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Country | Trinidad and Tobago |
Region | San Juan-Laventille |
Barataria Demography
Information on the people and the population of Barataria.
Barataria Population | 18,299 inhabitants |
Barataria Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Barataria.
Barataria Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 10.65, Longitude: -61.4667 10° 39′ 0″ North, 61° 28′ 0″ West |
Barataria Altitude | 9 m (30 ft) |
Barataria Climate | Monsoon (Köppen climate classification: Am) |
Barataria Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Barataria and the biggest cities of Trinidad and Tobago.
Chaguanas 16 km closest | Couva 26 km closest | San Fernando 41 km closest |
Port of Spain 5 km | Arima 20 km closest | Arouca 15 km closest |
Morvant 0 km closest | Laventille 2 km closest | Tunapuna 9 km closest |
Scarborough 100 km closest | Saint Joseph 5 km closest | San Juan 2 km closest |
Barataria Map
Locate simply the city of Barataria through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Barataria Nearby cities and villages
Barrackpore 0 km | Morvant 0 km | Laventille 1.8 km |
San Juan 1.8 km | Port of Spain 4.6 km | Valsayn 5.5 km |
Saint Joseph 5.5 km | Saint James 5.8 km | Saint Augustine 7.3 km |
Santa Cruz 7.4 km | Curepe 7.5 km | Mucurapo 7.8 km |
Barataria Zone
Time zone of Barataria.
Barataria Local time | |
Barataria Time zone | UTC -4:00 (America/Port_of_Spain) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Barataria Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Barataria.
Barataria Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Barataria.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
1 January | 11:24 - 17:09 - 22:55 | 11:01 - 23:17 | 10:35 - 23:44 | 10:08 - 00:10 |
2 January | 11:24 - 17:10 - 22:55 | 11:01 - 23:18 | 10:35 - 23:44 | 10:09 - 00:10 |
3 January | 11:24 - 17:10 - 22:56 | 11:02 - 23:18 | 10:35 - 23:45 | 10:09 - 00:11 |
4 January | 11:25 - 17:11 - 22:56 | 11:02 - 23:19 | 10:36 - 23:45 | 10:10 - 00:11 |
5 January | 11:25 - 17:11 - 22:57 | 11:02 - 23:19 | 10:36 - 23:46 | 10:10 - 00:12 |
6 January | 11:25 - 17:11 - 22:57 | 11:03 - 23:20 | 10:37 - 23:46 | 10:10 - 00:12 |
7 January | 11:26 - 17:12 - 22:58 | 11:03 - 23:21 | 10:37 - 23:47 | 10:11 - 00:13 |
Barataria Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Barataria classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hilton Trinidad & Conference Centre Port-of-Spain This modern hotel is located in Port of Spain, next to Queen’s Park and the Botanical Gardens. It offers an outdoor pool, spa, tennis courts and a fitness centre... view more | from $US 139 | |
Duke's Guest House and Hotel Port-of-Spain Duke’s Guest House and Hotel is located just 200 metres from Woodford Square, in the centre of Port of Spain. It offers free Wi-Fi and a rooftop patio with city views... view more | from $US 50 | |
Noon's Accommodation Port-of-Spain Noon's Accommodation is a fully equipped apartment located in the the San Juan area, 10 minutes' drive from the city's capital. It features free Wi-Fi and parking is possible in the road side... view more | from $US 100 | |
L’Orchidée Boutique Hotel Port-of-Spain This quaint, attractive hotel is located within a 5-minute walk of Port of Spain City Centre and offers guests free parking, conference facilities and a business centre. It has on-site breakfast and free Wi-Fi... view more | from $US 110 | |
Hotel Normandie Limited Port-of-Spain Set between the rain forest and Queen’s Park Savannah, Hotel Normandie Limited features an outdoor pool, bright accommodation and a pilates studio. There is a restaurant, café and bakery... view more | from $US 100 | |
More Hotels » |
Barataria Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Barataria and its surroundings.
Barataria Page
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