole di Brissago 17.4 kmVal Centovalli 17.7 km
Centovalli 17.7 kmPizzo di Claro 18.1 kmPizzo di Ruscada 19 km
Val Onsernone 19.6 kmTorrone Alto 21.5 kmTorrone d’Orza 21.5 km
Torrone d’Alto 21.5 kmPizzo Campo Tencia 21.7 kmCampo Tencia 21.7 km
Camoghè 21.9 kmMonte Camoghè 21.9 kmPizzo Camoghè 21.9 km
Lepontine Alpes 23.4 kmLepontine Alps 23.4 kmAlpi Lepontine 23.4 km

Nuclear power plant

Enrico Fermi Nuclear Power Plant 124.7 kmGösgen Nuclear Power Plant 141.6 kmMühleberg Nuclear Power Plant 144.3 km

Corippo Page

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DB-City.comCorippo 3.4/5 (2021-02-04 15:33:34)
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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