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Tunis Localisation : Country Tunisia, Governorate Tunis.
Available Information : Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Le Bardo, Den Den and Manouba.


Find all the information of Tunis or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Official language
  • Arabic : تونس
  • French : Tunis

Tunis Administration

Tunis Code1111
Tunis Post code1000
Tunis MayorSeifallah Lasram

Tunis Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Tunis? Here are all the details of Tunis available below.

Tunis Phone number71571198
International: +216 71571198
Tunis Fax number71562183
International: +216 71562183
Tunis Email address[email protected]
Tunis Websitewww.commune-tunis.gov.tn
Tunis Birth certificate, Tunis Death certificate

Tunis Demography

Information on the people and the population of Tunis.

Tunis Population638,845 inhabitants
Tunis Population Density3,004.5 /km² (7,781.6 /sq mi)

Tunis Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Tunis.

Tunis Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 36.7975, Longitude: 10.1658
36° 47′ 51″ North, 10° 9′ 57″ East
Tunis Area21,263 hectares
212.63 km² (82.10 sq mi)
Tunis Altitude4 m (13 ft)
Tunis ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Tunis Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Tunis and the biggest cities of Tunisia.

Sfax 235 kmEttadhamen 7 km closestBizerte 59 km
Gabès 325 kmLa Soukra 12 kmAryanah 8 km
Mohamedia 13 kmEl Mourouj 13 kmGafsa 293 km
Raoued 18 kmMonastir 128 kmLa Marsa 17 km

Tunis Map

Locate simply the city of Tunis through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Tunis Nearby cities and villages

Le Bardo 2.6 kmDen Den 5 kmManouba 5.9 km
Sidi Hassine 6.3 kmMégrine 6.8 kmBen Arous 6.8 km
Ettadhamen 7.4 kmDouar Hicher 7.7 kmAryanah 7.7 km
Mnihla 9.6 kmFouchana 11 kmRadès 11 km

Tunis Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Tunis has international agreements with its different pairings.

Tunis Zone

Time zone of Tunis.

Tunis Local time
Tunis Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Africa/Tunis)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Tunis Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Tunis.

Tunis Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Tunis.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
19 January07:29 - 12:30 - 17:3007:01 - 17:5806:29 - 18:30 05:58 - 19:01
20 January07:28 - 12:30 - 17:3107:01 - 17:5906:29 - 18:31 05:58 - 19:02
21 January07:28 - 12:30 - 17:3207:00 - 18:0006:29 - 18:32 05:58 - 19:03
22 January07:27 - 12:30 - 17:3407:00 - 18:0106:28 - 18:33 05:57 - 19:04
23 January07:27 - 12:31 - 17:3506:59 - 18:0206:28 - 18:34 05:57 - 19:04
24 January07:26 - 12:31 - 17:3606:59 - 18:0306:27 - 18:35 05:57 - 19:05
25 January07:26 - 12:31 - 17:3706:58 - 18:0406:27 - 18:36 05:56 - 19:06

Tunis Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Tunis classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Dar El MedinaDar El Medina
Located in the heart of Tunis's medina, 100 metres from souks and Dar El Bey, this traditional property offers a rooftop terrace with views over the city. Free internet access is available... view more
€ 100
Hotel Dar Ben GacemDar Ben Gacem
Located in the Medina of Tunis, 12 km from Tunis-Carthage international airport, Dar Ben Gacem is a traditional-style accommodation which offers free Wi-Fi access and a terrace overlooking the city... view more
€ 120
Hotel Dar Traki Medina de TunisDar Traki Medina de Tunis
Located in the heart of the Medina in Tunis, Dar Traki Medina de Tunis offers B&B accommodation, a panoramic terrace and a central patio. It is 300 metres from the kasbah and 15 km from Carthage... view more
€ 70
Hotel Tunisia PalaceTunisia Palace

Located on the city's main avenue, in a historic building renovated to modern standards, the hotel Tunisia Palace welcomes you in a sophisticated atmosphere... view more
€ 108
Hotel Hotel TibaHotel Tiba

Hotel Tiba is located in Tunis city centre, just a 1-minute walk from the theatre and a 5-minute walk from the medina. It offers a 24-hour reception... view more
€ 40
More Hotels »

Tunis Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Tunis and its surroundings.

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